Karary University
  • The Academic Rule of Bachelor Program
  • Conditions and terms of admission and studying
  • Exams System
  • Conditions and terms of success and examination results
  • Registration Rule
  • Rule of an educational conduct
  • The general rule of examinations
  • The rule of Freezing
  • Rule of students Transition
  • Rule of studying expanses and registrations fees.
  • اللائحة الأكاديمية لبرنامج الدبلوم

The Academic Rules of Bachelor Program

In accordance of article (25), from the law of the University of Karary, 2008th, the council of staff issued the following:

Introductory rules:

First: Article (1):

a. this rule named as Academic rule for bachelor program, at the University of karary, for 2012th, and read integrated with the general rules , with effect from its approval and signature of  the council.

b. the rule adopted on students for the new studying year

second: InterpretationArticle (2):

if not expression tends other meaning  for words and phrases:

a. the program: the bachelor program of the certain collage by courses

b. the subject: any studying unit of the program presented during the full studying class

c. the studying class: a period of studying sessions extended from 14 to 17 weeks

d. the studying level: two studying classes (first and second classes for every year of studying)

e. the credited hour: mean the lecture per hour , or two followed hours , three hour lab. And four hours clinical or five hours field presented weekly for the whole studying class


h. the Collage requirements:  the Courses  that students due to be taught for all  students .of the faculty.

i. the requirements of the specialized field:  the specialized Courses  at the Deparment of department

k. the first / mid -term exams: the exams that held at the end of the studying class.

l. the second/ final-term exams: the exams that held at the end of the semester and before the starting of the next studying level.

m. the alternative exam: the exam that student sit to, as a compensated exam that student is absent for accepted excuse.

n. the exams of removing failure : the exams that held after the second semester

o. the military student:  the student that admitted at the university after joining the arm forces.

p. the civilian student: the student that admitted at the university on personal expenses.

f. the project/research: the research presented by student at the final level.

g. the university requirements: the Courses  that students due to study for all  students .of the university.


Conditions and terms of admission and studying

Forth: terms of admission: Article (4):

the admission of bachelor studying if the following terms are fulfilled:

a. The applicant must have Sudanese certificate or equivalent acknowledged by  ministry of guidance and education in accordance of the ministry of higher education

b. the military students should pass the interview tests , physical and medical examination

c. Civilian students should pass the interview and medical examination

d. any necessary terms seems special by the university

Article (5): Terms of studying:

a. the bachelor studying complete by the approved program for certain faculty.

b. the study based on the modified class system

c. the maximum period of completing the program and obtaining bachelor degree equals to the numbers of studying levels of the approved program plus two extra levels .

Article(6):The Freezing (Civilian students):

a. the student of the personal expenses who pass the first studying level successfully, may submit an application for freezing the studying year, after the consent of the council of teachers advised from the council of the faculty.

b. freezing period will not exceed two followed studying levels.

c. freezing period will not be counted within the maximum studying period.

d. freezing application must be submitted within six weeks from the starting of the studying class

e. the freeze student must pays half of the studying fees

 Exams System

Article (7):

a. the time of the final exam for the subject is one hour for each certified hour, and the maximum time of the exam will be (3) hours

b. the freeze student will face deprivation for any exam if his degrees less than 75% and considered failed , his obtained degrees of the year assignments will be counted after fulfilling the subject requirements before seating an examinations.

c. the students whom his degrees less than 75% for accepted excuse from the council of the Collage , not considered failed and he has to fulfill the subject requirements before eating an exam.

d. the student face deprivation for seating any exam , if not fulfilled his requirements (application – lab.)

Article (8): assessment of the subject scores

  1. The full degrees for the subject is (100) degree
  2. The class studying assignments as limited proportion from the subject scores.
  3. The class assignments ranged between (25-50%) from the full score , as per the nature of the subject: counted as:

a. the theoretical subject is 25%

b. theoretical / practical assignments 40%

c. the practical subject class assignment 50%

4. the assessment of second term exams depends on the degrees that student obtained in the second exam only.







Article (9): The academic assessment

a. the points system used to assess the  academic performance for student , and his degreespoints counted as follows:

the points score:

=  student degreesout of `100 /    20




















The class average for the student :



















The average of the studying level:

1. The accumulated hours studying level is the total certified hours for the Courses  that student was studied in the level and seated for exam.

2. The accumulated points studying level is the total certified hours for the Courses  that student was studied in the level and seated for exam.

The average of studying level =

The accumulated points for the studying level

 The certified hour for the same level

















After the success in all Courses , the classification will be certified for bachelor approval (4) years.



















After  the success in all Courses  , the classification will be certified for honor bachelor approval (5) years, the final accumulated average will be as follows:






First class



Second class – Deparment (1)



Second class – Deparment (2)



Third level


After the success in all Courses , the classification will be certified for bachelor program in Medical and surgical medicine and obtained accumulated higher average 2.5 , the student  obtained bachelor with honor degree regardless of indication to the scores

 Conditions and terms of success and examination results

Article (10):

10-1: Examination of the first semester

a. the student considered succeeded in the prescribed subject, if he obtained point  degrees not less than 2.5

b. the result of the first studying class examination will be notified for students

c. if the student was failed in more than one Courses  in the first studying or the second class exams , and his performance not less than 2.5, he was allowed to seat examinations in the next studying class , and the student will repeat the studying level.

d. if the level of the studying was less than 2.5 and not less than 1.5 , the student will repeat the studying level.

e. if the average of the studying level of student was less than 1.5, he will be terminated. Finally.

10-2: The next semester exams and failure removal:

The assessment of the student result for examinations he seated for the next semester and removal of failure:

a. the succeeded student in the next exams and removal of failure counted on the basis of the degrees he got within his accumulated average.

b. the student who seated for the next semester according to article (10-1-c), transited for the next level in all Courses  .

d. the student who seated for the next semester according to article (10-1-c), and failed in one or two Courses  and his average not less than 2.5, he was allowed to re-examined these Courses  in the failure removal.

e. the student who seated for the next semester according to article (10-1-c), and failed in more Courses  , he had to repeat the studying level.

f. the exams of failure removal will be conducted in not less than four weeks from the starting of the studying level semester..

g. the student who seated for the next semester according to article (10-1-c), and succeeded in all Courses  , he was allowed to transit for the next semester.

h. the student who failed in the removal failure exams , he had t repeat the studying level semester.  

i. student will not permitted to repeat the studying level semester for more than once time.


j. if the student repeat the studying semester , he had to study and seat an exam for all Courses  , and his previous result will not be counted in the accumulated average, but may displayed in his academic record, and be assessed according to the repetition.

k. the student who get less than the accumulated average  2.5 ,will be warned  and terminated, if he has got two followed warnings or three separately.

l. the council of the collage may allowed to offer an opportunity to the civilian student who terminated according to article (10-2-k), to seat an exam from outside , unless not benefit this opportunity for more than two times no followed.

m. the student who is willing to seat an exam from outside , he had to submit an application for the council of the collage in not less than two weeks, from the starting examination of the first semester for the next year of his termination.

