Call for Paper. 6
Organizing Program Committee. 8
Technical Program Committee. 8
International Advisory Committee. 9
Industry Plenary Sessions. 11
Title: Telemedicine and medical informatics utilization in health care services. 11
Title: Power System Networks, Modelling for Stability Analyses. 12
Keynote Speeches. 13
Title: Power Metal - Oxide - Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor: Performance, Stability, and Reliability. 13
Title of the speech: Efficient Modulations and Advanced Applications. 13
Programme Layout. 15
Reviewers: 23
216 BER Performance improvement of V2I communication by using OFDM-IM Exploiting All Subcarrier Activation Patterns. 26
271 Wireless Power Transmission: As an Emerging Technology. 26
320 Reduction of Phase Noise for Inductor Based Ultra-Wide Band Voltage Controlled Oscillator 26
219 On-line Walking Speed Control in Human-Powered Exoskeleton Systems. 27
335 Frequency Diverse Array Radar the Future of Combating ECM threats. 27
196 Microwave Imaging System for Early Detection of Breast Cancer. 28
225 Systematic Literature Review: Solving Educational Timetabling Problem Using Swarm Intelligence Optimization Techniques. 28
614 Design of Bus Tracking and Fuel Monitoring System... 29
596 Design of a Positioning and Tracking System for Paratroops Team... 29
613 Alneelain: A Formal Specification Language. 30
600 Distance Alert System using Stereo Vision and Feature Extraction. 30
628 An Approach to Establishment of Cars to Road Management System... 31
599 Enhancement of Seamless mobility in Nested Network Mobility. 32
625 A Design of a Remote Weather Factors Monitoring System... 32
586 Speed Control of DC Motor Using Fuzzy Logic Controller. 33
584 Comparisons between AlFUR Using Intelligent Agent With LFU, LRU, Size and PCCIA Cache Replacement Technologies. 33
568 Radio Propagation and Troposphere Parameters Effect for Microwave Links in Sudan 34
548 Collaborative Filtering Techniques and Applications. 34
543 Modeling and Simulation of Electric Drive Vehicle Based on Space Vector Modulation Technique and Field Oriented Control Strategy. 35
541 Autonomic Management by Self-Optimization For WEINMANN.. 35
537 Average Least Frequency Used (ALFUR) Cache Replacement Technology USING Intelligent Agents. 36
449 Design and Implementation of Communication Subsystem for ISRASAT1 Cube Satellite 36
448 Simulating Macrocell-Microcell Handovers in 4G Systems. 37
457 Ant Colony Based LQR and PID tuned Parameters for Controlling Inverted Pendulum 37
463 Evaluation of Boeing 747-E Lateral Autopilot Using Flying and Handling Qualities Specifications. 38
Design of Autopilot platform using HILS approach. 38
472 Design and Implementation of an Active Attitude Determination and Control Subsystem (ADCS) for ISRASAT1 Cube Satellite. 39
474 Evaluation of the Quality of Encoded Quran Digital Audio Recording. 39
478 Student Satellites, Implementation Models & Approaches in Sudan. 40
487 Spiking Generation in Semiconductor laser by optoelectronic feedback. 40
526 Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing for Distributed Data center using Cloud-Sim 41
506 Ophthalmology Prediction System Using Machine Learning Techniques. 41
466 Hardware and Software Design of Onboard Computer of ISRASAT1 CubeSat 41
534 Fuzzy PID Based Path Tracking Control of a 5-DOF needle-holding robot 42
497 High Altitude Testing Balloon Project 42
429 Detection of Malaria Parasites Using Digital Image Processing. 42
431 SSReq: A method for design star schemas from requirements. 43
435 DSP-Based Dispersion Compensation: Survey and Simulation. 43
440 Quality Control of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 44
402 A Modified Sphere Detection Algorithm with Lower Complexity. 44
294 Automation of a Syrup Production Line Using S7- 1200 and TIA Portal Software. 45
234 Comparative Study of the Radiation Characteristic between Uniform, Tschebyscheff and Binomial Amplitude Distributions of Linear Patch Antenna Array for X-band Radar Warning Receivers. 45
256 Exploiting the Physical Layer Security for Providing a Simple User Privacy Security System for Vehicular Networks. 46
323 K Nearest Neighbor for Text Summarization using Feature Similarity. 46
324 Using K Nearest Neighbors for Text Segmentation with Feature Similarity. 47
444 Color and Texture Fusion-based method for Content-Based Image Retrieval 47
521 Anomaly Detection Approach using Hybrid Algorithm of Data Mining Technique 48
Grid Connected Photovoltaic System... 48
533 Back Stepping Tracking controller for Wheeled Mobile Robot 49
567 Development Arabic Search Engine. 49
569 Fuel Management System... 49
601 Developing Tool For Odoo. 50
375 Forum discussion summarization Based on Cross. 50
380 Functionality Assessment for NDT and WSDMDA Methodologies Using Quality Evaluation Framework. 51
403 Clutter Estimation Based on Compressed Sensing in Bistatic MIMO Radar. 51
409 Modeling and Simulation of Air Data Computer. 52
438 Fault diagnosis using Cross-Wavelet Transform for Electricity Pre-Payment Meter 52
800 Agent Based Load Management for Microgrid.. 52
416 Tel-radiology Implementation: an Image Analysis Case. 53
412 Demodulator Based on Deep Belief Networks in Communication System... 53
398 Sum Rate Analysis Of Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output System For Linear Precoding Using Normalization Methods. 53
357 Joint MFCC-and-Vector Quantization based Text-Independent Speaker Recognition System 54
88 Early Cost Estimation of Software Reworks Using Fuzzy Requirement-Based Model 55
360 Using the TCP Retransmission Timeout for Solving the KCI attack Problem against the TLS Protocol 55
265 Proposed security model for web based application and service. 55
399 An Algebra Explanation for Maximum Decision. 56
243 Indoor Navigation Algorithm for Mobile Robot using Wireless Sensor Networks 56
286 Custom In-System Firmware Upgrade for MSP430 Microcontrollers Family Using SPI 57
233 Designs and Simulation of Wide Band Input Matching Circuit for RF Power Transistor in VHF Range. 57
275 Performance Analysis of three (SCP) Classical Encryption Algorithms in Encrypting Database Transactions. 58
280 Automated and Monitored Liquid Filling System Using PLC Technology. 58
384 Practical Considerations for Interfacing Operational Amplifiers with Analog to Digital Converters in Microcontrollers. 59
296 Design, Implementation and Performance Analysis of Crystal Video Front End for X-band Radar Warning Receiver. 59
21 Improving the Voltage Profile of the Transmission Lines by Using the Series Compensation Under Different Loading Conditions. 60
439 Economic Measures of Power Plants. 60
260 Maximizing Solar Energy Input For Cubesat Using Sun Tracking System And A Maximum Power Point Tracking. 61
239 Implementation of A PID Control System On Microcontroller (DC Motor Case Study) 61
279 Real Time Embedded Cam Shift Object Tracking Algorithm using Davenci TMS320DM6437 EVM... 62
285 Automatic Detection and Classification of Malarial in Thin Blood Slide Images. 62
330 Correlated Transfer of Discrete Charge in Long Arrays of Tunnel Junctions. 63
376 Reliability Assessments and Feasibility Study for an Industrial Facility with the Integration of Hybrid Renewable. 63
410 Power Flow Control and Tie Line Stiffness between Sudan and Ethiopia. 64
405 Design of Fuzzy-Based Autonomous Car Control System... 64
International Conference on Communication, Control, Computing, and Electronics Engineering (ICCCCEE 2017)
Call for Paper
The primary focus of IEEE Sudan subsection is to create a strong platform that can facilitate research culture among Sudanese research and development community and strengthen partnerships with its international counterpart. The International Conference on Communication, Control, Computing, and Electronic Engineering (ICCCCEE 2017) is one of the basic initiatives to build this platform. The conference will feature a comprehensive technical program in addition to expo program including keynote speeches, industrial workshops, tutorials and technology forums. All papers presented in the conference will be published in conference proceedings and IEEEXplore®.
Communication Track
Chairs: El Essaid Suliman, Mohammed Faisel
Communications, Networking, Digital Signal Processing, Performance Engineering, Mobile Communication, Digital Communication, Satellite Communication.
Computing Track
Chairs: Abdelmotalib Ahmed, Nadir Kamal, Ali Ahmed, Hozifaadam
Mathematical Methodologies, Computer Science, Software Engineering, IT, Applications, Artificial Intelligence And Expert Systems, Grid Computing, Embedded Systems, Microprocessors Systems, Microcontrollers.
Electronics Engineering Track
Chairs: Othman Hassan, Ahmed Abdelrahman
Applied electronics, MEMS, Nanotechnologies, VLSI Design, Semiconductor Devices, Brain-Computer Interfaces, Spectroscopic Applications, Imaging And Visualization Devices, Computer-Aided Detection And Diagnosis, Biomedical Instrumentation.
Machine and Power Track
Chairs: Omer Alfaki, ZakieldinAltaib
Power Systems, Energy, Environment and Sustainability & Electric Machine Control, Renewable Energy, And Reliability Methods For Electrical Systems, Instrumentation.
Microwave Track
Chairs: Ahmed Awad
Antennas: Design, Modeling , Measurement, Wave Propagation, Radar: Surveillance, Tracking , Imaging, Systems and Data , Signal Processing, Communication: Systems, Signal Processing, Vehicular Applications of RF systems, sensors , RF-based localization and monitoring, Microwave Circuits Microwave Measurements, Microwave Computing, Modeling and Simulation RF-based medical applications.
Important Dates

Organizing Program Committee
Conference Chairman:
Yousif Hassan Abdelrahim
Sharief Fadul Babikir
Ahmed Abdalla Mohammed Imam
Tarig Ahmed Khalid
Elasied Suliman Saad
Haj Ahmed Yousif
Nadir Kamal Salih
Publication Chair:
Ahmed Abdelrahman Abdallah
Azza Elsiddig Eltraify
Technical Program Committee
Rashid A. Saeed
Abdalla salih Ali
Hafiz Bakhiet
Control Track:
Salih Musa
Computing Track:
Abdelmotalib Ahmed
Electronics Eng. Track:
Othman Hassan
Machines and Power Track:
Omer Alfaki
Microwave Track:
Ahmed Awad
International Advisory Committee
Mahmoud Manzoul, USA
Osama O. Awadelkarim, USA
Osman O. Khalifa, Malaysia
Jaafar M.H. Elmirghani, UK
Johnson Agbinya, Australia
Bharat S. Chaudhari, India
Omer Mahmoud, Canada
Mohsen Mahroos, Egypt
Akhmad Unggul Priantoro, Indonesia
Amitava Mukherjee, India
Sahar Al-Talib, Iraq
Ayyoub Akbari, Iran
Tariq Ahmad Alahdel, Yemen
Mehdi Bennis, Finland
Francisco falcone, Spain
Dr. Sanjay P. Sood, India
IEEE International Conference on Communication, Control, Computing, and Electronic Engineering (ICCCCEE 2017)
(16-17 JANUARY/2017)
Venue: Friendship Hall
Day 1
Day 2
Industry Plenary Sessions
Title: Telemedicine and medical informatics utilization in health care services
Chair: Dr. Waleed ASbdelrahman
Speakers: Dr. Sanjay P. Sood, India
Dr. Mohammed Yagoub, SUST
Eng. Nasereldin jumaa, NIC
Abstract: Medical informatics is the intersection of information and computer science and health care to deal with the resources, devices and methods required to optimize the acquisition, share ,storage, retrieval and use of information in health and biomedicine for improving patient care ,public health and wellbeing .
