For the lab safety and your safety as well as safety of others, the guidelines are to be strictly followed:
1 – Eating and drinking are prohibited inside the laboratory
2. Wearing protective clothing are necessary for personal safety.
3. No chemical substance should be tasted.
4 - Care must be taken in account when dealing with the toxic chemical substances especially highly inflammable radiated materials.
5 - When touching the lab substance, washing with water immediately as possible and informing the lab. supervisor
6 - Follow the experiment steps carefully and do not act from your own without requesting
7. keep books and exercises to be retained in the workplace.
8. Make sure that the materials used are actually prescribed for conducting experiment.
9 - Focus on experiments and copied detailed observations
10 - Use the clean and safe tools, ensuring that they are clean and placed them carefully after the experiment ended directly.
11 - Keep your site clean and arrange it with the closure of all open and placed everything in its location
12 - Do not sit and use incendiary and inflammable materials.
13 – Restricted movement is required to keep calm and avoid disturbance.