Article (11) Transition from studying level to another

a. The student will be transited in case he passed all examinations in the Courses  of the semester and the next semester.

b. student will be transferred if succeeded the next semester and the exams of removing failure and his average not less than 2.5.  

Article (12), cases of termination:

a. if student get studying average less than 1.5

b. if student ha got two followed warnings or three separated warnings

c. if the student crossed over the allowed maximum period to complete the Courses

d. if the student exceeded the times of repetition

 Article (13), The alternative exams:

a. the assessment of an alternative exam same like the exam of the first semester concerning the score

b. the assessment of the student performance will be done ,after he completed the alternative exams and according to the estimation of the studying average.

c. the student who seated an alternative exam will be treated according of article (10-2).

Issued under my stamped and signature on ------------------------ dated ------------------------

Registration Rule

Article: (1)

The name of the rule and the date of commencement. This rule named as Student registration at the University of Karary , it is valid from the date of its approval. 

Article (2) : Interpretation

Words and phrases in this rule with the meanings mentioned at the law of the university and the academic rule as well as examination rule.

 Article(3) Registration appointments:

The registration will be done before the starting of the semester according to the certified submission without violating para (A) from this rule in the following dates:

a. within two weeks before starting of the semester

b.the dean of the collage may extend the registration a week further

c. registration post to the dates in para (A-B) , will not be done unless the director of the university approved it .

Article (4) Registration Procedure :

All registration processes conducted according to the specified lists , and it will be as follows:

a. the student must attend by himself to complete the registration procedure

b. the student identifies himself according to the regulations of the deanship of student's affairs

c. all documents and certificates must be submitted in addition to the requested financial receipts , the student  must fill in the requested data in the registration list written clearly , with his declaration and conforming.

d. the registrar of the collage matches the statement in the list with the data of the student , then he fill in the space concerning him.

e. the dean of the collage will keep a copy of the registration in the student file , and send the other one to the deanship of the scientific affairs

f. the dean of the collage will send a list of the students , those who fulfill registration producers , immediately after the specified time was elapsed according to article (3) para (A-B) , for the deanship of the students affairs.  

Article (5): interviews and medical checkup

The first year and the transferred students from other universities will be subjected to the medical checkup before registration and the interviews, those registration procedures will not be fulfilled unless completed.

Article (6): Promises submitted by student and his guardian

a. before registration process , student will submit a written promise to commit obligation of the student conduct regulations , to keep  safety, the university properties , belongings , equipments, devices, and its buildings, while his behavior and actions limited only for academic , social and educational assignments, that approved and assigned.

b. student and his guardian submit a promise to pay the assigned studying fees in date and time specified.

Article (7): the studying fees:

a. registration will not completed , unless prescribed studying and registration fees paid.

b. the students who subjected to pay in installments , they will be registered temporary, the registration will not be completed , unless prescribed studying and registration remaining fees will be paid.

c. the student will be registered temporary , unless he paid at least, half of the studying fees.

d. no graduation and testimony certificates will be issued , unless the student fulfilled his finical obligations.

Article (8): The temporary withdrawal

a. the student may request temporary withdrawal from studying (or by freezing), to the dean of the collage through the registrar , if he failed to proceed studying for any convinced reasons.  

 b.the student must filled the specified form of temporary withdrawal and delivered to the registrar of the collage.

c. the dean of the collage ratifies the temporary withdrawal and notifies the scientific affairs and students affairs about the decision.

d. the maximum period of submitting temporary withdrawal fifteen days before the starting of the current semester examinations.

e. the withdrawal student will lose finally, the paid studying fees and all certified hours and degrees that he entitled , for withdrew  studying semester.

f. the withdrawal period added in the permanent student file at the collage.

g. the maximum period of the temporary withdrawal is two semesters , and the student may withdrew temporary during his tenure of study  twice as an extreme limit.

h.the student may confirm by himself,  the completion of the withdrawal process , and may receive a written notification , otherwise he may considered as absent, and subjected to the academic rules.




Article (9): Re-registration of the temporary withdraw:

a. the temporary withdrawal student who is willing to proceed studying, may submit an application stating his desire of proceeding willingness, through a re-registration form, submitted to the dean of the collage through the registrar.

b. the application of the desire of re-registration submitted within or before the period announced for registration.

c.the dean of the collage notifies the student , scientific affairs and the deanship of the students affairs , the decision of re-registration.

d. the registrar of the certain collage will complete registration procedure as per article (4)  of this rule.

Article (10): Re-registration of the examinees from outside:

a. The students who passed examinations from outside will be re-registered after completing the administrative and financial procedures.

b. the dean of the collage will notifies  the scientific and the deanship of students affairs  , about the names of the students who re-registered.


Article (11) General disciplinarians:

a. student who didn't complete the registration procedures,  is not allowed to enter the studying rooms / halls or laboratories or training centers at hospitals.

b. Temporary registered students are not allowed to seat examinations.

c.  the students who delayed registration in the specified period , considered as unwilling to proceed studying , hence their names removed from the collage records , by a decision from the general director of the university, advised from the dean of the collage. 

d. the nominated students for admission , and not fulfilled registration procedures during specific period , their right of joining the university will dropped , according to the decision passed from the dean of the scientific affairs.

e. the decision of termination will be appealed according to para (a.d), to the director of the university, within a week as maximum period from the date of the issuance, and it will be final decision.


Issued under my stamped and signature on --------------------------- dated-----------------------   

Rule of an educational conduct

Article (1): name of the rule and its validity

This rule named as educational of good conduct and accountability of student , valid for the date of signature.

Article (2) : interpretation

This rule , if not words and phrases have another clear meaning,

The university: meant the University of Karary

The collage: meant any Collage or faculties or institutes of the university

The law: meant the law of the university of Karary.

The manger: meant the general director of the university of Karary

Dean of the students: meant the dean of students affairs

The dean: meant the dean of the any Collage or institute in the university

The student: meant any student of the university who completed registration, including the temporary dismissed or suspended, and he completed studying and following up gradation procedure to extract his certificates


Article (3): adoption and exclude

The regulations of this rule applicable to all students, excluded the military students who subjected to the rule of the internal system.

Article (4) student commitments:

Every student is obliged to commit with good conduct and respectful appearance and imposed to the rules and regulations of the university and any other disciplinarians, for every action or behaviors, and treats respectively with decent and politeness, the workers, employees and the guests as well as visitors.

Without violating or breaching any of mentioned above, the student is obliged to:

- keep safely the building of the university properties , equipments and all its belongings

-strictly followed the decent appearance clarified by the university

- Political affiliation actions are prohibited inside the university campus.

- Smoking and snuff are prohibited as well as drinking alcohol and what relevant to.

- Fire guns or local knives or sticks are prohibited to be dealt with inside university campus.

- Incendiary or flammable materials and destructive items are prohibited inside university campus.  

- Physical violence, or excessive force and verbal abuse are prohibited against others in side university campus.

- The Student is to deal in decent polite expression way is needed in treating others , no abuse or insulting phrases are allowed as well a sexual harassment.

- A decent polite uniform is requested, wearing of bracelets, rings or jewelries is prohibited.

- Prevent or prohibited any violating actions or misconduct that might hinder or breach disciplinary order of the university, and the studying process, including loud speakers or communication devices or cell phones during lectures or lessons.

