Karary University

Date of birth: 23 Sep 1979

Place of birth: Sudan

Language : Arabic (native speaker)  , English (very good)

Country : Sudan

Home Tel No: +249926171499

Email address: bader_6dahap@hotmail.com

Present :  teacher at Karary University-Engineering College Sudan- Khartoum

2010-2011: Tutor at Karary University

2005-2010:  Teacher of the basic courses of electronic and electrical circuits at the Institute of Signal Corp -Sudan-Bahry

2011-2013 :MSC of information and communication engineering from the university of UESTC- China-Sichuan –Chengdu.

2008-2010: High diploma of general administration from Juba university-Sudan- Bahry. 2000-2005: BSC of electrical engineering (telecommunication). Interest

1. Dahap, Badreldeen Ismail, and Liao HongShu. “ Simple and Efficient Algorithm for Automatic Digital Modulation Recognition." The Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems. Springer International Publishing, 2014.  
2. Dahap, Badreldeen Ismail, Liao HongShu, and Mohammed Ramadan. "Simple and Efficient Algorithm for Automatic Modulation Recognition for Analogue and Digital Signals." The Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems. Springer International Publishing, 2014.  
3. Dahap, Badreldeen Ismail, and Hesham Ibrahim Ahmed. "New Algorithms for Automatic Modulation Recognition for Analogue Signals Using Multi." (2014).  
4. Dahap, Badreldeen Ismail, and Liao HongShu. "Advanced algorithm for automatic modulation recognition for analogue & digital signals." Computing, Control, Networking, Electronics and Embedded Systems Engineering (ICCNEEE), 2015 International Conference on. IEEE, 2015.