The institutions like universities give great concern to an entity that include all graduates in an umbrella of concern in order to guarantee continuation with the university and their contribution in university development.
The senate gave concerned to the establishment of a department for the sponsorship of graduates. This was followed by a decision by the general director of the university with effect from 2018 to establish a department for graduates' affairs
First, setting the climate that helps the communication between the graduate and the university.
Second, increase the spirit of belongingness and linking between university and the graduate.
Thirdly, keeping an integrated record of the graduate and updating it on an ongoing basis.
Fourthly, to involve the graduate to contribute and support the university.
Fifth, strengthening the bonds of intimacy between the graduates and the university
Sixth: The department shall undertake the task of collecting the graduates by virtue of their organization of links from colleges, schools and institutes.
Seventh, the department of graduate affairs has the task of providing various kinds of creativity, activities and innovation in order to maintain mutual link of graduates
Eighth, honoring the graduate students of Karary University and giving them financial prizes and stars and medals of the university for excellence and certificates of appreciation for outstanding students during the years of study at the university in order to raise the spirit of scientific competition and raise the message of the basic university.
As an example :
First: To hold periodic meetings, lectures, seminars and cultural programs.
Second: Establishing family forums organized by different groups of graduates.
Third: Set up a graduation carnival for university graduates in the silver jubilee of the university.
Steps of issuing university degrees/certificates
1. Receipt of the clearance form from the college registrar (for civilian students).
2. Audit information systems management to verify data.
3. Review of the Department of Finance Headquarter by the University of Banat to seal the clearance vacancy.
4. Completion of signatures and procedures of party vacancy according from the collage and departments as Liabilities.
5. Receiving the request for issuance ( Download the form from here ) of the degree certificate from the deanship of Scientific Affairs at the University head quarter.
6. Payment of the prescribed fees ( Download the form from here )
The receipt consists of four copies one for each of the following:
1. Financial affairs .
2. Scientific affairs.
3. College Registrar .
4. the Student.
7. Submit the request of certificate issuance and delivery to the Registrar of the College to complete the process
8. The fees are determined annually. Certificate fees for the Current academic year ( 2018-2019 ) is (150) only one hundred and fifty Sudanese pounds for Bachelor degree.
9. Diploma fees for the academic year ( 2018-2019 ) (100) only one hundred Sudanese pounds.
10. The certificate will be received within one month from the date of the application after the receipt of the financial receipt.