- Preventing any absence from attending lectures or conducting assignments that assigned by the university or incitement or instigating that might cause disturbance to the university scheduling.

- Prevent usage of the university properties, building or equipments for unspecified purposes without prior permission from the concerned authorities.

- Signing promises consideration that specified by fulfilling the university obligations or any commitment by the students.

- Prohibited any unauthorized participation in any activity or actions inside the university

- Prohibited any publications or posters or wall newspaper that involved restricted actions or activates inside the university.

- Prohibited any communication devices or cell phones, or laptops that might distort the general virtue and shyness.

Article (5): The university Properties

 Every student must keep safely the university properties with perfect use, and allow fair opportunities of using it, after getting prior permission from specified authorities.

Article (6) The criminal violations:

Any student committed any criminal violation inside the university campus, will be transferred to the authorized bodies outside the university.

Article (7) The disciplinary and penalties actions:

1. student who violate or breach article (4 and5) , committing violation and sustained punishment by any of the following:

a. the phases of warning ranged as (1st – 2nd or 3rd), without sequence.

b. penalty or paying compensation of fixing damages resulted to his actions .

c. Temporary deprivation from practicing his assigned activities.

d. Temporary termination form studying.

e. final termination from studying

2. It is possible to join between two penalties or more sanctions mentioned above.

3. The decisions of accountability will be kept at the student file at the deanship of the student affairs, the concerned authorities will be reported to the student's guardian, or the delegated bodies.

Article (8): Accountability procedures

 1. The dean of the students affairs or concerned dean in such circumstances, or by direction, will conduct an investigation with student or group of students under supervision of the deanship of students by means of one of one of staff members, to constitute a team of investigators composed of three members, no student will be inquired without conducting this investigation procedure.

2. The dean of student's affairs will constitute   investigation council after inquiry.

3. the authorized body who conduct investigation , responsible authority practiced the following:

a. keeping the investigation

b. transferred student to be investigated (approved or not approved).

c. transfer investigation to the higher authority

4. the investigator will not allowed to participate in accountability council

Article (9): brief accountability

1. The brief accountability conducted by two members from the staff corporation selected by authorized body, in which primary statement were to be checked and may listen to the witnesses. the accountability council concerned with:

a. convicting or releasing student as innocent

b. recommended penalty in case of conviction

c. suggest any recommendations concerning the event

 2.  The accountability procedure will be held in confidential session , in which student may defend himself

3. No penalties will be applied mentioned in para (d.e), from para (1) in article (7) of this non-brief rule

Article (10) the non-brief accountability:

 1. non-brief accountability constitutes from three members of the staff corporation or by the decision of the general director or by the dean of the student's affairs , the council may constitute to finalize in all cases , for  period of one year or more.

2. The non-brief council will issue any disciplinary action decided in article (7) of this rule, and the final punishment of dismissing from the university will not be declared, before being lifted for final approval by the general director.

 3. All accountability procedure will be recorded completely, and the council will hear fully, the statement of the witnesses and checkup all documents, if available.

4. The accused student have the right to request any assistance from any student or any member of the staff to support him , and he has the right to cross examination of wittiness's and may checkup the documents.

5. The council will issue its decision of convicting or innocence after hearing the whole parties

6. The council will take an appropriate punishment in case of convicting after hearing wittiness and circumstances surrounding with the case.

7. The decision of the council will be sent to the general director for approval, with a copy to the dean of the concerned collage for acknowledged.



Article (12): Revision and detection:

The general director of the university may request the investigation and papers at any stage of inquiry for revision and detection by himself or by the request from any boy, and he had to approve the procedures or keeping it, or to be returned for reinvestigate to the accountability authority to issue an appropriate decision.

Article (14): The appealing

 The decisions of the council of accountability will appealed within fifteen days, from it's transferred to the general director, and his decision will be as final. The general director may suspend executing the punishment until the appealing decision will be finalized.

The general rule of examinations

In accordance to the authorized governance in article (16) from the law of the university for 2008th, the general director of the university and the director of the council of the staff, issued the rule eulogy:

General governance:

Article (1) :

1-1: General rule of examination 'for the University for Karary for 2013th , and will be valid from the date and time of issuance.


Canceling and excluding :

1-2: this rule will canceled the previous rule for examination procedure, and all regulations will valid according until canceled of modified.

Article (2): Interpretation

2-1: in this rule , unless words or phrase take another meaning:

The university: meant the University of Karary

The collage: meant any Collage or faculties or institutes of the university according to the law of 2008th.

The law: meant the law of the university of Karary.

The internal examiner: meant the subject lecturer

The external examiner: meant the staff member of teaching from outside the university , who delegated to assess the examination and its results at the Deparment or concerned field of study

The council of teachers: the council established in accordance to article (24) from the law of the university

Dean of the collage: meant a person who appointed in accordance to article (20-1) from the law of the university.

The Deparment council: meant the council established in accordance to article (27) from law of the university.

Article (3)General systems of examinations

3-1 a committee will be constituted to organize the examination in every  collage and appropriate  to conduct supervision on proceeding examinations

3-2 the internal examiners set and marked examination scientific degrees and diplomas if it was held partially or as a whole , while the final examinations will be under the responsibility of examiner or examiners from outside 

3-3 the external examiners will appointed by the council of staff as advised by the council of the collage.

3-4 the council of the Deparment will held meeting session before or after examinations at the end of each semester, which headed by head Deparment and will be under the responsibility of the council of the collage for all scores, recommendations and the special reports of the examinations.

3-5 the student will deprived from seating for final exam, if his performance of the year was not convinced.

3-6 deprivation fro seating a final exam in any subject is authorized by the council of the collage as an advised by the head division.

3-7 any student deprived seating for any exam , considered as failed in the semester.

3-8 any student deprived seating for any exam for any subject according to article (3-5) , seat an exam for the next semester in that subject, unless , the council of the collage see an appropriate fixing of deprivation cause.

3-9 examination lists will be published before two weeks from the starting of the examination.

3-10 the names of students will be published consisting of students names seating for examination containing seating exam Nos. (Military code No.and University No.), before at least one week from the starting of the examinations.

3-11 the special part of the examined student's instructions together with he students names.

3-12 all examinations and he assessment works as written and verbal questions , in addition to the specified assignments and the scientific examinations or of any type , in accordance to the specified program.

3-13 the total sores of the final assessment in every subject, as it was specified in the academic rule, for the specific program.   



3-14 the student who failed in any of the assessment of the subject, and his general performance is good, considered as succeed.

3-15 the results of the examination will be approved  in a meeting session of the concerned council of the collage , and subject to the final approval from the council of the teachers

3-16 the lists of examination results approved by the concerned council of the collage may be published after being signed by the dean included the names and (military codes and university Nos.), the degree only in letters under the following ''examinations results''.

3-17 the final results will be published after being approved by the council of staff.

3-18 not allowed revealing under any circumstances the details of final examination, only for the scientific institutions in a complete confidential way.