- The panel will discuss the following topics:
- The Technical Aspects of Telemedicine, medical Information standards in health practice.
- Information and communication technology operability and competency to healthcare practice.
- The real world telemedicine implementations in diverse settings.
- The roles of mobile application in healthcare practice.
Organized by: Sudanese medical Engineering society (SMES)
State Awardee (Chandigarh Administration, for rendering outstanding services) Dr. Sanjay Sood’s rich experience (20+ years) spans various geographies. He is one amongst eHealth pioneers in Asia, has successfully lead numerous eHealth project implementations, has been into research & development, and academics in the domain of eHealth and eGovernance, and has also worked with Senior Bureaucrats (State, National and International Level), Country Governments, International Organisations and Multilateral Funding Agencies. Dr. Sood has a Ph.D. in Information Technology (Telemedicine) and has been the founder Director at C-DAC School of Advanced Computing in Mauritius, for over four years (2004- 2008) he was the Senate member at University of Mauritius. Dr. Sood has also been a Telemedicine Consultant with World Health Organisation (Afro), and was an eHealth expert on the panel of United Nations (UN Office for Outer Space Affairs, Vienna). For over two years he was the technology consultant for World Bank's Punjab Healthcare Systems project in Chandigarh, India.
Title: Power System Networks, Modelling for Stability Analyses
YHA Rahim
The presentation considers the modelling of multi-machine power networks for the purpose of analysis of transient and steady state stability. The present complexity and ever-increasing size of interconnected power systems have generally led to operating conditions where there are large load angles between generators at remote ends. This reduces limits of synchronous power flow and produces low frequency oscillations [2), and hence leads to a decrease in the over all stability of the system. Because of the continuous increase in demand of electrical power, generators of increased size are continually added to the systems,and units of ratings greater than 1000 MVA are now in service. Generator units of 2000 MVA output are considered as of economical size by 1990s. However, the trend in the parameters of such large conventional machines,also reduces stability.
YHA Rahim receieved his B.Sc., Second Class Honors, University of Khartoum, Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, September 1971. Receieved his Ph.D., University of Liverpool, Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, UK., Dec. 1975. YHA Rahim was the vice chancellor, Karary University, Sudan since 2002, Dean College of Engineering, Karary University, 1995, and Dean College of Engineering, Sudan University of Science 1994.
Keynote Speeches
Title: Power Metal - Oxide - Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor: Performance, Stability, and Reliability
With the fast development of smart integrate circuit (IC) technology, electrical devices, especially power metal oxide semiconductor (Silicon) filed effect transistors (MOSFET), play more and more important roles in several products and applications, especially in personal computer and cell phone technologies. Thus, new generation smart IC technology needs to provide higher performance product with lower cost. This is not an easy goal to achieve because there are still several problems faced by the device engineers. Two of the most important problems are temperature and electrical stresses encountered by these devices. This talk focuses on power MOSFETs performance and thermal stability, and discusses their long-term reliability in terms of devices degradation before and after the application of accelerated thermal and electrical stresses. There stresses are meant to mimic the accumulated stresses developed on the device as a result of operating the device for a long time under its typical operating conditions. The characterization techniques employed include: SEM, current-voltage temperature and capacitance voltage temperature measurements, charge pumping, and deep level transient spectroscopy.
Dr. Osama O. Awadelkarim, Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics and the Director of the Center for Nanotechnology Education and Utilization and the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Network at the Pennsylvania State University, U. S. A.
Title of the speech: Efficient Modulations and Advanced Applications
Professor Lenan WU
Radio spectra in space are close-packed more and more, so its impact of frequency as a valuable resource is increasingly prominent. But whether we can make the transmission bandwidth “ultra narrow” and the data rate even higher, and keep the power transmitted in an acceptable level, what needs surveying is the theory of digital communication and the technology of modulation/demodulation. The Ultra Narrow Band (UNB) modulation is just a sort of transmission technique with efficient-bandwidth and high data rate reported, but its principle and methodology still needs clarifying. So this paper will review the relatively small number of recent patents involving the UNB modulations, and interpret their theoretic foundation and key technology to the best of our knowledge, which may not be as those classical methods a communication engineer accustomed to.
Professor Lenan WU received the B.S. degree in Radar Engineering and M.S. degree in Communication &Electronic Systems in 1982 and 1987, respectively, both from the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and
Programme Layout
Day 1: 16/01/2017
Time: 14:00-15:30 Presidential Hall
Session: Communications
Chair Person: Prof Lenan
Co Chair: Dr. Mohammed Faisal
BER Performance Improvement Of V2I Communication By Using OFDM-IM Exploiting All Subcarrier Activation Patterns Sahar Abdulaziz Altalib, Bakr Mohammed Ali, Abdulrahman Ikram Siddiq
Practical Considerations For Interfacing Operational Amplifiers With Analog To Digital Converters In Microcontrollers
Ashraf Abubaker Mohammed, Samah Mohamed Nafie
Enhancement Of Seamless Mobility In Nested Network Mobility
Altaya Ahmed Mohamed, Murtada Khlalfallah Elbashir, Muslim Mohammed Ali, Awadallah Mohammed Ahmed
Sum Rate Analysis Of Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output System For Linear Precoding Using Normalization Methods
Ali Mahir Ali Ibrahim, Murtada Mohammed Abdelwahab
Simulating Macrocell-Microcell Handovers In 4G Systems
Sahar Bashir Abass, Niemah Izzeldin Osman
Time: 14:00-15:30 Arkaweet
Session: Network
Chair Person: Abdeldime Mohamed Salih
Co Chair: Dr. Sallam Osman Fageeri
Enhanced Bandwidth Reservation Guarantees For QoS Routing In Vehicular Network
Sallam Osman Fageeri
Using The TCP Retransmission Timeout For Solving The KCI Attack Problem Against The TLS Protocol
Hamid Abbas Ali, Ayman Mohammed Muzzamail Albashear, Abeer M. Ali
Multiple Physical Layer Pipes Performance For DVB-T2
Yusri T. Abdelrahman
Demodulator Based On Deep Belief Networks In Communication System
Meng Fan, Wu Lenan
Spiking Generation In Semiconductor Laser By Optoelectronic Feedback
Babekir Osman
Time: 14:00-15:30 Jebel Marrah
Session: Microwave and Radar
Chair Person: Dr. Ahmed Awad Ahmed
Co Chair: DR. Chen Peng
Design And Simulation Of Wide Band Input Matching Circuit For RF Power Transistor In VHF Range
Hamid Mubarak Mustafa Makkawi
Design, Implementation And Performance Analysis Of Crystal Video Front End For X-Band Radar Warning Receiver
Hamid Mubarak Mustafa Makkawi
Frequency Diverse Array Radar The Future Of Combating ECM Threats
Ahmed Abdalla
Clutter Estimation Based On Compressed Sensing In Bistatic MIMO Radar
Peng Chen, Ping Zhan, Lenan Wu
Radio Propagation And Troposphere Parameters Effect For Microwave Links In Sudan
Mohamed Elghazali Hamza Khalil
Time: 14:00-15:30 Al Barkal
Session: Biomedical
Chair Person: Alwaleed Basheer
Co Chair: Dr. Mgdi Eltayeb
Microwave Imaging System For Early Detection Of Breast Cancer
Faihaa Mohammed Eltigani
Comparative Study Of The Radiation Characteristic Between Uniform, Tschebyscheff And Binomial Amplitude Distributions Of Linear Patch Antenna Array For X-Band Radar Warning Receivers
Hamid Mubarak Mustafa Makkawi
Automatic Detection And Classification Of Malarial In Thin Blood Slide Images
Hassan Abdelrhman Mohammed Elnaeem
Tel-Radiology Implementation: An Image Analysis Case
Mohamed Almustfa Eisa Mohamed,
Detection Of Malaria Parasites Using Digital Image Processing
IslahAbdelhameid Ali
Color And Texture Fusion-Based Method For Content-Based Image Retrieval
Abdolraheem Khader Alhassan
Autonomic Management By Self-Optimization For WEINMANN
Sheima Sharafeldin Elhwij
Time: 15:30-17:00 Presidential Hall
Tracking and Positioning I
Chair Person: Dr. Abdelrahim Satti
Co Chair: Dr. Alkhidir Tayaalla
On-Line Walking Speed Control In Human-Powered Exoskeleton Systems
Abusabah I. A. Ahmed
Indoor Navigation Algorithm For Mobile Robot Using Wireless Sensor Networks
Esra B. Abbas, Y M Alkasim, Osman Mudathir Elfadil
Design Of A Positioning And Tracking System For Paratroops Team
RazanSaadeldin Mohamed
Design Of Bus Tracking And Fuel Monitoring System
An Approach To Establishment Of Cars To Road Management System
Fatima Yusuf Mohammed
Time: 15:30-17:00 Arkaweet
Session: Tracking and Positioning II
Chair Person: Dr. Ahmed Hassan
Co Chair: Dr. Ahmed Elamin
Real Time Embedded Cam Shift Object Tracking Algorithm Using Davenci TMS320DM6437 EVM
Khidir Elhadi Bala
Design And Implementation Of An Active Attitude Determination And Control Subsystem (ADCS) For ISRASAT1 Cube Satellite
Asia Saeed Kajo
Back Stepping Tracking Controller For Wheeled Mobile Robot
Walid Mohamed ElfatihMahjoub, Ibrahim Mohamed Hafiz Sanhoury
Modeling And Simulation of Electric Drive Vehicle Based on Space Vector Modulation Technique And Field Oriented Control Strategy
Saber Mohammed ElnourFadul, IshakAris, NorhisamMisron, Izhal A Halin, A.K.M Parvez Iqbal
Web-based GIS Business Hotels Tourism Site In Khartoum, Sudan
Taha Alfadul Taha
Time: 15:30-17:00 Jebel Marrah
Session: Artificial Intelligent
Chair Person: Dr. Ibrahim Ahmed
Co Chair:Dr. Viju G.K.
