Karary University


  • Historical background about military college
  • vision
  • mission
  • The development of the Curriculum
  • The school of Military Sciences
  • The School of Administration Studies
  • Bachelor program contents
  • Military sciences diploma

Military college was established as a military school on 16/5/1905 in the era of Gen. Wingate, Sudan Governor General. The first batch of Military College graduated in 1907 where the commander was S.W Bekbashi. Almagbul A. AL haj as a first commander for factory of men and heroes den, at this time Military college graduated (34) batches till it was closed because of assassination of Sudan

Governor General Sir. Lee Stack in Egypt and demonstration cadets against colonization where they were tried militarily.


In 1936, H.E Sir. Stewart Sudan Governor General and Gen. Franklin general commander of Sudan defense forces inaugurated military school. Cadets were recruited among those who completed study at Gordon Memorial College. The military school was opened in Khartoum 2 and known as fire shooting school which graduated tens of batches.

In 1938 the school moved to Omdurman (current medical army building) and known as teaching center, and with the beginning of world second war the military school was closed again.


In the 16th of March 1948, military school was opened in its previous location under the name of infantry school as a general framework to work military college inside it.

In 1960 infantry school was separated and moved to Gabeit and military college remained with its den and cubs till it moved to its current location in Wadiseidena.

Graduation of cadets from the college was under H.E Sudan governor general till 1954 and the college was sudanised in the same year and Bekbashi. AltahirBek assumed military college leadership to change with independence the loyalty oath from a loyalty to British crown to a loyalty to maintain home soil and Sudan constitution and then started military college to develop with development of our armed forces under leadership of this home sons who put the end.

Curriculum of military college succumbed to development through all last periods of time according to changes in armed forces. The system changed from two years to three years with an addition of some academic subjects till bachelor program of administrative sciences was approved and bachelor of English language, in addition to diploma of military sciences which was already approved. A plan was mapped to comprehend this system without affecting the mission of military college negatively.

In 1973 academic system was included ill 1976 after the two batches (25) and (26), the goal were:

a-      Promotion of academic and cultural level of officers.

b-     Keeping updated to development in armies, equipment and machines.

Academic program was audited in 1984 and continued till 1989 after batches (34) (35) (35) and was aborted again.

In 1997, academic and humanitarian subjects were added to military college curriculum in coordination with high education to enable cadet graduate with bachelor degree instead of diploma but the program of bachelor was denied by high education for it was not under their supervision and approval.

In 2006, a committee was formed by high education and scientific research included a big number of military and academic cadres, among them was leader of military college to put bachelor program of administrative sciences, show it, approve it and then to be taught a long with diploma of military sciences, and it was really approved according to national council of high education no. (25) On the 7th of June. 2007. Accordingly military college was rearranged to comprehend bachelor program of administrative sciences and bachelor of languages. Accordingly, the duration of the college was reformed as long as the curriculum to include military and academic curricula. Accordingly military college became one of Karary university colleges.

Military college is one of the ancient educational institution in armed forces beside its good fame because of its competent graduates.

It enjoys a good fame among all African and Arabian states for many of these friend states trained as well as the good results achieved by its external missioned cadets.

The College will advantages its military nature to be a pioneer and distinguished in all military and academic sciences to reach the levels of the higher education matched the international standards.  

Rehabilitation and empowering the military students to award the scientific degrees in the fields of academic and military specializations to serve the Arm Forces and community through developing , executing and managing projects of the higher education at the Military College , in the frame of quality , improving and copying the readiness for future.
The military College includes the administration, languages and military sciences.
 The College accommodates military and civilian students acquiring knowledge's at Khor Omer Collection. The Directorate works to separates civil from military students due to
the variation of curriculums an adding military curriculum for military students.

Across the passing eras, the curriculum was subjected to development stages as a result of the evolution of the Sudanese Arm Forces , which transited from the two years systems to the three years system with the adding an extra academic Courses , thence arrived to the program of the Bachelor of Administration  Studies ,  approved by the National Council of Higher Education, in 2010TH. The bachelor of English Language was approved by specialized committee in addition to the Military Sciences Diploma which was already existed through a plan that accommodated the system without contradicting the mission of the College.

 Student acquired military sciences, and awarded a certificate of Diploma

 1. it is an academic section belong to the Sudanese Military College, and a College of the University of Karary , established in 2007th, to offer a bachelor degree in the administration Studies for military students in accordance to the academic curriculum arranged carefully by a committee and approved by the ministry of Higher Education to serve the Arm Forces ad community.
2. In 2010th the admission was enlarged to include civil students who meet the requirements of admission after paying the prescribed expenses decided by the university.


The student studies 200-210 credit  hours as below:

a-      22 credit  hours for humanitarian studies include Islamic studies, Arabic language, English language and social studies.

b-     68 credit hours for college requirements include mathematics, engineering subjects, environmental subjects, engineering economy, engineering unit and workshops.

c-      110-120 credit  hours for section requirements and specialization.

Engineering college awards Military sciences diploma for cadets where they study about (2000) hours of communication in different practical and theoretical military fields which include field projects that qualify them to act in military field armored with science and training as armed forces officers. This situation is not applicable on civilian students who study at the university.