3-19 the student who fulfilled the semester and his named mentioned in the examination statement , but he failed to seat it, partially or completely, due to the sickness or reasonable reasons , the specific council of the collage , may allow seating an alternative exam for paper or papers, unless submitting a medical certificate or any other reasonable evidence , convince to the council of the collage , and the certificate delivered for the concerned authorities.

3-20 student did not allowed seating any scheduled exam during the medical rest.

3-21 if a student seats a scheduled exam during the medical, the result of this exam will be cancelled and he treated according to article (19-3).

3-22 no medical certificate is considered after the student seated an exam.

3-23 if the student is absent partially or completely, he considered as failed for not seated papers.

Chapter three : Article (4) the tasks of Examinations Committee

The dean of the collage after negotiation with the Deparment heads, may appoint a committee for the examination , which include one member from each Deparment , and the registrar of the collage can be the head of this committee handling the following tasks:

4-1 published the results of the examinations before two weeks for the starting date.

4-2 published the names of the students who entitled to seat the examinations, the statements must contained the student name fourthly stating (the military codes and university numbers) a week before starting.

4-3 prepares observers schedules by coordination with all divisions, one staff member appointed as a higher observers in every room/hall, associate professor or lecturer.

4-4 prepares the stationeries and  answer textbooks of the examinations

4-5prepares the labels concerning the students seated for examinations, which contain the name written fourthly and (military of university number).

4-6 get ready or prepare the examinations rooms/halls and fix the labels in a proper way.

4-7 make the photocopies of the examinations and kept in a safe place and delivered in examination date for the higher observers.

4-8 receiving the sick reports and check its validity.

4-9 receiving he answer textbooks by the higher observers after being checked and matched the report of the higher observers m then delivered to the subject teacher as per the prepared list.

4-10 receiving the statements of the Courses  according to the attendance list from the Deparment and to be inserted in the system program for checking, then the result delivered to the Deparment for revision and negotiation.

4-11 receiving the result after being checked in the Deparment and prepared finally to be displayed to the council of the collage.

4-12 publication of the results in letters only, after being approved by the council of the collage.

Chapter four : Article (5)The tasks of the Division:

5-1 full coordination between the divisions and the examination committee for setting the examinations schedules and observation, and to be published two weeks prior to the starting date.

5-2 publication of the examination regulations prior to the starting date.

5-3 determination of the external examiner for the Deparment with the consent of the council of the collage, before enough period from the starting of the examination , hence the examiner will see samples of the answer textbooks and the examination results , to mention this in his report to the council of the collage, including the following points:

a. the level of the examination papers , and the extent of comprehended contents for Courses .

b. his assessment for the degrees awarded

c. any necessary notices for the studying program contents

d. any other necessary notices concerning the examinations

5-4 approval of the deprived students names from seating the exam, and submit their names to the council of the collage for final approval in a sufficient period not less than two weeks prior to the starting date.

5-5 printing and revised the examinations in order to be delivered to the examination committee

5-6 receiving the answer textbooks after being corrected and revised together with the students awarded degrees , and to be matched with the attendance list , then delivered to the examination committee.

5-7 receiving the results after being programmed from the examination committee , after being revised , negotiated and returned to the examination committee.

5-8 a copy of the examination results for the students Deparment will be stored after being approved and archived by the council of the collage in a proper way in (C.D- documents) for easy retrieval.

5-9 keeping the answer textbooks after being corrected counted and archived in a proper way for a year, then to be damaged after passing the defined time.  



Chapter five Article (6): Tasks of professor of undergraduate Subject

6-1 setting the exam and to be displayed for the Deparment after being revised and printed

6-2 determining the necessary requirements for conducting the examinations likes scheduling etc…

6-3 determining the names of deprived students and passed their names to the council of the Deparment for getting the approval from the council of the collage before a period not less than two weeks from the examination starting.

6-4 observing the examination inside the rooms / halls

6-5 to be available in the examination room / hall for a period of time, if he is not observing the exam to facilitate communication during the exam.

6-6 receiving the answer textbooks in the same day of the examination after the exam time is elapsed.

6-7 correction of the exam answer textbooks, and monitor the degree in accordance the students list, containing the exam degree + the assignments + the lab. Degrees (if existed) signed and delivered to the chief of the Deparment for certification and negotiated by the council of the division.

6-8 to confirm the student's degree matched with the subject after being programmed, before the meeting of the council of the division.

6-9 to take necessary procedures to guarantee confidential conservation.

6-10 the following must be observed when setting examination:

a. Design the practical examination as tests of skill for accuracy and practical talent

b. deign the examination , since single error will not lead to the total loss of the results

6-11 in case of verbal examination , the teacher of the subject or other external examiner specified by the chief of the Deparment by negotiation of the dean of the collage to conduct the verbal examination.

Chapter (6) Article (7) Tasks of the register of the collage

7-1 the registrar of the collage will be the head of the examination committee as per his career tasks.

7-2 preparing the final statement including the names of the students who entitled to seat the examination, and delivered to the committee of the examination.

7-3 keeping the examination results after being approved from the registrar of the collage and the council of the staff with proper archived storage (document or C.D) , for easy retrieval.

7-4  preparing the approved result by the council of the collage to be displayed to the council of the professors /staff

Chapter(7):Tasks of the observers

8-1 the number of the observers for the examination rooms with 1:30 students  proportion , and not less than the number of the observers in the rooms / halls , and the number observers not less than two ,  while the higher observers is the highest scientific rank compare with other observers.

8-2 observers should read the general rules of the examinations and well acknowledged about it.

8-3 to assure that the specific instructions of the seating students for the examination and any other regulations are completely committed

8-4 the observers will be existed before half an hour in the examination rooms form the specified date, 

8-5 to assure that answer textbooks and any other attachment necessary for examination are prepared according to the direction of examiners stamped and sealed with an exam stamp with sufficient numbers of the students 

 8-6 the higher observers will receive the closed envelopes that contain examinations from the examinations committee before at least half an hour for the starting time, , and not be opened only in the room of the examination.

8-7 notification  of  the real time  for the starting of the examination

8-8 certification of students number will be done only inside the room after passing half an hour form the starting of the examination, signed by the student on the list of the attendance attached with the papers of the exam.

8-9 questions papers will not be negotiated with the examinees or between the observers themselves, and complete quiet will be imposed in the examination rom.

8-10 observers will not be disturbed by any other object that hinders them from doing their responsibilities during the examination time.

8-11 student will not be allowed to depart the examination room before of half an hour        of the ending time for performing examinations.

8-12 in the emergency cases that allow student to depart the examination room, the higher observers may delegate an observer to monitor and accompany him.

8-13 students will be remained about the remaining time before fifteen minutes from the elapsed time , and  no student will be allowed to depart the examination room till the end.

8-14 when the time is elapsed, the higher observer's notified students to stop writing and remain sitting in their places till the collection of the answers textbooks.

8-15 students who don’t response to the instruction of stopping writing considered as violators to the rule of the examination, and subjected to an appropriate punishment according to the general examination rule.

8-16 the higher observers make sure that all answer textbooks are collected, and the seating numbers matched the attendance statement, hence deliver to the examination committee with special reports of examination performance.

Chapter (8) Article (9) Instructions of the examinees students:

9-1 the examinee student is allowed to enter the examination room before five minutes from the specified date of the exam after showing his university I.D or military code No.    