Early Cost Estimation Of Software Reworks Using Fuzzy Requirement-Based Model
Tarig Ahmed Khalid, Eng-Thiam Yeoh
Design Of Fuzzy-Based Autonomous Car Control System
Abdulrahman H. A. Widaa, Waddah Abdelbagie Talha
Fuzzy PID Based Path Tracking Control Of A 5-DOF Needle-Holding Robot
Edris Abdalla Edris
Average Least Frequency Used (ALFUR) Cache Replacement Technology USING Intelligent Agents
Mohammed Salah Khaleel, SaifEldinFattoh Osman, Hiba Ali Nasir
Speed Control Of DC Motor Using Fuzzy Logic Controller
Yasser Ali Almathil
Time: 15:30-17:00 Al Barkal
Session: Security
Chair Person: Dr. Yasir A. Mohamed
Co Chair: Dr. Yasir H. Ahmed
Exploiting the Physical Layer Security for Providing a Simple User Privacy Security System for Vehicular Networks
Abdeldime M. S. Abdelgader, Feng Shu
Proposed Security Model For Web Based Application And Service
Aiman Osman Solyman, Anwar Dafa-Allah Dafa-Allah, Arafat Abdulgader M. Elhag
Performance Analysis Of Thre (SCP) Classical Encryption Algorithms In Encrypting Database Transactions
Mohammed Suleiman Mohammed Rudwan, Salah Eldin Deng Al-Jack
Evaluation Of The Quality Of Encoded Quran Digital Audio Recording
MoutamanMirghaniDaffalla, Hadeel Osman Madane
Anomaly Detection Approach Using Hybrid Algorithm Of Data Mining Technique
Saad Mohamed Ali Mohamed
Day 2: 17/01/2017
Time: 11:30-13:00 Presidential Hall
Session: Computer Science – I
Chair Person: Dr. Hozeifa A. AbdAlshafy
Co Chair: Dr. Abdelmotalib Ahmed
Using K Nearest Neighbors For Text Segmentation With Feature Similarity
Taeho Jo
Ophthalmology Prediction System Using Machine Learning Techniques
Sallam Osman Fageeri
Development Arabic Search Engine
Aamer Idris Dirar
Distance Alert System Using Stereo Vision And Feature Extraction
Abubakr Abdalla, Murtada Elbashir, Abdullah Osman
Time: 11:30-13:00 Arkaweet
Session: Computer Science –II
Chair Person: Dr. Faisal M. Abdalla
Co Chair: Dr. Sami Abbas Nagar Adam
SSREQ: A Method For Design Star Schemas From Requirements
Elhaj Elamin Babekir
Performance Analysis Of Cloud Computing For Distributed Data Center Using Cloud-Sim
Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif, MnahilKher Alseed Mohammed Alnazir, Amin Babiker A/Nabi Mustafa, Hamid Abbas Ali
Alneelain: A Formal Specification Language
Nahid Ahmed Ali
Developing Tool For Odoo Platform
Bashir Idris Bashir, Shrif Hago Almugadam, Amr Abd-Alkrim Hassan, Mohammed Alwathing Alhaj AdmKabashi
K Nearest Neighbor For Text Summarization Using Feature Similarity
Taeho Jo
Session: Computer Science –III
Chair Person: Dr. S.P. SOOD
Co Chair: Dr. Ali Ahmed Alfake
Systematic Literature Review: Solving Educational Timetabling Problem Using Swarm Intelligence Optimization Techniques
Omer Ahmed Elbashir, Adil Ali Abdulaziz, Almonzer Salah Nooraldaim
Forum discussion summarization Based on Cross-Post structure Relationships Identification using supervised machine learning
Ibrahim Almahy
Collaborative Filtering Techniques And Applications
Ashraf Osman Ibrahim, Najdt Mustafa Musa
Functionality Assessment For NDT And WSDMDA Methodologies Using Quality Evaluation Framework
Mohammed Abdalla Osman Mukhtar
Comparison Between ALFUR Using Intelligent Agent With LFU, LRU, SIZE And PCCIA Cache Replacement Technologies
Mohammed Salah Khaleel
Time: 11:30-13:00 Al Barkal
Session: Applications and Systems
Chair Person: Dr. Moutaman Mirghani
Co Chair: Dr. Ahmed Abdelrahman
Automation Of A Syrup Production Line Using S7- 1200 And TIA Portal Software
Husam Salih, Hammam Abdelwahab, Areej Abdallah
Evaluation Of Boeing 747-E Lateral Autopilot Using Flying And Handling Qualities Specifications
SafaNajm Elden Zedan
Design Of Autopilot Platform Using HILS Approach
Mohamed Amir Elbakri, Mohammed Abdullah Elsadig
High Altitude Testing Balloon Project
Waleed Babiker Elsedig Mohammed
Fuel Management System
Areeg Abubakr Ibrahim Ahmed
Time: 14:00-15:30 Presidential Hall
Session: Satellite
Chair Person: Prof. Dr. Saad Osman Bashir
Co Chair: DR. MengFAn
Maximizing Solar Energy Input For Cubesat Using Sun Tracking System And A Maximum Power Point Tracking
Hammam Najeib Abdelwahab
Design And Implementation Of Communication Subsystem For ISRASAT1 Cube Satellite
Yasir Ahmed Idris, Moutaman Mirghani Daffalla, Ahmed Tagelsir Osman
Hardware And Software Design Of Onboard Computer Of ISRASAT1 Cubesat
Duaa Abdelmuniem Osman, Sondos Mohamed
Student Satellites, Implementation Models & Approaches In Sudan
Waleed Babiker Elsedig Mohammed
A Design Of A Remote Weather Factors Monitoring System
MysoonSiddig Ali
Time: 14:00-15:30 Arkaweet
Session: DSP
Chair Person: Dr. Ashraf GasimElseed
Co Chair: Dr. Elessaid Sulaiman Saad
Joint MFCC-And-Vector Quantization Based Text-Independent Speaker Recognition System
Ala Eldin Omer Mohamed Omer
An Algebra Explanation For Maximum Decision
Feixiang Cheng, Shulin Zhang, Lenan Wu
A Modified Sphere Detection Algorithm With Lower Complexity
Yingjie Wen, Lenan Wu
DSP-Based Dispersion Compensation: Survey And Simulation
Mazin Abdelbadea Alikarar
Fault Diagnosis Using Cross-Wavelet Transform For Electricity Pre-Payment Meter
Bashar SirelkhatimElhassan, Yahia Musa Alsideeq, Elmubarak Mohamed Imam, ShariefBabikir
Time: 14:00-15:30 Jebel Marrah
Session: Control
Chair Person: Dr. Ahmed Emam
Co Chair: Dr. Alfadil Zakaria
Implementation Of A PID Control System On Microcontroller (Dc Motor Case Study)
Mohamed Nasreldin Agab
Automated And Monitored Liquid Filling System Using PLC Technology
Abdulraouf Izzeldin Jaboura, Mohammed Ahmed Al-Toum, Osman DawoodAbaker
Custom In-System Firmware Upgrade For MSP430 Microcontrollers Family Using SPI
Musaab Taha, Sahar Mustafa
Modeling And Simulation Of Air Data Computer
Elkhidir Yousif
Ant Colony Based LQR And PID Tuned Parameters For Controlling Inverted Pendulum
AmanAbd-Allah Mohamed Jacknoon
Time: 14:00-15:30 Al Barkal
Session: Energy I
Chair Person: Dr. Omer Alfaki
Co Chair: Dr. Zakieldeen M.Eltayeb
Improving The Voltage Profile Of The Transmission Lines By Using The Series Compensation Under Different Loading Conditions
Ammar Mishal Elagab, Ibrahim Mohammad Elamin
Power Flow Control And Tie Line Stiffness Between Sudan And Ethiopia
Mahmoud Elsir Elhassan
Economic Measures Of Power Plants
Rashid Salaheldinn Elhaj Mohammed
Grid Connected Photovoltaic System
FarogFadlelmoula Mohamed, Abdallah Mohamed, Mamoun Ibrahim
Agent Based Load Management For Microgrid
Sharief F Babiker
Time: 15:30-17:00 Presidential Hall
Session: Electronics
Chair Person: Othman Hassan Abdalla
Co Chair: Dr. Ashraf Osman
Wireless Power Transmission: As An Emerging Technology
Chukwu Jeremiah
Reduction Of Phase Noise For Inductor Based Ultra-Wide Band Voltage Controlled Oscillator
Muhammad Ibn Ibrahimy
Correlated Transfer Of Discrete Charge In Long Arrays Of Tunnel Junctions
Sharief F Babiker
Reliability Assessment And Feasibility Study For An Industrial Facility With The Integration Of Hybrid Renewable Energy System
Abdelhamed T. Mohamed, Mohammed Al-Hassan M. Salim, Mohammad M. Almuhaini
Buildings Cooling: An experimental study of cooling buildings using phase change materials
Abdeldafia Mohammed Mohammed
Abdeldime M. S. Abdelgader
Abdelmotalib Ahmed
Abdelrahim Satti
Abubakr Obaid
Abusabah I. A. Ahmed
Ahmed Abdalla
Ahmed Awad Babiker
Ahmed Elamin Medani
Ahmed Emam
Ahmed Hassan
Ahmed Hilali
Ali Ahmed
Alwaleed Basheer
Ashraf Abubaker Mohammed
Ashraf Osman Ibrahim
Hamid Abbas Ali
Babekir Osman
Dalia Mahmoud
Ahmed Jaklan
Sallam Osman Fageeri
Viju G K
Abdeazeim Abdallah
Abdelhamid Mansor
Akram Amara
Alfadil Zakaria
Ali Omer
Amal Eltahir
Ashraf Osman
Banzier Abrahim Abrahim
Desogi Shazali
Elia Sidieg
Elneel Kamal
Fragoon Ahmed
Hasan Kamarul
Hozeifa Adam
Mohammed Mohsen Nasr
Mohd Yagoub
Moutaman Mirghani Daffalla
Musab Alkhair
Omer Sidahmed
Rania Mokhtar
Samar Mokhtar
Samir Hamed
Yasir Agha
Zakieldeen Alhassan
Zenab Ahmed
Edris Abdalla Edris
Elbaraa Mohamed Elagib
Elessaid Suliman
Elkhidir Yousif
Faisal Abdalla
Fatima Yusuf Mohammed
Ghazally Ibrahim Yousif
Hasan Kamarul
Sharief F Babiker
Hesham Ibrahim Ahmed Dafalla
Hi Elamin Osman Elamin
Kamal Ramadan Doud
Mohamed Elhaj Mohamed
Hisham Abushama
Ibrahim Ahmed
Omer Elfaki Elbashir
Khidir Elhadi Bala
Kholod Hajo Ibrahiem
Mawahib Gafare Ahmed
Mayada Ahmed
Ola Merghani Hassan
Mohamed Osman Aboaubaida
Mohammed Hussien Hassan Musa
Mohammed Ramadan Mohammed
Molhema Mohu Aldeen Awad
Aamir Hashem
Ahmed Abdelrahman
Ashraf Abubaker Mohammed
Kamal Ramadan
Mohammed Ali
Mohammed Nour
Saber M E Fadul
Abdulrahman H. A. Widaa
Abubakar Muazu
Tarig Ahmed Khalid
Yasir Abdelgadir Mohamed
Wafaa Faisal Mukhtar
Murtada Mohammed Abdelwahab
Mysoon Siddig Ali
Nadir Salih
Nagm Abdo
Nassrin Elamin
Nosiba Khider Ali
Omer Sedeg Omer
Osman Wahballa Hassan
Othman Hassan Abdalla
Peng Chen
Prof Omer Elsmani
Prof Saad Bashir
Rashad Tageldean
Rashid Salaheldinn Elhaj Mohammed
Razan Saadeldin Mohamed
Regards Walid Mohamed Elfatih Mahjoub
Romisa Ahmed
Salam Zakieldeen Mohammed Elhassan
Sami Elnajar
Waleed Babiker Elsedig Mohammed
Zakaria Anwar Zakaria
Sahar Abdulaziz Altalib, Bakr Mohammed Ali, Abdulrahman Ikram Siddiq
Abstract: One of the essential divisions of the fast developing field of vehicular technology is the vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) communications. The PHY layer of V2I is implemented by the IEEE 802.11p wireless standard, whose core is the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) due to its robustness against multipath fading. The recently developed technique called OFDM with Index Modulation (-IM) has a better BER performance than OFDM. A source of error in OFDM-IM is that it uses a subset of the all possible subcarrier activation patterns (SAPs). A latest modification is the OFDM-IMA, referring to OFDM-IM that uses all possible SAPs. In this paper, it is proposed to use OFDM-IMA with subcarrier-level interleaving to replace OFDM in the IEEE 802.11p. Computer simulation results show that the proposed system achieves significant BER improvement with respect to OFDM and OFDM-IM, when tested over standard V2I environments.
