Karary University

College: Engineering college

Department: Electrical Dept.

Major:  Information and Communication Networks Security

Academic Qualification:  BSc, MSc, PhD, Post Doctrate.

Academic Degree:  Assistant Prof.

Email:   Abdeldime@karary.edu.sd; Abdeldime@hotmail.com

international links:

Research Gate

Follow the link below and type 'abdeldime',

DBLB computer Science Bibliography

  • Special Courses in ENGLAND Cover:
  1. Elctronic laboratories 
  2. Electronics Devices and Maintenance 
  3. Computer Hardware
  4. Computer Software
  • Digital Image processing course at Karary University.
  • Computer Network Trainning courses in INDIA cover:
  1. CCNA
  2. CCNA Security
  3. CCNP
  • Training course in Egypt cover network routing (CCNP).
  • Staff performance assessment course KU
  • Training course in information security(CETC-CHINA)
  • Chinese language Course –Southeast University (China
  • Electronic and Computer Engineer at KU since 1/4/1997
  1. Electronic Equipment Maintenance
  2. Computer Maintenance
  3. Computer Peripherals and Printers Maintenance.
  4. Computer Network Design And Administrator
  5. Computer, Communication and  Electronics laboratories  Technician
  6. Electronic & Communication laboratories  Layout Design And Installation
  7. Electronic & Communication laboratories  Estimation
  8. Computer Network Cabling System Instllation Using the Modren Technology.
  9. Installing And Administrating of Computer Network Software (Novel- NT4 – 2000 Server- XP server).
  10. KU Computer Helpdesk & Facility Services.
  • KU web Site design & administration: see http://karary.edu.sd){see Design Team}
  • KU Committee of Syllabus and Subjects Development - Executive Member 2006.
  • KU Committee of Procurements of IT requirements - Member.
  • Supervision of students’ projects for Bsc and Diploma levels.
  • Consulatant for many IT compnaies in Sudan.
  • Long teaching experience in KU and other institutions.
  • Supervision and execution of about more than 20 Short Training Courses at KU  in Computer Fundamentals, Computer Network and English for IT purposes.(Refer to KU and Elameed institute for computer science (EICS))
  • ُُEperience in Network and communication security(CCNA & NSA security certified)
  • Lecuturer with KU and Other  Universities for the Following Courses  since 2003.
  1. English Language for IT purpose. (Special Course)
  2. Computer & Communications Networks
  3. Computer Networks II
  4. Computer Networks Security and Encryption
  5. Analouge Communication Systems
  6. Computer Fundamentals and programming
  7. Encryption systems.
  8. Digital Communication Systems
  9. Data Communication and Data Transmission
  10. Microprocessors and Assembly Language.
  11. Microprocessors and Interface.
  12. Telephony Systems & digital Exchange.
  • Parttimer  & Consltacises for  Some IT Companies
  • IT Department Manager at KU since April 2008 till August 2012.
  • Assistant prof. at KU, Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept. since June 2016.
  • IT Department Manager at KU since April 2008 till August 2012. and 2016-till now
  • Sudanese Engineering Society Full Membership.- 2003
  • Sudanese Engineering Council - Specialist Engineer.- 2003
  • International student embossedor in Southeast University,  china - (2015-2016)
  • Forigen expert- China - 2016

[1]     " The Physical Layer of the IEEE 802.11 p WAVE Communication Standard: The Specifications and Challenges," in Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, 2014.(EI- index)

[2]     "A Secret Key Extraction Technique Applied in Vehicular Networks," in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), IEEE 17th International Conference on, 2014, pp. 1396-1403. (EI-index)

[3]     " Design of a Secure File transfer System Using Hybrid Encryption Techniques ," in Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, San Fransisco, USA,  2015. (EI index)

[4]     "Design of a Multiorder OFDM Frequency Diversity Approach," Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2015, p. 9, 2015. (SCI index)

[5]     “BER Analysis of OFDM Communication in VANET’, journal of Networks, 2016 . (SCI index)

[6]     "A Simplified Mobile Ad Hoc Network Structure for Helicopter Communication," International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, vol. 2016, p. 9, 2016. (SCI index)

[7]     " Data Rate Optimization in Inter-cell Interference Environment of Visible Light communication.," journal Photonic Network Communications, 2015. (SCI index).

[8]     "Social Relationship Discovery of IP Addresses In The Managed IP Networks by Observing Traffic at Network Boundary ," Computer Networks,  2016. (SCI index).

[9]   " Mitigation of inter-cell interference in visible light communication," Journal of Southeast University, 2015.(EI index)

[10]   "VANET Clustering Routing Algorithm Applied in Rugged Environments.," Proceedings of the 8th IB2COM, Guilin, China, December 12-15 2013. pp. 15-20 (EI- index)

[11]   "Design of Simple Bleeding Detector and Alarm System Using RF Transceiver and GSM System," in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), 2014 IEEE 17th International Conference on, 2014, pp. 1339-1343. (EI-index)

[12]   , "Automated Alarm System for Diaper Wet Using GSM," in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), 2014 IEEE 17th International Conference on, 2014, pp. 1799-1803. (EI-index)

 [13] National Information and Communication Technology Policy in Yemen : The Response of Security Sector for Decision-Making," in Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, 2015. (EI index)

[14]   "Smart Bleeding Detector Using Computer Towards Better Healthcare," in Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, 2015. (EI index).