9-2 entering examination is forbidden unless half an hour is passed.

9-3: student is not allowed to depart the examination room after passing half of the time from the starting.

9-4 the student who depart the room , is not allowed to enter the room again, unless the departure carried under continuous supervision for the period of time he departed.

9-5 seating in the examination room / hall coded with the seating numbers, and each student seated in the specific place after identify himself showing university I.D or military code No. 

9-6 student will prepare all necessary materials and stationeries needed for the exam, borrowing materials is not allowed inside examination room / hall.

9-7 student will not allowed to start answering questions, unless the starting announced by the higher observers in the defined time.

9-8 books , printed materials , hand written , coped prophets, or designed documents are not allowed to be carried inside the exam room / hall , excluded the receiving materials like books or papers inside the exam room  from the observer , that allowed by the examiner.

9-9 student is not allowed to use cell phone inside the exam room.


9-10 student is not allowed to give or receive any assistance directly or indirectly from any other student during the exam.

9-11 examinees students must follow strictly the instructions clarified and fixed on the textbooks or any directions issued from observers firmly and accurately.

9-12 the name of the student is not allowed to be written on the answer textbook

9-13 examinee student is not allowed to use any scrabbled papers, only the questions paper in the exam room.

9-14 examinees student are not allowed to write at any paper other than the answer textbook

9-15 examinees will be student supplied by drinking water, soft drinks, tea or coffee aren't served.

9-16 examinee students will not receive any object, only through the observer who only noticed by rising hand.

9-17 the examinees student must keep quiet an pay attention and remain silent inside the exam room

9-18 the end of the exam is notified for examinees students, who immediately stopped and collect their prepared their papers and remain calm till the observer collect the answer books , violators of this action will be penalized accordingly.

Chapter (9) Article (10) Breaching the examination rule:

10-1 the dean of the collage constitutes a committee or committees for investigations , composed of three members headed  by one of the members, to inquire about violation of breaching examination rules during the period of examination.

10-2 Tasks of investigators:

10-2-1 receiving the report and its attachment form the head of the examination committee

10-2-2 a meeting will be held immediately to check the violation, and the committee may call the violated student or students, together with the higher observers if the situation needed.

10-2-3 when approving the violation, the committee suggested a punishment set under the rule or any other penalties. 

 10-2-4 the circumstances statement of the violation will be submitted suggested by the penalties for certification to he council of the collage.

10-3 Cheating cases:

10-3-1 if the student caught in a cheating case, or receiving assistance , the higher observers will record the case , and the student may proceed the exam.

10-3-2 the higher observers will write a sufficient report stating the case and transfer it the chief of the examination committee m who in return notifies the dean of the collage.

10-3-3 when approving the cheating case , the investigation committee will  recommend the following penalties:

1. cancelling the student degree , and awarded Zero and warned to be terminated in case he repeated

2. cancelling  the student degree , and awarded Zero and suspended from studying for not less than a year

3. terminate the student finally and his name will be removed from the university lists

4, any necessary other penalties may be adopted

10-4 cases of breaching other rules

10-4-1 if the student violates any of these rules ,  except for cases of cheating and fraud, the dean of the collage, as per this report transfer the student to be investigated, by the investigation committee.

10-4-2 in case of approving the cheating or fraud case, the student will be subjected to the following penalties: 

 a. the student considered as failed and awarded Zero in the specific subject

b. the student will be warned for termination

c.the student will be suspended from proceeding studying  for not less than a year

d. any other necessary penalties could be adopted.

Issued under my stamped and signature on-------------------------------- dated------------------

The rule of Freezing

In accordance to article (25), from the law of the university for 2008th.

Chapter One: Introductory governance

 Article (1):

1-1 this rule named as freezing rule for 2012th , and valid for adopting after being signed by the general director.

1-2 this rule has no contradiction nature with other general rules of the university and valid as complementary.

1-3 this rule adopted on student of personal expenses




Article (2): Interpretation

The university: is the University of Karary

The personal expenses student: meant the students who admitted on personal expenses according to the terms determined by the university and the general administration of admission of the ministry of higher education.

Te council of staff/ professors:

The established council according to article (24) from the university law

The dean: the person who appointed according to article (20-1) from the university law

The council of the collage: the established council according to article (26) from the university law

Freezing: leaving studying for specific period of time

Resignation: leaving studying finally.

Chapter Two: Terms of Freezing A. (3)

1. the candidate nominated for admission at the university will not considered a student, unless he complete registration procedures

2. first student is not allowed  to freeze , only for urgent reasons and recommended by the council of the collage approved by the staff council 

3. Student will not allow freezing, unless he submit convinced reasons.

4. the freezing process is the only authorized by the council of the collage after level one

5 the council of the concerned collage may delegates it authorities for freezing to the dean of the collage, except the first student level, which authorized by the council of staff / professors.

6. Freezing period of time will not exceed two not consecutive semesters during the tenure of studying at the collage.

7. Student may request freezing in not less than six weeks from the starting of studying

8. Freezing period will not counted within the maximum period of the student exiting at the collage mentioned in the academic rule.

9. When freezing period is expired, the student will proceed registration formalities as usual.

10. the student who freeze staying semester , had to pay half of studying fees

 Chapter four: Article (4)Freezing Procedure

 1. The student who is willing to freeze fills the specific form of freezing after paying the prescribed fees of the university.

 2. The form delivered to the registrar of the collage who displayed it to the dean for further recommendations.

3. The council of the collage will state clearly, the freezing period after approving it.

4. Student will not broke up studying , only after receiving the approval of freezing from the council of the collage signed by the head or from whom delegated.

 5. The administration of the collage will notify the deanship of the scientific affairs, the admission administration, and the registration for approval about the freezing period.

6. the deanship of the scientific affairs will be notified about the expiration of the freezing period , and to recertified the student for studying.

7. When freezing period is expired, the student will immediately stars paying fully the registration and studying fees .

Chapter four. Article (5) Registration Terms

1. First level student is allowed to submit his resignation from the university after fulfilling registration procedure.

2. Student of the second studying level or higher may allowed resigning, without restricted to complete formalities, hence studying fees aren't refunded.


3. Student who resigned before the expiring of the registration period, can refunded the studying fees, registration fees aren't refund.

4. Resigned student who request resignation after the expiry of the registration period, has the right to refund registration fees and studying expenses.

5. The resigned student must be aware about the rules of the public admission.

Chapter five. Article (6) Resignation Procedures

1. Student who is willing to reign, must fill in the form of resignation

2. The form of resignation after being filled by the student of the first level , will be submitted before the expiry of registration period to the deanship of scientific affairs and to the administration of the collage after the expiry of registration and the starting of the studying.

3. In case of the student of the first level and before the expiry of registration period, the deanship of the scientific affairs (administration of admission and registration), will complete the formalities of resignation.

4. In the other cases, the acceptance of resignation is authorized by the council of the collage or to who delegated.


5. Upon resignation, the student files with registration form , will be send to the council of the collage or to who delegated, for approval, stamped and signed by the dean of the collage , and to the deanship of the scientific affairs , the administration of admission and registration authority.