Keywords: Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I), IEEE 802.11p, OFDM, OFDM-IM, BER
Chukwu Jeremiah
Abstract: Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) is the transmission of electric power devoid of using cable or conductor from electricity source to an output terminal. This technology is beneficial in locations that are not easily served by wired electricity, dangerous or unfeasible for cable connection and since the transmisison is in form of microwave, there is no power loss from the generating and distribution stations and WPT technologies have great future for new commerce/ business zone. This paper provides a survey of wireless power transmission as an emerging technology, its recent advancement and application areas.
Keywords: Wireless; Microwave; Resonant; Rectenna; WPT
Muhammad Ibn Ibrahimy
Abstract: Several techniques have been investigated in this paper to propose the reduction of phase noise due to electro-magnetic interference for inductor based ultra-wide band voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). Furthermore, figure of merit of VCO and its tuning range have been compared to exhibit the improved performance. Phase noise has been stated as -151 dBc/Hz at 20 MHz offset frequency with a tuning range of 2.8~5.8 GHz according to article. Electro-magnetic coupling has been decreased to 44 dB by 8-shaped inductor based harmonic VCO proposed in the literature.
Keywords: Phase noise reduction, electro-magnetic interference reduction, ultra-wide band, VCO
Abusabah I. A. Ahmed
Abstract: The on-line walking speed control in human powered exoskeleton systems is a big challenge, the real time translations of human intention to increase or decrease walking speed in maneuverable coupled human exoskeleton systems is still complex field. An adaptive trajectory frequency control algorithm has been developed to guide the exoskeleton’s joint in HUman-powered Augmentation Lower Exoskeleton (HUALEX) within the human wearer intended speed. Based on mismatch of Dual Reaction Force (DRF) sensors, we proposed a new control methodology for walking speed control. Human intention recognition and identification through instrumented footboard and smart shoe is achieved successfully in this work, the new term heel contact time HCT is main feedback for control algorithm. Adaptive Central Pattern Generators (CPGs) used to control joint trajectory frequency, the different walking speeds associated with different functioning of human body CPGs frequency. Experiments on one Degrees of Freedom (1-DOF) platform are demonstrated for walking speed control scheme validation.
Keywords: On-line walking speed control, Central Patterns Generators (CPGs), Floor Reaction Force, Smart Shoes, Lower Limb Human Exoskeleton system.
335 Frequency Diverse Array Radar the Future of Combating ECM threats
Ahmed Abdalla
Abstract: Necessities of newer radar systems are becoming even more demanding in modern electronic warfare ECM (Electronic counter measure) scenarios; therefore, ECCM (Electronic counter-countermeasure) technology has become one of the most important functions of the radar system evaluation. This paper provides an outline on the current research status, developments, achievements of frequency diverse array (FDA) radar, and it is appropriate to ECCM demands. We address some issues concerning FDA radar design, concepts, and main characteristics that making the FDA protects itself from all types of jamming, with a plan to look for further investigations on the FDA ECCM aspects. Furthermore, in this review, several perspectives relevant to FDA opportunities to ECCM processing are pointed out and the attainable results are verified by numerical simulations
Keywords: Frequency diverse array (FDA) Radar; electronic counter countermeasure (ECCM); ECM; range dependent
Faihaa Mohammed Eltigani
Abstract: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among females, and one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Nowadays, the most common method for breast cancer detection is X-ray mammogram screening. Since mammography employs ionizing radiations, the repetition of exposure is not recommended. Aiming to overcome this limitation of the X-ray mammogram screening, a new, low-cost and safe microwave imaging technique was developed in this study. The proposed technique depends on the significant contrast in the dielectric properties of the normal and the tumor tissues. The Computer Simulation Technology Microwave Studio was used to create a model of breast with tumour of 5mm radius. And a circular patch antenna was used in this study. The breast model was placed in front of the antenna, which used as a transmitter as well as a receiver of the microwave. The reflected waves were processed in order to form an image of the tumour. The reconstruction of the reflected waves permits a clear identification of the tumor.
Keywords: Keywords— Microwave Imaging; breast tumor; patch antenna; 2D representation
225 Systematic Literature Review: Solving Educational Timetabling Problem Using Swarm Intelligence Optimization Techniques
Omer Ahmed Elbashir, Adil Ali Abdulaziz, Almonzer Salah Nooraldaim
Abstract : Timetabling is commonly identified by many researchers as NP-complete problem. Such a complex problem is represented as an optimization challenge due to its difficulty in implementing and resource consumption. Many optimization approaches such as swarm intelligence have been implemented in an attempt to find an optimal timetable solution. A huge number of solutions have been presented in literature. These solutions are varies is their optimization algorithm, consequently varies in their objective function strategy, dimensions, efficiency and so forth. However, extra efforts are needed to enhance solutions in this area. Systematic Literature Review method is an efficient tool for understanding, classifying, and finding new trends in the areas searched. Therefore, this paper presents a systematic literature review concerning Swarm Intelligence Optimization techniques needed for solving the timetabling problem. The systematic review includes 143 with a protocol focused on finding primary studies addressing the techniques of swarm intelligence. The reported results showed that techniques such as Firefly algorithm have never been implemented in the area of educational timetabling. Besides, this study has pointed out many new trends in area of optimization-based solution for solving time table problems.
Keywords: Swarm Intelligence, Timetabling, Educational Timetabling, Meta heuristics, Systematic Literature Review.
Safa Abd Elmonem Yosif
Abstract: The need for efficient public transportation system is rapidly increased due to the increasing in population, there is increased need for efficient public transportation system especially the buses the passengers need to know the accurate arrival time of the particular bus to particular station and then plan their journey from their home fuel monitoring have been the major problem that most of bus companies looking to solve. This paper developed a bus tracking and monitoring the fuel and speed system to provide a facility for the management requirements by the administrator. The proposed system based on GSM/GPS and ASP.MVC which show the actuated arrival time in addition to graphically showing for the bus location on Google map. The design also enables the owner of the bus to monitor the bus instantaneously because the system administrator can easily maintained database information of buses and its fuel tank at any time of the service.
Razan Saadeldin Mohamed
Abstract: In today’s world, wireless communication became the master use in any technology that need transferring of data between devices in far distant places. Some of the previous studies used wireless with global positioning system (GPS) to help paratroops team to know their positions. The problems of paratrooper when they reach the land and they are scattered and can’t find each other’s position quickly. Sometimes paratroops don’t find their equipment that is thrown from the plane to the ground. The main objective of this study is to overcome these problems. In this work every paratrooper must carry a mobile device .The methodology includes three steps first, receiving the position of the paratrooper from GPS ,second displaying the position in the liquid crystal display( LCD) and then send it to the main paratrooper through X-bee wirelessly, third the main paratrooper send all these data to the central computer located in afar place from all paratroops .The central computer displays the paratrooper teams positions in the map continuously while they are moving. The design helps in minimizing the information gathering time, reduce the information transfer time between paratroops and increases safety in the land. In addition to that the new device is less weight and circuit complexity. The study recommends further more analysis and design features added in addition to improve the security using encryption techniques to this positioning and tracking system using Nano circuitry so that the whole device to be in a size of hand watch or less.
Keywords: Paratrooper , GPS, LCD, X-bee, GUI, Actual map.
Nahid Ahmed Ali
Abstract: In computer science, a formal specification language is defined as a specification language used during systems analysis, requirements analysis and system design to describe a system. This description will be at much higher level than programming, which is used to produce the executable code for a system. Formal specification language provides mathematical representation of the system and expresses the specification in a language whose vocabulary syntax and semantic are properly defined. Today, a variety of formal specification languages are in use some of them are either based on algebraic specification or on model-based specification. In this paper a new specification language called Alneelain specification language is presented. It is based on axiomatic specification. The primary concern in designing the compiler of Alneelain specification language, was with syntax and semantics of the language.
Keywords: Formal Methods; Formal Specification Language; Alneelain Specification Language; Axiomatic Specification
Abubakr Abdalla, Murtada Elbashir, Abdullah Osman
Abstract In the recent years’, image processing is becoming an important field in computer science. Also interaction between human and computer is in increasing rate. Nowadays there are useful applications in measuring the distance to make human life easy and more safety such as alarm systems on cars that make alert sounds when a car becomes too close to any object, and even robots measures distance to make maps of their environments. Those applications normally use one of the sensors laser finder, radar and ultra-sonic. In this paper our concern is to measure the distance using stereo vision and alert user when distance between any objects become less than 30cm. Stereo vision is used because it is cheaper, saves power and easy in implementation. In the experiments the images with 640x480 resolution were tested. Using the distances 50cm, 1m and 1.5m distances, the error was 1%,4% and 12%, respectively.
Keywords: Stereo Vision, measure distance
Fatima Yusuf Mohammed
Abstract: Traffic accidents have recently become a significant terror for all members of the community, their contribution to the cause of death and huge economic losses have become very large, this is due to the violation of the traffic rules and exceeding the speed limit for the road by the drivers. Ambulance and emergency teams face severe difficulties to find their way during the rush hours; this is because the drivers cannot get an early notification to adapt themselves so as to leave these teams pass through. The main objective of this study is to improve the traffic flow to overcome those problems. Some previous studies used a wireless transmission via infrared which considered as a short range. And other used XBee for send the value of the speed only. The methodology used in this study is a design of a communication system between the road and the car to alert and control the speed of the car wirelessly; it consists of a two transceiver module. The device is fixed at Pre-determined position send the speed limit and gives notes about general facilities of the road like the word “school”, “hospital” and “pedestrian crossing”, and “emergency” to alert the drivers that there is incoming ambulance, this alert appear in a form of messages which displayed in the liquid crystal display (LCD). The other device is fixed on the car that received these messages wirelessly from the device that fixed on the road, and then displays it on the LCD. Also controls the vehicle’s speed by using the motor. The result acquisition from this study is the calculation of revolution per minute (rpm) for motor result in 460 rpm therefore the maximum speed of the car is 450kilometers per hour for cars with the radius of the wheel 26 cm. decreasing the revolutions per minute results in decreasing the car speed. The wireless transmission by using Xbee-s1 sends the data at a rate of 250 Kbit/Sec. In conclusion, when using this system it helps in reducing traffic violations and facilitates traffic for emergency vehicles and controlled car speed means safety for lives and possessions. This study recommends adding car to car communication protocol.
Altaya Ahmed Mohamed, Murtada Khlalfallah Elbashir, Muslim Mohammed Ali, Awadallah Mohammed Ahmed
Abstract: Mobile networks consist of one or more mobile IP-subnets and is viewed as one connected unit to the internet via one or more Mobile Router (MR).When MR is connecting to the other MR in the other mobile network, it makes a structure known as Nested Mobile Network. In this structure each level of connected router has a Bi-directional tunnel between each pair of MR and its Home Agent (HA) must be established. By this way the message size will increase, because of IP-in-IP header encapsulation. This leads to bad network performance in term of high tunneling overhead. In this paper we investigate on the current route optimization techniques that deal with nested network mobility problem. The main objective of this paper is to develop new a route optimization scheme that enhances the overall network performance by reducing the tunneling overhead, handoff latency, and packet transmission delay. This is accomplished using a hybrid approach between Proxy MIPv6 protocol and SD-TLMR scheme using pre-registration of SD-TLMR of each sub domain in advance with short time update in binding update extensions message format. Analytical model has been used to evaluate the performance analysis and the performance is benchmarked with NEMO protocol, BUL+ and SD-TLMR approaches. The obtained results showed that the proposed hybrid approach has improved the performance of the network when using the packet delay and handoff latency measures compared to the other techniques.