[15]   "A Design of Smart Diaper Wet Detector Using Wireless and Computer," in Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, 2015. (EI index).

[16]  User-to-User Mutual Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for LTE Cellular System“ , International Journal of Network Security, Vol.18, No.4, PP.769-781, 2016

[17] Auto Diagnostics of Lung Nodules Using Minimal Characteristics Extraction Technique. Diagnostics 2016, 6, 13. (SCI index).

[18]   Impacts of climate change under CMIP5 RCP scenarios on the streamflow in the Dinder River and ecosystem habitats in Dinder National Park, Sudan, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci, 2016, (SCI index).

[19] VANET Clustering Based Routing Protocol Suitable for Deserts, Sensors, 2016, 16(4), 478; doi:10.3390/s16040478, (SCI index).

[20] On channel estimation in vehicular networks, IET Communications, 2016, doi: 10.1049/iet-com.2016.0577, (SCI index).

[21]  Exploiting the Physical Layer Security for Providing a Simple User Privacy Security System for Vehicular Networks, 2017 IEEE  International Conference on Communication, Control, Computing and Electronics Engineering (ICCCCEE), Khartoum, Sudan, 2017, 978-1-5090-1809-3/17/$31.00c 2017 IEEE.

[22] Abdeldime Mohamed Salih Abdelgader, Shu FengLenan Wu: Exploiting the Randomness Inherent of the Channel for Secret Key Sharing in Vehicular Communications. Int. J. Intelligent Transportation Systems Research 16(1): 39-50 (2018).

[23]  Security challenges and trends in vehicular communications, 2017 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC), Malacca, Malaysia, 2017.

           [24] Adel E. Ahmed, Khalil B. Ahmed. A, Abdeldime M.S Abdelgader, “An optimal solution to economic dispatch problem of AI Shaheed Power station – Sudan –  Using genetic algorithm”,’مجلة الدراسات العليا جامعة النيلين – السودان GCNU Journal ISSN:1858-6228, July 2018’, 2018

           [25] Adel E. Ahmed, Khalil B. Ahmed. A, Abdeldime M.S Abdelgader, A mathematical model for economic load dispatch problem of a thermal Power station (case study AL Shaheed power station – Khartoum Sudan- KHNPS)” ,’مجلة الدراسات العليا جامعة النيلين – السودان GCNU Journal ISSN:1858-6228, July 2018’, 2018.

          [26] Abdeldime. M. Salih Abdelgader, F. Shu, L. Wu, J. Wang and J. Wang, "A Robust Symbol Timing Synchronization Scheme for OFDM Systems Applied in a  Vehicular Network," in IEEE Systems Journal. DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2018.2875517.(SCI index)

Lecutrer for the Following Courses  since 2003.

  1. English Language for IT purpose. (Special Course)
  2. Computer & Communications Networks
  3. Computer Networks II
  4. Computer Networks Security and Encryption
  5. Analouge Communication Systems
  6. Computer Fundamentals and programming
  7. Encryption systems.
  8. Digital Communication Systems
  9. Data Communication and Data Transmission
  10. Microprocessors and Assembly Language.
  11. Microprocessors and Interface.
  12. Telephony Systems & digital Exchange.

International Links:

  1. Research Gate

  2. Please Folow the link and type  abdedime

DBLB computer Science bibligraphy

[1]   The World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, San Francisco – USA, 2014. (EI- index)

[2] 17th International Conference on in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE, 2014, pp. 1396-1403. Chengdu – China (EI-index).

[3] The World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, San Fransisco, USA, 2015. (EI index)

[4]   The 8th IB2COM, Guilin, China, December 12-15 2013. pp. 15-20 (EI- index).

[5] 2014 IEEE 17th International Conference in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), Chengdu – China ,2014, pp. 1339-1343. (EI-index).

[6] 2014 IEEE 17th International Conference on, in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE),Chengdu – China , 2014, pp. 1799-1803. (EI-index).

[7] The World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, San Francisco – USA, 2015. (EI index).

[8]   The World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, San Francisco – USA, 2015. (EI index).

[9] The World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, San Francisco – USA, 2015. (EI index).

[10] The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communication, Control, Computing and Electronics Engineering (ICCCCEE), Khartoum, Sudan, 2017, 978-1-5090-1809-3/17/$31.00c 2017 IEEE. (EI index)

[11] 2017 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC), Malacca, Malaysia, 2017. (EI index)


# Course Title إسم المحاضرة College / Major File File Size File Type
1 How to Start Your Academic Research and Get Your Work Published Engineering College Download 0 KB pdf
2 اتصالات وشبكات الحاسوب Engineering College Download 1.01 MB pdf
3 اتصالات وشبكات الحاسوب Engineering College Download 1.08 MB pdf
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