6.The resigned student had to fulfill the clearance formalities the deanship of the collage, deanship of the students affairs, libraries, the financial administration , and the file delivered to the deanship of scientific affairs

7. The deanship of the scientific affairs issue a confirm certificate of acceptance as well.

8. The deanship of the scientific affairs notifies the general administration of admission, and the authentication of certificates at the ministry of higher education and scientific research to remove the name of the student from the college and university records.

 Issued under my stamp and signature on--------------------------------- dated-------------------

Rule of students Transition

 In accordance to article (25) ,from the law of the university of karary for 2008th .

Chapter (1) : Article (1) Introductory governance

    1. this rule named as transition of students at the University of Karary valid form the date of signature

Article (2): Interpretation , in this article if the words and phrases mean:

The university : The University of Karary

Students of personal expense: students who admitted on personal expense according to the terms determined by the university and the administration of admission at the ministry of higher education.

The expatriate students: non Sudanese students who apply to be enrolled at the university on their personal expense.

Transition: transit of student of personal expense from the collage or Deparment from outside the university to the university of karary.

Institutions of higher Education: Universities, faculties, or governmental and national institutions and belong to the national council of higher education.

Chapter Two: Terms of Transition:

  Article (3): Transition from Institutions of higher education to the University of Karary:

a. not allowed to transit any student of the first level

b. it is allowed to transit the students of Institutions of higher education to any of the faculties of the University of Karary on personal expense if the applicant  fulfilled the following terms  :

1. if the applicant successfully complete the first studying level  

2. there is a reasonable cause of transition accepted by the university

3.the percent of the Sudanese certificate not less than the minimum ratio to be admitted on personal expense  

4.The transference will be done at the beginning of studying level

5. the student  fully succeed all Courses  he studied at the transit faculty

6. The Collage determined the possibility of admitting the applicant and the studying level and any other requirements.

7. The studying period that the student tends to stay at the faculty, will not be less than the half of the period of the studying at the faculty.

8. The applicant will be certified correctly at the Collage that he tends to transfer, till the date of approving his transition.

9. The applicant must have an acceptance of transition from the university that he transits from.

10. The applicant must submit a certificate of good conduct from the university that he transits from.

 c. student will not be transited , unless he fulfilled all terms of transition approved by the general director of the university and the approval from the administration of the admission of higher education.

Article (5): Internal Transition at the university:

The student is allowed to transit form any Collage at the university according t the following  terms:

a. there is a reasonable cause for transition

 b. transition will be fulfilled at the starting of studying level

c. the percent of the Sudanese certificate not less than the minimum ratio to be admitted on personal expense  

d. transition is allowed for the second level only.

e. there must be a vacancy  at the Collage willing to transmit to.

f. there must be similarities in the Courses  that the student studied in the two faculties

g. student transit will be completed only, after the approval of the general  director of the university and the approval of the general administration of the admission.

Chapter Three: Article(5)Transition Procedures:

a. the applicant will fill the form of transition before two weeks from the starting of studying level at the Collage wishes to transit to.

b. the form of transition , will be delivered with other documents according to the nature of transition for the deanship of scientific affairs

c. the deanship of the scientific affairs will revised and deduct the documents to make sure that terms of transition are fulfilled.

d. the fulfilled application will be transferred to the dean of the collage to advise about the studying level

e. the deanship of the scientific affairs will submit the transition documents and the advisement of the dean of the collage to the general director of the university.

f. the deanship of the scientific affairs will request an approval from the administration of the general admission for the transition of the student

g. the transited student will pay the prescribed studying fees after submitting the certificate of clearance from the university which transition arrived from.

Issued under my stamp and signature on-------------------------- dated ---------------------------

Rule of studying expanses and registrations fees

in accordance to article (16) form the law of the University of Karary , the general director of the university issued the following rule:

chapter (1) , introductory governance:

1-1 this rule named as (studying expanses and registrations fees) for 2012th

Cancelling and exception:

2-1 this rule will cancelled the previous rules concerning studying expanses and registrations fees , all regulations are valid unless it will be cancelled of modified.

3-1 interpretation:

The university : the University of Karary, article (4) from the law of the university


 The university principal: the General director of the university of Karary

  Students of personal expense: students who admitted on personal expense according to the terms determined by the university and the administration of admission at the ministry of higher education.

The expatriate students: non Sudanese students who apply to be enrolled at the university on their personal expense.

The studying expanses: are the amount of money paid by student on personal exposes for each year to meet the fees of registration, studying expenses and the university card.

Registration fees: the amount of money specified by the university that student paid to meet the requirements of the registration and the university card.

The studying level: a studying period lasted for tow semester

The guardian of the student: the father of the student or the one who promise to pay the studying and registration expenses and fees.

Chapter two: The studying expenses:

2-1 the university determines the studying fees for the student of personal expense in different faculties at the university.

2-2 the university determines the way of paying and funding the studying expenses.

2-3 it is prohibited to reduce the studying expenses for the students who admitted on the basis of personal expense, the only exception is for the categories mentioned in this rule.

2-4 the university may allows to modifies the rates of paying studying expenses to its various faculties if necessary.

2-5 the student who admitted with specified studying expenses will not be affected by any modifications occurred to the payment.

2-6 the university determined the studying expenses of the expatriate students on the basis of personal expenses.

 2-7 the sons and daughters of the employees working in the higher education and military arm forces, their studying expenses determined according to the rules specified by the university.   

2-8 the promise of the guardians of student of personal expenses of paying studying fees in a way specified by the university.

Chapter (3) The way of paying studying expenses:

3-1 the studying expenses will fully be paid upon registration


3-2 the university will accept paying te studying expenses in two installments upon the starting of the studying level for each semester.

3-3 the student who did not fulfill paying the studying expenses and registration fees in the next semester will be given an extra two weeks to complete the payment the studying expenses.

3-4 the student who did not fulfill paying the studying expenses and registration fees after the completion of the define period, considered not registered to this semester and will subject to disciplinary academic rule.

3-5 the student of the personal expenses who awarded higher degree (excellent) , will be free of charge from paying studying expenses for the next semester , this procedure will be adopted to those who admitted as , sons and daughters of the employees working in the higher education and military arm forces.

3-6 if more students, who equally awarded the same higher degree, will be treated as free of charge from paying studying fees.

3-7 the dean of the collage will submit the name of the student according to para (3-5) and the degree that he awarded , after the results being  approved from the council of the Collage from the general director of the university for approval and ratification . 

3-8 in case two brothers or more are admitted at studying in the university on personal expenses , the studying expenses will be reduced to each of them to 20% after supported by a documented application.

3-9 in case none was mentioned in para (3-8), the continued student in studying will fully pay the studying expenses.

3-10 the student of personal expense  and has  his father or his guardian deceased, during his tenure of studying , his expenses will be reduced to the 50% , after submitting approved necessary documents, this procedure will be adopted to the students who admitted for the sons and daughters of the employees working in the higher education and military arm forces,

Chapter (4): Registration fees:       

4-1 registration fees will be paid once a time at the beginning of the registration process for the studying level.