Keywords: Mobile Routers (MRs) ; Mobile Internet Protocol version 6 (MIPv6) ; Network Mobility Support (NEMO Support) ; Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6).
Mysoon Siddig Ali
Abstract: Wireless sensor network become the most important part in any technology that need to control the environment, because it is enabling interaction between persons or computers and the surrounding environment. One of the new trends that need the wireless sensor network is military applications. The main objective of this research is to design a reliable, inexpensive, small, and easy movement remote weather factors monitoring system for helping and routing the military equipment to oriented and hit the predetermined target accurately without human and material losses. The methodology based on wireless sensor network technology to design of a remote weather factors monitoring system consists of three nodes located in different places to measure all of the surrounding weather factors by using four sensors (temperature and humidity sensor, wind direction sensor, wind speed sensor, and atmosphere pressure sensor), which connected with Arduino then sends this measured factors to a central station via xbee wireless communication module that operate within 2.4 GHz frequency band. The results of this paper shows the averages of the measured weather factors received from the sensor nodes after being calculated by the central station has stored in a database and displayed on monitoring screen, then sends to another organization to determine and hit the target accurately. It is recommended that to use another wireless communication module with wide rage such as very high frequencies device (VHF).
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network, Microcontroller, Proteus, Arduino Software, GUI, Visual Studio, Xbee.
Yasser Ali Almathil
Abstract: In this paper we have designed a DC motor whose speed can be controlled using PID controller and fuzzy logic controller. PID controller requires a mathematical model of the system while fuzzy logic controller base on experience via rule-based knowledge .Design of fuzzy logic controller requires many design decisions , for example rule base and fuzzification. PID controller chooses its parameters base on self-tuning. Fuzzy logic controller uses mamdani system which employs fuzzy sets in consequent part . PID and FLC are investigated with the help of MATLAB / SIMULINK package program simulation. It is founded that FLC is more difficult in design comparing with PID controller, but it has an advance to be more suitable to satisfy non-linear systems.
Mohammed Salah Khaleel
Abstract: Web cache replacement play important role, increasing the performance and speed of browsing web sites using internet. This paper highlights a new proposed LFU replacement strategy and compares LFU, LRU, SIZE and the replacement using fuzzy logic, with new proposed replacement algorithm Average Least Frequency Used Removal (ALFUR). Hit Ratio and Byte Hit Ratio were used to measure the performance of these algorithms. The paper is concluded by shows out which is the best cache replacement policy should be used.
Keywords: LFU; proxy cache; removable policies; Web caching performance
Mohamed Elghazali Hamza Khalil
Abstract: Microwave links have to be designed such that propagation effects do not reduce the quality of the transmitted signals. Measurements and the derived propagation parameters are analysed and discussed. Metrological parameters data( Visibility, Temperature, Relative humidity and Atmospheric Pressure) gotten from the Sudan Meteorological Authority (SMA) are used to calculate the daily averages of refractivity for last twenty a year’s 2006 -2015. The meteorological data collected were computed to obtain the refractivity, refractivity gradient and earth radius factor. The results of the diurnal variation of refractivity based on assessment of relative humidity, dust cloud, rain fall, temperature and atmospheric pressure made across of covered all region in Sudan, Port Sudan (18 25 N, 37° 25' E), Khartoum (15 33 N, 32° 31' E), Dongla (19 10 N, 30° 29' E), Elfashir (13 28 N, 25° 21' E), and Wad Madani (14 23 N, 33° 32' E), is presented in this study. Radio refractivity and attenuation signal strength are inversely related with ranges of 390 and 405 annual in different stations respectively. Results obtained ascertained that each atmospheric parameter has a role to play in refractivity with humidity as the major factor that is having more influence than other factors. The main contribution of this study improves future planning of the radio links in study area.
Keywords: Microwave Links, Metrological Parameters, Refractivity, Troposphere.
Ashraf Osman Ibrahim, Najdt Mustafa Musa
Abstract: During the last decade’s huge amounts of data have been shown and introduced. Therefore, recommender systems, predict the rating that a user would give to an item. Collaborative filtering (CF) techniques are most popular and widely used by recommender systems technique which used similar neighbors to generate recommendations. This paper provides the concepts, methods, applications and evaluations of the CF based on the literature review. In addition, the paper provide the discussion of the types of the recommender systems as general and types of CF such as; memory based, model based and hybrid model also discussed how to choose appropriate type of CF. The evaluation methods of the CF systems are also provided throughout the paper. In addition, the paper provides a discussion and summary of current open research issues and presents the conclusions.
Keywords: Collaborative filtering; recommender systems; memory based; model based; hybrid model
Saber Mohammed Elnour Fadul, Ishak Aris, Norhisam Misron, Izhal A Halin, A.K.M Parvez Iqbal
Abstract: Modeling and simulation of the electric vehicle have attracted increasing attentions to the researchers. Recently, the electric vehicle has emerged as a powerful platform for mitigating energy crisis and reducing environment pollution in the transportation sector. One of the largest barriers is that the electric powered automobile still not competitive with internal combustion engine cars limited by the driving range and battery energy. Therefore, power effectively and energy efficiency are of significance for battery electric automobiles due to the limited stored energy. To achieve improvement in energy saving and better induction motor efficiency within an electric vehicle, a control algorithm such as field oriented control and Space Vector Modulation technique can be used. A first step in modeling an electric vehicle is the selection of suitable parameters and understanding their characteristics. This paper, therefore, presents a study of vehicle parameters based on modeling and simulation of an electric vehicle dynamics when integrated with an induction motor powered by the Li-ion battery using Matlab/Simulink. It also describes a modeling of the electric induction motor based on space vector modulation technique and field oriented control strategy, leading to a design of full electric vehicle prototype. To achieve model goals, simulation results were carried out.
Keywords: Electric Vehicle; FOC; SVM; IM; Matlab/Simulink
Sheima Sharafeldin Elhwij
Abstract: The main goal of autonomic computing is to make the software systems able to manage themselves and minimize the human intervention. Various methods have been used to implement autonomic computing. This research focused on one of the autonomic computing characteristic which is self-optimization. “Self-optimization capability optimizes various parameters at run time according to environmental conditions. It enables monitoring, experimenting and tuning various parameters to make best use of the existing resources”. This research tried to implement self-optimization system that helps to get result used to support reports used by doctors to diagnose. To achieve this patient records are collected from Sleep disorders and lung function Research Center in Sudan (Army medical hospital) contains 18 attributes from different patients of different situations. Case based reasoning algorithm applied which is problem solving paradigm of artificial intelligence used old experiences as case base in form of problem-solution pair to solve a new problem. The research’s result highlights the effect of different similarity measures and analyzed the performance using accuracy and RMES to select the best similarity measures in similar cases. Incorporating the ambiguous case information in autonomic manager by applying fuzzy theory along with CBR and insert the data to the algorithm directly from the original system is the recommended future direction of this work.
Keywords: Autonomic Computing, Similarity Measures, Case Base Reasoning, Root Mean Square Error
Mohammed Salah Khaleel
Abstract: Web caching is an important technique to scale the internet. To increase the speed of browsing, Replacement strategies are used. Least Frequency Used (LFU) replacement strategy is one of these web cache replacement strategies. The lack of LFU strategy is that it ignores download latency and size of object and may store obsolete web object indefinitely. A new proposed replacement strategy based on LFU replacement which named Average Least Frequency Used Removal (ALFUR) has been highlighted in this paper. ALFUR can be considered as enhancement of LFU since it overcomes the lacks of LFU.
Keywords: LFU; proxy cache; removable policies; Web caching performance
Yasir Ahmed Idris, Moutaman Mirghani Daffalla, Ahmed Tagelsir osman
Abstract: The essential mission requirement of a satellite is the ability to provide a link to transmit information to and from the ground station. In general the communication system of the cube satellite is divided into two subsystems which are telemetry and data subsystem, and beacon subsystem. The telemetry and data subsystem will ensure continuous communication with the ground station. The beacon subsystem is the main part of communication system of the satellite, which provides information about the satellite and its status in a form of continuous wave (CW) which is encoded using Morse code. The beacon subsystem will be used to located the satellite and identify itself for other stations. In ISRASAT1 which is a nano-satellite designed, built and integrated at the Institute of Space Research and Aerospace (ISRA), the beacon subsystem is separated from telemetry and data transmitter and will operate in VHF band at 128 MHz . For the telemetry and data subsystem, the Data Radio transceiver in UHF band at 868 MHz will be used. In this paper, the hardware and software design and implementation of the communication subsystem of ISRASAT1 Cube satellite will be presented.
Keywords: CubeSat; Nano-satellite; 1U; Communication; antenna; Beacon
Sahar bashir abass, Niemah Izzeldin Osman
Abstract: Fourth Generation (4G) systems are expected to operate the global mobile network coverage area. They provide various services for different user types and their requirements. Vertical handovers occur between two layers of cells when a user is switched from one layer to the other. This paper details the influence of network parameters on vertical handover performance in a cell by simulating an overlapped macrocell-microcell environment. It considers handover requests entering a macrocell from a neighbor macrocell and from microcells of a different layer. We calculate various network performance parameters such as mean queue delay, handover dropping probability and channel utilization and compare the handover performance for macrocell and macrocell traffic. Our results demonstrate the influence of total channels, maximum queue size and handover request arrival rate on handover performance. They also show that the performance of each layer is similar in the case were the traffic from each layer is treated with equal priority in the system.
Keywords: 4G systems, handover queue delay, vertical handover.
Aman Abd-Allah Mohamed Jacknoon
Abstract: This paper presents the optimum technique to adjust the LQR and PID controller parameters to control for the nonlinear plant of inverted pendulum. The system is modeled in the state pace representation form. The control task is to move the cart of the inverted pendulum to a desired point and stabilize the angle of the pendulum at the vertical position. An LQR controller is used in the state feedback along with the PID controller. The parameters of both the PID controller and the LQR state feedback controller is tuned using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm. The simulation of the control problem has been designed using MATLAB Simulink and script code and the result was optimum.
Keywords: Inverted pendulum; Ant colony optimization (ACO); PID tuning; LQR; MATLAB simulation.
Safa Najm Elden Zedan
Abstract: Autopilot systems have been until now crucial to flight control for decades and have been making flight easier, safer and more efficient. This paper aimed to evaluate the lateral autopilot for Boeing747_E using flying and handling qualities specifications, by modeling and simulating a lateral autopilot for Boeing747_E by going through all design steps lateral motion has three modes; rolling, spiral, and Dutch roll. The dynamic response was oscillated during Dutch roll mode. The challenge to make the passengers comfortable that not to sense the oscillation, also the lateral autopilot used to suppress the side slip. Thus to enhance the stability a gain (Kr) were added in the feedback loop. The addition of controller increases the lateral stability which is reshaped the root locus and moves its poles and zeros to desirable location, results then evaluate using handling qualities. For Boeing747_E in lateral autopilot its tend to perform in level 1, which clearly adequate for the mission flight phase.