Issued under my stamp and signature on--------------------------------- dated -------------------

اللائحة الأكاديمية لبرنامج الدبلوم

عملاً بأحكام المادة (25) من قانون جامعة كرري لسنة 1428 هـ / 2008م أصدر مجلس الأساتذة اللائحة الآتي نصها:

الفصل الأول

أحكام تمهيدية

أولاً: اسم اللائحة وبدء العمل بها:

المادة (1):

  • تسمى هذه اللائحة باللائحة الأكاديمية لبرامج الدبلوم التقني بجامعة كرري لسنة 1433 هـ / 2012م وتقرأ مقرونة باللوائح العامة للجامعة،  ويبدأ العمل بها من تاريخ إجازتها من مجلس الأساتذة وتوقيع رئيس المجلس عليها.
  • تنطبق اللائحة على الطلاب الجدد للعام 2011م – 2012م والدفع التي تليها.   

ثانياً: تفسير:

المادة (2): ما لم يقتض السياق معنى آخر يكون للعبارات أدناه المعاني التالية:

  • البرنامج: ويقصد به برنامج الدبلوم التقني للكلية المعنية عن طريق دراسة المقررات.
  • المقرر: يقصد به أي وحدة دراسية من وحدات البرنامج تقدم خلال فصل دراسي كامل.
  • الفصل الدراسي: يقصد به فترة دراسية مدتها 14 – 17 أسبوعاً.
  • المستوى الدراسي: يقصد به الفصلان الدراسيان الأول والثاني لكل سنة دراسية.
  • الساعة المعتمدة: يقصد بها ساعة محاضرة،  ساعتان  متابعة،  ثلاث ساعات معملية،  أربع ساعات سريرية أو خمس ساعات تدريس حقلي تقدم أسبوعياً على مدى فصل دراسي كامل.
  • مشروع التخرج: يقصد به مشروع التخرج الذي يقوم بإعداده الطالب في المستوى النهائي.
  • مطلوبات الجامعة: يقصد بها المقررات الواجب تدريسها بجميع طلاب الجامعة.
  • مطلوبات الكلية: يقصد بها المقررات الواجب تدريسها لجميع طلاب الكلية.
  • مطلوبات التخصص: يقصد بها المقررات التخصصية بالقسم أو الشعبة.
  • امتحانات الدور الأول: يقصد بها الامتحانات التي تعقد في نهاية الفصل الدراسي.
  • امتحانات الدور الثاني: يقصد بها الامتحانات التي تعقد بعد نهاية المستوى الدراسي وقبل بداية المستوى الدراسي التالي.
  • الامتحان البديل: يقصد به الامتحان الذي يجلس له الطالب عوضاً عن امتحان تغيب فيه بعذر مقبول لدى مجلس الكلية.
  • امتحانات إزالة الرسوب: يقصد بها الامتحانات التي تعقد بعد امتحانات الدور الثاني.
  • الطالب التقني: يقصد به الطالب الذي قبل بالجامعة بعد انخراطه في القوات المسلحة.
  • الطالب التقني المدني: يقصد به الطالب الذي قبل بالجامعة على النفقة الخاصة.

ثالثاً: تغيير أو إضافة أو إلغاء:

المادة (3):

تحتفظ الجامعة بحق إجراء ما تراه مناسباً من تغييرات أو إضافة أو إلغاء في المقررات أو اللوائح متى ما رأت ذلك مناسباً حسب نظمها.

الفصل الثاني

شروط القبول والدراسة    

رابعاً: شروط القبول

المادة (4): يقبل لدراسة الدبلوم التقني من توفرت فيه الشروط التالية:

  • أن يكون حاصلاً على الشهادة السودانية أو مايعادلها من الشهادات المعترف بها من وزارة التربية والتعليم وفقاً لشروط التعليم العالي حسب النسبة التي تحددها الكلية.
  • أن يجتاز الطلبة التقنيون العسكريون اختبارات المعاينة واللياقة البدنية والكشف الطبي الخاص بدخول الجامعة.
  • أن يجتاز الطلاب التقنيون المدنيون المعاينة والكشف الطبي.
  • أي شروط خاصة تراها الجامعة.

المادة (5): شروط التسجيل:

  • على الطالب أن يقوم شخصياً بالتسجيل في بداية كل مستوى وفق اللوائح.
  • يلتزم الطالب بتعبئة استمارة خاصة بالتسجيل (استمارة طلب تسجيل) وفق وضعه الأكاديمي على أن تكون الاستمارة بتوقيع مسجل الكلية ويتم ذلك في الوقت الذي تحدده الكلية.
  • لا يجوز للطالب الانتظام في الدراسة إلا بعد عملية التسجيل.
  • لا يسمح للطالب المتأخر إلا بعد موافقة عميد الكلية وأمين الشؤون العلمية على ألا تزيد مدة التأخير عن أسبوعين من نهاية فترة التسجيل.  

المادة (6): شروط الدراسة:  

  • يكتمل برنامج الدبلوم التقني بدراسة البرنامج المجاز للكلية المعنية.
  • تقويم الدراسة على النظام الفصلي المعدل.
  • المدة القصوى لإكمال دراسة البرنامج والحصول على الدبلوم التقني يساوي عدد المستويات الدراسية بالبرنامج المجاز زائد مستويين دراسيين فقط كحد أقصى.

المادة (7): التجميد "الطلاب المدنيين"

  • يجوز لطالب النفقة الخاصة الذي اجتاز المستوى الدراسي الأول بنجاح أن يتقدم بطلب مسبب لتجميد العام الدراسي بعد موافقة مجلس الأساتذة بتوصية من مجلس الكلية.
  • لا تزيد فترة التجميد عن مستويين دراسيين غير متتاليين.
  • لا تحسب فترة التجميد ضمن المدة القصوى للدراسة.
  • يقدم طلب التجميد خلال مدة أقصاها ستة أسابيع من الفصل الدراسي.
  • الطالب الذي يجمد السنة الدراسية عليه دفع 50% من الرسوم الدراسية المقررة. 

الفصل الثالث

نظام الامتحانات  

المادة (8): نظام الامتحانات:

  • يكون زمن الامتحان النهائي للمقرر ساعة زمنية لكل ساعة معتمدة على أن يكون الحد الأقصى لزمن امتحان المقرر (3) ساعات.
  • يحرم الطالب من الجلوس لامتحان أي مقرر إذا قلت نسبة حضوره عن 75% ويعتبر راسباً وترصد له الدرجات التي تحصل عليها في أعمال السنة ولابد له من استيفاء متطلبات المقرر قبل الجلوس للدور الثاني.
  • الطالب الذي تقل نسبة حضوره عن 75% لعذر مقبول من مجلس الكلية لايعتبر راسباً وعليه إستفياء متطلبات المقرر قبل الجلوس للامتحان.
  • يحرم الطالب من الجلوس لامتحان أي مقرر إذا لم يستوفِ متطلباته (تطبيق / معمل /.  .. إلخ).

المادة (9): تقويم درجات المقرر:

  • الدرجة الكاملة للمقرر (100) درجة.
  • تحسب الأعمال الفصلية بنسبة محددة من درجة المقرر.
  • درجة الأعمال الفصلية 25 – 50% من الدرجة الكاملة للمقرر وذلك حسب طبيعة المقرر.  . وتحسب وفقاً للآتي:
    1. المقرر النظري: أعماله الفصلية 25%
    2. المقرر النظري / عملي: أعماله الفصلية 40%
    3. المقرر التطبيقي: أعماله الفصلية 50%
  • يعتمد تقويم امتحانات الدور الثاني على الدرجة التي تحصل عليها الطالب في امتحانات الدور الثاني فقط.

المادة (10): تقييم الأداء الأكاديمي:

  • يستخدم نظام النقاط لتقييم الأداء الأكاديمي للطالب وتحسب الدرجة النقطية كالآتي:
  • يكون التقدير للمقرر وفقاً للآتي:









جيد جداً



















* تظهر في تقارير الامتحانات مقربة إلى منزلتين عشريتين.

  • نقاط المقرر:


  • المعدل الفصلي للطالب:  


  • المعدل الفصلي  = مجموع النقاط الفصلية لمقرارات الفصل

المعدل الفصلي للطالب :

التقدير للمعدل الفصلي:


الدرجة النقطية









جيد جداً





















  • معدل المستوى الدراسي:
  1. الساعات التراكمية للمستوى الدراسي هي مجموع الساعات المعتمدة للمقررات التي سبق للطالب دراستها في المستوى الدراسي وجلس لامتحانها.
  2. النقاط التراكمية للمستوى الدراسي هي مجموع نقاط المقررات التي سبق للطالب دراستها في المستوى الدراسي وجلس لامتحانها.
  3. معدل المستوى الدراسي كالآتي:

* تظهر في تقارير الامتحانات مقربة إلى منزلتين عشريتين.

  • التقدير لمعدل المستوى الدراسي:
  • المعدل التراكمي النهائي:

الدرجة النقطية









جيد جداً










  1. بعد النجاح في كل مقررات البرنامج يعتمد تصنيف الإجازة العلمية للدبلوم التقني على المعدل التراكمي النهائي كما هو موضح في الجدول التالي:


الدرجة النقطية









جيد جداً

















* تظهر في تقارير الامتحانات مقربة إلى منزلتين عشريتين.

الفصل الرابع

شروط النجاح ونتائج الامتحانات

المادة (11): شروط النجاح في الامتحانات:

11-1   امتحانات الدور الأول:   

  • يعتبر الطالب ناجحاً في المقرر إذا حصل على درجة نقطية لاتقل عن 2.5
  • تعلن نتيجة الفصل الدراسي الأول للطالب على أن يقوم الطالب بعد الفصل الدراسي الثاني.
  • إذا رسب الطالب في مقرر أو أكثر في امتحانات الدور الأول للفصل الدراسي الأول والفصل الدراسي الثاني ولم يقل معدله للمستوى الدراسي عن 2.5 يسمح له بالجلوس لهذه المقررات في امتحانات الدور الثاني في نهاية المستوى الدراسي.
  • إذا قل معدل المستوى الدراسي للطالب عن 2.5 ولم يقل عن 1.5 على الطالب إعادة المستوى الدراسي. 
  • إذا قل معدل المستوى الدراسي للطالب عن 1.5 يفصل فصلاً نهائياً من الكلية.

11-2  امتحانات الدور الثاني وامتحانات إزالة الرسوب:

يكون تقويم نتيجة الطالب الذي يجلس لامتحانات الدور الثاني وامتحانات إزالة الرسوب في نهاية المستوى الدراسي كالآتي: 

  • الطالب الذي ينجح في امتحانات الدور الثاني وامتحانات إزالة الرسوب تحسب له الدرجة التي تحصل عليها ضمن معدله التراكمي. 
  • الطالب الذي ينجح في امتحانات الدور الثاني وفقاً للمادة (11-1-ج) ينقل للمستوى التالي إذا نجح في جميع المقررات التي جلس لامتحانها.
  • الطالب الذي يجلس لامتحانات الدور الثاني وفقاً للمادة (11-1-ج) ويرسب في مقرر أو مقررين ولم يقل معدله للمستوى الدراسي عن 2.5 يسمح له بامتحان هذه المقررات في امتحانات إزالة الرسوب.
  • الطالب الذي يجلس لامتحانات الدور الثاني وفقاً للمادة (11-1-ج) ويرسب في أكثر من مقررين عليه إعادة المستوى الدراسي.
  • تعقد امتحانات إزالة الرسوب في فترة لاتتجاوز الأربعة أسابيع من بداية الدراسة.
  • الطالب الذي يجلس لامتحانات إزالة الرسوب وفقاً للفقرة (11-2-ج) وينجح في كل المقررات يسمح له بالانتقال للمستوى الدراسي التالي.
  • الطالب الذي يرسب في امتحانات إزالة الرسوب عليه إعادة المستوى الدراسي.
  • لايسمح للطالب بإعادة المستوى الدراسي لأكثر من مرة واحدة.
  • إذا أعاد الطالب المستوى الدراسي عليه دراسة وامتحان جميع مقررات المستوى الدراسي ولاتحسب نتيجته السابقة للمستوى الدراسي الذي أعاده في المعدل التراكمي وتظهر في سجله الأكاديمي ويقوم وفقاً لمعدل المستوى الدراسي الذي أعاده.
  • ينذر الطالب الذي يحصل على معدل تراكمي أقل من 2.5 ويفصل إذا حصل على إنذارين متتاليين أو ثلاثة إنذارات متفرقة.
  • يجوز لمجلس الكلية أعطاء الطالب المدني الذي فصل وفقاً للمادة (11-2-ك) فرصة للامتحان من الخارج على ألا يستفيد الطالب من هذه الفرصة لاكثر من مرتين غير متتاليتين.
  • الطالب الذي يرغب في الجلوس للامتحان من الخارج عليه تقديم طلب لمجلس الكلية في فترة لا تقل عن أسبوعين من بداية الامتحانات للفصل الدراسي الأول من المستوى الدراسي وذلك في العام التالي لفصله.

المادة (12): النقل من مستوى دراسي لآخر:        

    • ينقل الطالب الذي يجتاز امتحانات جميع مقررات المستوى الدراسي للمستوى الذي يليه.
    • ينقل الطالب إذا نجح في امتحانات الدور الثاني وامتحانات إزالة الرسوب ولم يقل معدله للمستوى الدراسي عن 2.5.

المادة (13): حالات الفصل:

  • إذا حصل الطالب على معدل مستوى دراسي أقل من 1.5
  • إذا حصل الطالب على إنذارين متتاليين أو ثلاثة إنذارات متفرقة.
  • إذا تجاوز الطالب الفترة المقررة القصوى لإكمال الدراسة.
  • إذا تجاوز الطالب عدد مرات الإعادة.  

المادة (14): الامتحانات البديلة:

  • تقويم الامتحان البديل مثل تقويم امتحان الدور الأول فيما يتعلق بالدرجة.
  • تقويم أداء الطالب بعد اكتمال جلوسه للامتحانات البديلة وحساب معدل المستوى الدراسي.
  • يعامل الطالب الذي يجلس للامتحان البديل وفقاً لفقرات المادة (11-2).