Mohamed Amir Elbakri, Mohammed Abdullah Elsadig
Abstract: Each day comes, the sector of autopilot and Unmanned vehicles get bigger exponentially; the autopilot design process plays an essential role in the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) development process. Autopilot can be designed and developed using different approaches; the most common one is the costly wind tunnel testing, the second and most risky approach is to design based on real fly tests, the third approach which is used in this paper is the Hardware in the loop simulation (HILS). A Hardware in the loop simulation (HILS) platform is designed for unmanned air vehicle (UAV) systems that represent flight attitudes on six degrees of freedom, which reduces risks and costs comparing to the previously mentioned approaches. In this paper a PID-based autopilot is designed, developed, and simulated on Matlab/Simulink Aerosim Blockset Library model of aircraft, the PID-controller algorithm has been implemented using Arduino board which has been connected with the plane model using serial communications. Stability of the system has been achieved by tuning PID parameters in the HILS, desired response and stability has been reached both in Manual and Full autonomous modes, with the aid of Flight Gear simulator for visualizing the aircraft response.
Keywords: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles; Autopilot; PID controller; Arduino platform; Hardware in the loop simulation
Asia Saeed Kajo
Abstract: The attitude determination and control subsystem (ADCS) is responsible for maintaining, monitoring and controlling the cubesat attitude against the environmental disturbances torques which affects the cube satellite orientation and leads to the angular destabilization of the cube satellites while in orbit. ISRASAT1 is a cube satellite research project which is run by the Institute of Space Research and Aerospace (ISRA). The project aims to provide an educational and testing tool technology platform, implements satellite system that can be lunch in the nearest future and it is also intended for the investigation of the possibility of using a low-cost CubeSat in the remote sensing field. ISRASAT1 utilized passive attitude control in the first design, but to satisfy accuracy requirements of major payloads, the IRSASAT1 ADCS developed to be an active attitude control. The new ADCS subsystem responsible for ensuring that ISRASAT1 will be de-tumbled successfully after the launch, and keeps its orientation in the desired orientation as far as possible. In this paper; the design and implement of an active ADCS for ISRASAT1 cube satellite are thoroughly presented and discussed.
Keywords: CubeSat; Nanosatellite;1U; Orientation; Sensor; Actuator; Tracker; Processor
Moutaman Mirghani Daffalla, Hadeel Osman Madane
Abstract: Digital audio compression is applied to reduce the data rate required to send audio stream through band limited communication networks, as well as reducing the size of data storage in case of recording audio streams. It is common to apply lossy audio compression algorithms in many applications, which provide higher compression at the expense of the fidelity. MPEG-1&2 Audio Layer III, or MP3, is encoding format for digital audio that uses a form of lossy data compression. It is a regular audio format for consumer audio streaming or storage, and a standard of digital audio compression for the transfer and playback of music on the majority of digital audio players. However, the quality of audio encoding depends on the phonemes of sound that distinguish one word from another in a particular language. Most of speech models applied in audio compression relies on phonemes of English language, rather than those of Arabic language. Therefore, audio encoding of Holly Quran for recording on digital media is highly affected by these differences in the models used. Consequently, serious errors could be produced during the playback of Quran Kareem, which may change the meaning and quality of the output stream. The main objective of this paper is to discuss and evaluate encoding methods for speech in Arabic language accents, focusing on deterioration occurs in producing correct and clear Quran digital audio recording.
Keywords: Audio Recording; Playback; Encoding; MP3; Compression; Arabic Language; Holly Quran
Waleed Babiker Elsedig Mohammed
Abstract: the design and launch a scientific satellite relies on a wide range of knowledge and technology in addition to other sciences. It is a big project that includes a large assortment of different specialist and has several implementation approaches and methods of design. A satellite for students is a perfect tool to teach students and developing in a range of different areas from planning, project management, engineering design, modeling and implementation methodology as well, in order to implement great phases of convergence and similarity with big satellites. Sudan has several experiences in this area and different design methods of implementation, including the students experience in the University of Khartoum and the experience of the Institute of Space Research and Aerospace (ISRA), which is an experience that we are going to take as a model in this paper. That includes discussion about the designs and methods of implementation.ISRA are one of the research institutes in space and aerospace which applies methods of implementation and approved design with some modifications. It aims to reduce the complexity and the cost of production. The project is now running and has reached the implementation phase. This paper highlights ISRA experience and evaluates it and shows other local experiences in the design and implementation methodology and will also discuss some of the other models in general.
Keywords: Satellite, Cubesat, implementation, Model; Methodology, Team, ISRA.
Babekir Osman
Abstract: The Chaos in single-mode semiconductor lasers is generated by means of an optoelectronic feedback. Chaotic dynamics have been generated due to the semiconductor laser model with optoelectronics feedback under appropriate conditions. MATLAB packages have been used to simulate the behavior of the semiconductor laser diodes with optoelectronics feedback. According to the chaos simulation technique, we have studied the model properties. And determine the control parameters that lead to regular behavior. Chaotic behavior has been generated by use the simulated model of OEFSL under appropriate conditions. We have a lot consider effectively analyze the behavior of a dynamical system under the influence control parameters such as bias current (δ0), feedback strength (ε) and the population inversion (γ).
Keyword: Chaos, Optoelectronics, Feedback
Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif, Mnahil Kher Alseed Mohammed Alnazir, Amin Babiker A/Nabi Mustafa, Hamid Abbas Ali
Abstract: This paper is about to calculate the performance of cloud computing for distributed data center using cloud-sim software programme, The simulation and performance analysis will be done by using the cloud analyst tool. It is easy to evaluate new strategies in utilization of clouds considering policies, scheduling algorithms, load balancing policies, etc. It can also be used to assess competence of strategies from various perspectives such as cost, application execution time etc. It also supports evaluation of Green IT policies. User can use it as building blocks for simulated Cloud environment and can add new policies for scheduling, load balancing, and new scenarios. It shows that it is flexible enough to be used as a library that allows you to write a desired scenario by writing a Java program.
506 Ophthalmology Prediction System Using Machine Learning Techniques
Sallam Osman Fageeri
Abstract: Machine learning is a subdivision of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is concerned with the design and development of intelligent algorithms that enables machines to learn from data without being programmed. Machine learning mainly focus on how to automatically recognize complex patterns among data and make intelligent decisions. In this paper, intelligent machine learning algorithms are used to classify the type of an eye disease based on ophthalmology data collected from patients of Mecca hospital in Sudan. Three machine-learning techniques are used to predict the severity of the eye that occurred during the investigation, which are Naïve Bayesian, SVM, and J48 decision tree. The obtained result showed that J48 classifier outperforms both Naïve Bayesian as well as SVM.
Keywords: Machine learning, Data Mining, Classification
Duaa Abdelmuniem Osman, Sondos Mohamed
Abstract: The On-Board computer (OBC) in CubeSat is the subsystem which acts as a bridge that connects the other subsystems with each other. It supervises many of the tasks that are done by the different subsystems of satellite and performs housekeeping and monitoring to ensure the health and status of those subsystems. The hardware and software design of the OBC mainly depends on the mission of the CubeSat. ISRASAT1 is a research project at the Institute of Space Research and Aerospace (ISRA) in order to develop a CubeSat that sends image, beacon and telemetry data to the ground station.
Keywords: OBC; Cubesat; housekeeping
Edris Abdalla Edris
Abstract: In brachytherapy treatment of cancer, multiple radioactive seeds are implanted inside the cancer tumor by a surgical needle, and the locations of the seeds are dependent on the accurate placement of the needle at desired position inside the patient body. Therefore needle placement is very important for the effectiveness of brachytherapy treatment. In this work, we propose design of Fuzzy-PID control system for a 5-DOF surgical robot to make the needle follow the desired trajectory to the cancer tumor. Numerical simulation using MALAB is developed to show the effectiveness of the proposed control system. Comparative evaluation with respect to PID controller is presented to validate the controller design. The results presented emphasize that a satisfactory tracking precision could be achieved using the proposed control system.
Keywords: brachytherapy; Robot; fuzzy PID; Path Tracking; control system.
497 High Altitude Testing Balloon Project
Waleed Babiker Elsedig Mohammed
Abstract: the goal of the High Altitude Testing Balloon Project is to design simple balloon with a payload to acquire data into near space, approximately 100m - 20 km and testing the new design. The project entailed designing both hardware and software and modifying existing hardware. The project is still in development progress at this time
Keywords: HAB; Microcontroller; GS ; Ardouino; UART; Xbee; GPS
Islah Abdelhameid Ali
Abstract : Malaria is a very serious infectious disease caused by a peripheral blood parasite of the genus Plasmodium. Conventional microscopy, which is currently “the gold standard” for the malaria diagnosis has occasionally proved inefficient since it is time consuming and results are difficult to reproduce. As it poses a serious global health problem, automation of the evaluation process is of high importance. In this work, an accurate, rapid and affordable model of malaria diagnosis using stained thin blood smear images was developed. The method makes use of the intensity features of Plasmodium parasites and erythrocytes. Images of infected and non-infected erythrocytes were acquired, pre-processed, relevant features extracted from them and eventually diagnosis was made based on the features extracted from the images. The main part of this work is devoted to the extraction of features from the red blood cell images that could be used for distinguishing between infected and non-infected red blood cells. A set of features based on intensity have been proposed, and the performance of these features on the red blood cell samples from the created database have been evaluated using artificial neural network (ANN) classifiers. The results have shown that these features could be successfully used for malaria detection.
Keywords: Malaria; erythrocyte; Parasite; Digital Image Processing; grayscale image.
Elhaj Elamin Babekir
Abstract: The Data Warehouse (DW) design remains a great challenge process for DW designers. As well, so far, there is no strong method to support the process of requirements analysis in DW projects. The literature approaches try to solve this tedious and important issue; however, a lot of these approaches ignore or bypass the requirements elicitation phase; as well, very few works suggest In this paper we propose a method to generate multidimensional schemas from decisional requirements. We elected natural language simplified syntax for expressing decisional/business user’s needs. Our approach is distinct from the existing approaches in that it relies on: i) a natural language based method for eliciting the requirements; ii) a matrix representation to normalize these requirements, and in addition iii) it automates the generation of star schemas relying on eight defined heuristics. A software prototype called SSReq (Star Schemas from Requirements) is developed to demonstrate the feasibility of our proposed approach. A real case study is used to illustrate this approach.
Keywords: Requirements elicitation; star schema; business requirement; matrix of requirements
Mazin Abdelbadea Alikarar
Abstract: This paper presents a survey conducted on several digital signal processing techniques used to compensate for dispersion in optical fibers. DSP techniques have many advantages over other techniques such as the low cost associated with implementing DSP solutions and the reduced complexity. The techniques covered in this study include Finite Impulse Response (FIR), Savory’s Method, All-Pass Filters, Least Mean Square Algorithm, Constant Modulus Algorithm, Fast Fourier Transform, Look-up Tables and Raised cosine filter. In addition to the survey, the paper also presents a MATLAB simulation based on constant modulus algorithm (CMA) to optimize an equalizer used to compensate dispersion. A constellation diagram was used to compare the signals before and after compensation. Results showed less scattered points in the constellation diagram after the equalizer, compared to the severely scattered one of the received signal before compensation. The effects of different number of filter taps are studied as well.
Keywords: Optical fiber; digital signal processing; dispersion; dispersion compensation; constellation diagram; filter taps.
440 Quality Control of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Mohammed Osman, Mohamed Khider
Abstract: This paper covers a study dealt with the quality control tests of MRI systems. The quality control tests includes: Signal to noise ratio (SNR) and System uniformity. Two MRI systems were involved in the study. The SNR were found to be 99.235% and 60.367%, while the system Uniformity were obtained as 90.557% and 91.719%.
Yingjie Wen, Lenan Wu
Abstract: The complexity of sphere detection algorithm is high when the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is low. For this problem, a new type of detection algorithm of sphere decoder is proposed. The new algorithm reduces the radius of sphere when the SNR is low by using the Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE)algorithm and a compressibility factor.With the result of simulation It shows that when the SNR is less than 10 dB the proposed algorithm reduces the average complexity by 10% compared with original sphere decoding algorithm and does not cause obvious loss of performance.
Keywords: sphere decoding; lower complexity; low SNR; algorithm
Husam Salih, Hammam Abdelwahab, Areej Abdallah
Abstract: In the world of Automation Industrial, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are the dominant types of automatic controllers, and so engineers are racing to develop the best software to give it the ultimate abilities to maximize the outcome. Basically, for understanding the concepts of controlling any process. Mathematical modeling is a mandatory procedure and hence this paper describes a method to model tank systems in order to control the input flow and the output flow. This paper also discusses the use of the Siemens PLC S7-1200 as the system controller with provision of the algorithm and the equipments needed. This paper describes the general concepts of controlling liquid flows and capacity in tanks as this process is useful in the automation industrial field. The proposed system is implemented with simple equipments in order to demonstrate the concept of the process and how it is controlled.
Keywords: TIA Portal; PLC; Tanks; Mixer; HMI
Hamid Mubarak Mustafa Makkawi
In antenna arrays, the excitation amplitude of the individual elements is one of the major controls that can be used to shape the overall pattern of the antenna. In this paper, 1X10 rectangular patch antenna array is designed and simulated at 9.5 GHZ on specific microwave laminate using uniform, Dolph-Tchebyscheff and Binomial amplitude distributions for specific spacing between elements. The particular spacing are 0.5λ, 0.6λ, 0.8λ and 0.9λ. For each spacing: radiation pattern, beam width, gain, directivity, radiation efficiency and side lobe level are critically investigated and compared for each distribution to justify its usage for radar warning receivers. Simulation is done using ADS 2009 software from Agilent Company. From simulation results, of the three distributions (uniform, binomial, and Dolph-Tchebycheff), a uniform amplitude array yields the smallest half-power beam width. It is followed, in order, by the Dolph-Tchebyscheff and binomial arrays. In contrast, binomial arrays usually possess the smallest side lobes followed, in order, by the Dolph-Tchebycheff and uniform arrays. It is also found that for 0.9λ spacing, Dolph-Tchebyscheff has better efficiency (82.4%), better side lobe level (-32.7 dB) and gain of 16.1 dB with beam width of 7 degrees which makes it the best antenna array solution for RWR systems between the other distributions that have been investigated in this work.
Keywords: 1X10 rectangular patch antenna array; 9.5 GHZ; microwave laminate; uniform; Dolph-Tchebycheff; Binomial; ADS 2009;
Abdeldime M. S. Abdelgader, Feng Shu
Abstract: Vehicular Ad hoc networks (VANETs) have recently attracted both industry and research communities as emerging technology that strongly support people safety and comfort. However, the lack of permanent infrastructure, high mobility, and serving wide spectrum of applications make VANET susceptible to various types of attacks. This work presents a simple security system that can provide privacy and integrity for exchanging sensitive information in VANET. The developed system efficiently considers the utilization of the available communication bandwidth, the exploitation of the channel properties and the optimization of the speed of the encryption process. The proposed system utilizes the very limited bandwidth of VANET by exchanging small amount of information and employing high speed encryption method. Meanwhile, it provides a high security solution by using avery strong and well known symmetric key encryption method in conjunction with a very efficient key distribution technique. The proposed system utilizes symmetric cryptography systems for securing information transfer owing to their robustness and high speed, while it uses the unique location property of the legitimate vehicles for key generation and distribution. The randomness inherent of the wireless channel is used to extract the secret key. Moreover, SHA-1 algorithm is used to provide information integrity solution.
Keywords: VANET, PHY security, RSS, User Privacy, Key Distribution
323 K Nearest Neighbor for Text Summarization using Feature Similarity
Taeho Jo
Abstract: In this research, we propose a particular version of KNN (K Nearest Neighbor) where the similarity between feature vectors is computed considering the similarity among attributes or features as well as one among values. The task of text summarization is viewed into the binary classification task where each paragraph or sentence is classified into the essence or non-essence, and in previous works, improved results are obtained by the proposed version in the text classification and clustering. In this research, we define the similarity which considers both attributes and attribute values, modify the KNN into the version based on the similarity, and use the modified version as the approach to the text summarization task. As the benefits from this research, we may expect the more compact representation of data items and the better performance. Therefore, the goal of this research is to implement the text summarization algorithm which represents data items more compactly and provides the more reliability.
Keywords: text summarization; feature similarity; k nearest neighbor
Taeho Jo
Abstract: In this research, we propose the version of K Nearest Neighbor which considers similarity among attributes for computing the similarity between feature vectors. The text segmentation task is viewed into the binary classification where each pair of sentences or paragraphs is classified into whether we put the boundary or not, and the proposed version resulted in the successful results in previous works concerned with the text categorization and clustering. In this research, we define the similarity measure based on both attributes and values, modify the KNN using it, and apply the modified version into the text segmentation task. We may expect more compact representation of data items and improved performance in the text segmentation task as well as other tasks of text mining. Therefore, the goal of this research is to implement the text segmentation system which provides the benefits.
Keywords: text segmentation; feature similarity; k nearest neighbor
Abdolraheem Khader Alhassan
Abstract: Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is a technique uses visual contents such as color, texture and shape to search images from large scale image databases according to users' interest. In a CBIR, visual image content is represented in form of image features, which are extracted automatically and there is no manual intervention, thus eliminating the dependency on humans in the feature extraction stage. Recent studies in CBIR get the similarity results and retrieve images based on one type of feature which are color, texture or shape. In this study authors proposed a fusion based retrieval model for merging results taken from color and texture image features based different fusion methods. After implementing our proposed retrieval model on Wang image dataset which widely used in CBIR, the results show that Comb MEAN fusion approach has the best and high precision value and outperformed both individual color and texture retrieval model in both top10 and top20 retrieved images.
Saad Mohamed Ali Mohamed
Abstract: The excessive use of the communication networks, rising of Internet of Things leads to increases the vulnerability to the important and secret information. advance attacking techniques and number of attackers are increasing radically. Intrusion is one of the main threats to the internet. Hence security issues had been big problem, so that various techniques and approaches have been presented to address the limitations of intrusion detection system such as low accuracy, high false alarm rate, and time consuming. This paper proposes a hybrid machine learning technique for network intrusion detection based on combination of K-means clustering and Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) classification. It introduces novel approach that able to reduce the rate of false positive alarm, false negative alarm rate, to improve the detection rate and detect zero-day attackers. The NSL-KDD dataset has been used in the proposed technique.. The classification has been performed by using Sequential Minimal Optimization. After training and testing the proposed hybrid machine learning technique, the results have shown that the proposed technique (K-mean + SMO) has achieved a positive detection rate of (94.48%) and reduce the false alarm rate to (1.2%) and achieved accuracy of (97.3695%).
Farog Fadlelmoula Mohamed, Abdallah Mohamed, mamoun Ibrahim
Abstract: Renewable energy sources gain an importance in recent decades because they are pollution free, easily erectable, and limitless. Solar, wind and hydro are renewable energy sources that are seen as reliable alternatives to conventional energy sources such as oil or natural gas. However, the efficiency and the performance of renewable energy systems are still under development. Among them, Photovoltaic systems are mostly used as they are light, clean and easily installable. Normally PV cells converts sunlight into electricity in the form of dc. A suitable converter is usually needed to convert the dc power into ac power, which is then injecting into the power grid. Inverters can be used to convert the dc into ac for integration of renewable energy sources into the conventional grids. In any PV based system, the inverter is a critical component responsible for the control of electricity flow between the dc source, and loads or grid, in this paper, a comprehensive simulation and implementation of a three phase grid-connected inverter is presented. The control structure of the grid-side inverter is firstly discussed.
Walid Mohamed Elfatih Mahjoub, Ibrahim Mohamed Hafiz Sanhoury
Abstract: A new tracking controller for a wheeled mobile robot based on backstepping approach is presented. The proposed controller was developed based on the kinematic model of the non holonomic wheeled mobile robot. The controller is verified through a well established method Lyapunov function.
Keywords: wheeled mobile robot; non holonomic system; back steping; trajectory tracking; kinematics model.
Aamer Idris Dirar
Abstract: This research aims to develop the Arabic search engine and to handling some of the problems we will mention the most important: the problem of the difficulty of crawling into Arabic Web sites by using a special web crawlers of Arabic search engine, and problem is that how to encode the Arabic web pages in web crawler program, and problem of inaccuracy of back results and the other search engines got back a large number of results, the included results not related to required query. Results that have been reached by this research represented in the following: Been developed Arabic search engine, and was resolved the encoding problem for Arabic web pages in web crawler program, and it was obtained search results that more accurate and relevant with the required query.
Keywords: web crawlers; web indexers; Arabic search engines; web spiders.
Areeg Abubakr Ibrahim Ahmed
Abstract: Monitoring Systems are necessary to track and understand the changes that take place in environments. Remote monitoring and data collection systems are useful and effective tools to collect information from fuel storage tanks. The fuel management system is a monitoring device built on the Raspberry-Pi computer, it takes information about tank’s fuel level in real time through its sensor and live streaming of the site then uploads it directly to the internet, where it can be read anytime and anywhere through web application. This paper presents the implementation of monitoring system based on internet of things technology to protect the tower sites from theft and provide security to remote locations.
Keywords —
Bashir Idris Bashir, Shrif Hago Almugadam, Amr Abd-Alkrim Hassan, Mohammed Alwathing Alhaj Adm Kabashi Platform
Abstract: Software has evolved spectacularly and become indispensable in everyday life. In the other side the Enterprise Resources Planning systems evolved and one of this Systems is Odoo. The odoo is an integral software system to plan the resources of the organization, free under AGPL licenses and maintainable, it has speared dramatically because of his multiple features. It is consist of more than one module work together, it is written in specific programming languages (Python, XML) interact with each other. So the need of using odoo modules became very big and every odoo developer will need some tool to help him to produce these modules fast and with high quality.
This research contains the solution of the problem which is developing a platform that help these developers to produce odoo modules fast, easy and fixable, contain a new method to develop the modules which reduce coding significantly. So the developer will enter the database tables and fields then the module files will be generated automatically. Also the platform contains a community to connect odoo developers with each other so that they can interact and exchange the knowledge and the expertise from each other. Also the platform contains a module repository to control the changes that made by the developer in the modules and he can get back to these changes at any time. And the platform also provides the help and a good documentation that serve as user manual for the developer.
Keywords:PaaS, Odoo, Module, IDE, Cloud Computing
ibrahim almahy
Abstract: A discussion thread in an online forum spans multiple pages involving participation of multiple users, which of them replies to some point(s) in the thread. This generates a kind of chaos and information overload. Users often encounter a problem with obtaining the big picture of the content that is distributed among a large number of posts. The solution is to create a concise summary form the thread. In this paper we develop a new approach to address the problem of discussion summarization. Since there are semantic connections between the posts in a thread, this paper defines new relationships types named Cross Post Structure Relationships (CPSR), which could be exploited in scoring sentences. Our approach consists of three phases. In the first phase, we define CPSR five relationships types extracted from thread. In the second phase, we automatically identify these CPSR relations by applying two machine learning techniques, SVM and C4.5. Finally, we generate the summary based on the identified relations. Using the ROUGE evaluation measurement metrics, our model yields better results.
Keywords: —
Mohammed Abdalla Osman Mukhtar
Abstract: To select a suitable Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE) methodology to develop web applications, there is the need to specify the features that need to be included in the web site. To evaluate MDWE methodologies in terms of specific features, Quality Evaluation Framework (QuEF) is used to do this task. QuEF can be used to evaluate either a well-established methodology or a new methodology in early stages of development. In this paper, three features namely Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), Web Modeling and Tool Support has been evaluated using QuEF. The comparison has been conducted based on only Functionality quality characteristic of QuEF. It has been applied between NDT as a well-established MDWE methodology and WSDMDA as a new methodology. Results show that NDT is obtained a higher value for MDE and Tool Support features, while WSDMDA is obtained a higher value for Web Modeling feature.
Keywords:Model Transformation; Web Engineering; Model Driven Web Engineering; MDA
Peng Chen, Ping Zhan, Lenan Wu
Abstract: In this paper, the clutter estimation problem in the bistatic multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) radar system is considered, and a novel compressed sensing (CS)-based model is proposed to describe the clutter by exploiting the clutter sparsity in the angle domain. Then, the CS-based methods are adopted to reconstruct the sparse clutter, and to estimate the clutter scattering coefficients and angles. Additionally, different from the traditionally colocated MIMO radar system with the antenna distance being half of wavelength, we show that the optimal antenna distance in the CS-based radar system can be obtained by minimizing the mutual coherence of the dictionary matrix. Moreover, since the sparse reconstruction performance depends on the geographical positions of the clutter scatterers, an indirect method based on the mutual coherence is proposed to measure the estimation performance, and to optimize the radar parameters. Simulation results show that the CS-based method can estimate the clutter information efficiently, and the better estimation performance is achieved by optimizing the radar parameters.
Keywords: Bistatic MIMO radar, clutter estimation, compressed sensing, mutual coherence.
Elkhidir Yousif
Abstract: Abstract- Air Data Computer (ADC) is an electronics device computes air data flight parameters. The objective of this paper is to analyze, simulate, and propose hardware implementation module for the Air Data Computer. Simulation of ADC model has been faced by two problems. The first one was to choose true values of dynamic temperature because it depends on flight altitude and airspeed. The second problem is that Mach number equation for Mach greater than one is implicit equation. This work propose modified model to avoid the first problem, and using numerical methods to solve the implicitly of Mach number equation. The proposed model has been implemented on microcomputer base system.
Keywords: —
Bashar SirElkhatim Elhassan, Yahia Musa Alsideeq, Elmubarak Mohamed Imam, Sharief Babikir
Abstract: Direct identification and subsequent replacement of faulty components in electronic circuits reduces the overall maintenance costs and time-to-repair the items. In this paper, a tool that can identify the faulty component in any position in the circuit has been designed, simulated and implemented. Device software use wavelet transform algorithm to recognize the signature of the faulty component. The circuit is broken down to its sub-circuits that each one has a stimuli point and tests nodes, so that each component within the sub-circuit response by a distinguishable signature among other component of the same sub-circuit when it fails. The system was tested and a high level of fault detection was recorded.
Keywords: fault diagnosis; cross-wavelet transform; stimuli points; test nodes;
Sharief F Babiker
Abstract: High penetration of distributed generation leads to the importance of adapting the new trend of Smart Grid to divide the grid into intelligent Micro-Grid zones and facilitate its operation using decentralized distributed control schema. In this paper a practical Microgrid model has been designed and simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK. JADE (Java Agent DEvelopment Framework) platform was used to design an agent-based control system that uses a certain algorithm to control both of the load and the supply units by switching on and off the breakers according to specified power reliability criteria. TCP IP protocol was used to link the SIMULINK environment and the JADE Platform. Simulation of typical daily scenarios were tested to verify the effectiveness of the control system.
Keywords: Microgrid; photovoltaic system; Multi-Agent System; S-Function
416 Tel-radiology Implementation: an Image Analysis Case
Mohamed Almustfa Eisa Mohamed, Mohamed Almustfa Eisa Mohamed
Abstract: Tele-Radiology is considered one of the most important health care programs in medical diagnosis. It’s aims to reduce the high costs of handling and other difficulties in transferring medical images from one place to another and safeguard medical images against loss and damage. It is also important know the quality of the image which would lead to proper diagnosis. This study estimate the effect of applies tel-Radiology. In order to mainstream the program to hospitals and treatment centers because of the benefits.
Keywords: Tele-Radiology, Telemedicine, Image analysis.
Meng Fan, Wu Lenan
Abstract: Deep belief network (DBN) has been successfully applied in variety areas such as image recognition and natural language processing. In this paper, we investigate the signal demodulation problems in different types of communication channels. Then, a novel deep belief networks (DBN)-based demodulator is proposed. Since the DBN-based method is just like a black box that can automatically learn how to demodulate the received signals, few manual designs is required in the receiver. Moreover, we also propose a novel mapping method for the communication signals to match the input of DBN. Simulation results with different amounts of training samples and iterations show that the DBN-based demodulator is feasible and efficient.
Keywords: Deep belief networks, demodulator, data transformation.
Ali Mahir Ali Ibrahim, Murtada Mohammed abdelwahab
Abstract: The hopeful technique Massive MIMO is provided to increase the data rates of mobile communication, by arranging antenna to hundreds of the base stations which is the most promising solution for the fifth generation of cellular communication network. In order to cope with the huge demands of communications in the network it has been found that it is useful to have multiple receivers served in the same bandwidth during the same time slot. The paper considered vector and matrix normalization for studying the precoding designs of zero-forcing (ZF), matched filter (MF) and maximum ratio transmission (MRT) .The paper also derive the sum rate formulate for every precoding. Depending on the analytical results, we found that in low power MF gives best performance with vector normalization and ZF gives best performance with matrix normalization. Also ZF provides best performance with vector/matrix normalization in high power. The results represented graphically to confirm the analytical results.
Keywords: ZF, MRT, MF, Massive MIMO, Normalization
Ala Eldin Omer Mohamed Omer
Abstract: Signal processing front end for extracting the feature set is an important stage in any speaker recognition system. There are many types of features that are derived differently and have good impact on the recognition rate. This paper uses one of the techniques to extract the feature set from a speech signal known as Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCCs) to represent the signal parametrically for further processing. The extracted speech features of a speaker is then quantized to number of centroids using the LBG algorithm for clustering. In which a codebook is constructed for each speaker using these centroids. Speakers provide samples of their voices once in a training session and once in a testing session later. Subsequently, the feature coefficients (MFCCs) are calculated in both phases. The speaker is identified according to the minimum quantization distance which is calculated between the centroids of each speaker in the training phase and the MFCCs of individual speaker in the testing phase. The proposed recognition system was designed and implemented using different algorithms in MATLAB. Simulation and experimental results show that the Joint MFCC-and-vector quantization algorithm achieves better performance compared to MFCC and FFT algorithms, in terms of recognition accuracy and text dependency.
Keywords: Speaker recognition; MFCC; features extraction; training and testing; vector quantization; classification.
Tarig Ahmed Khalid, Eng-Thiam Yeoh
Abstract: Defects uncovered during software testing usually consume a considerable amount of the overall project’s budget. Unfortunately, project managers are not well-equipped with techniques to estimate such cost overrun. Moreover, incorporating defects removal process as part of the software testing activities has made the project managers overlook this important cost component during their planning processes. This paper suggested a fuzzy model to estimate the cost of defects removal at the early stages of project planning in terms of the project’s functional size and the experience of the development team.
Keywords: software cost estimation; cost of software reworks; cost of defects removal; defects removal; software rework
Hamid Abbas Ali, Ayman Mohammed Muzzamail Albashear, Abeer M. Ali
Abstract: Abstract: A Retransmission Timeout or RTO plays an important role in the TCP protocol, mainly to achieve reliable transmission. In TCP, if the sender sent a segment, no acknowledgement had been received and the RTO timer expired then the sender will assumed that this segment had been lost. This paper proposed another use of the RTO concept in order to secure the TLS session. It calculates a Secure Session RTO or SSRTO which is based on RTO equation between the sender and receiver in a TLS protocol. It is assumed that the man in the middle is in need of the time factor in order to trigger a KCI attack. At the server side, by calculating the time required to start a TLS Handshake Protocol, the TLS Record Protocol will assume that there is an attacker after a preset time has elapsed. The action in this case, is to cut off the session between the sender and the receiver.
Keywords: Retransmission Timeout; Man-in-the-middle attack; TCP protocol; SSL protocol; TLS protocol.
Aiman osman solyman, Anwar Dafa-Allah Dafa-Allah, Arafat Abdulgader M. Elhag
Abstract: Internet security is a branch of computer sciences often involving browser security, network security, applications and operating systems to keep the internet as a secure channel to exchange information by reducing the risk and attacks. There is a significant number of studies that have been conducted in this field resulting in the development of various security models to achieve internet security. However, periodic security reports and previous studies prove that the most secure systems are not immune from risk and much effort is needed to improve internet security. This paper proposed a simple security model to improve internet applications security and services protections, specified access control, cryptographic, cookies and session managements, defense programing practices, care for security from early stage on development life cycle, use hardware authentication techniques in access control, then propose cryptographic approach by mix MD5 with Based64, consider session and cookies types and ways to keep it secure. Additionally, these practices discussed the most important web security vulnerability and access control weakness and how to overcome such weaknesses, proposed an approach to measure, analyze and evaluate security project according to software quality standard ISO 25010 by using Likert scale, finally ended by case study. The effort of this paper represents a set of techniques and tips that should be applied within each web application development process to maintain its security.
Keywords: Computer security
Feixiang Cheng, Shulin Zhang, LeNan Wu
Abstract: One of the aims of communication is to increase the data rate. However, frequency resources are scare and valuable for wireless communication systems. How to use frequency resources efficiently is a significant area which needs the attentions of researchers. Ultra Narrow Band (UNB) has attracted wide attentions since it was proposed. M-ary Position Phase Shift Keying (MPPSK) is one of the UNB modulation modes. The differences in phases of the MPPSK modulated waveform can be transformed into the peaks of the amplitudes through the Impact Filter. Maximum Decision is selected as the decision module of the MPPSK demodulator which needs to search the position where the response of the Impact Filter has a maximum value. As a novel viewing angle, this paper will provide a mathematic explanation for Maximum Decision and prove its validity.
Keywords: Ultra Narrow Band (UNB); M-ary Position Phase Shift Keying (MPPSK); Maximum Decision
Esra B. Abbas, Y M Alkasim, Osman Mudathir Elfadil
Abstract: There has been increasing research on the evolution of navigation and localization systems. Most of the proposed approaches are suitable for outdoor operation; a few techniques have been designed for indoor environments. The paper specifics the evolution of an indoor navigation system. It presents a general system consisting of sensors and algorithms for localization and navigation which enables to operate indoors. This is done by using trilateration method which has been successfully applied on complex nature of indoor environments. Set of experiments presented to validate our system using MATLAB program. Testing established that good accuracy, sufficient for navigation, was accomplished. This technique shows promise for future handheld indoor navigation systems that can be used in any indoor campuses.
Keywords: Wireless sensor network, beacons; localization, navigation.
Musaab Taha, Sahar Mustafa
Abstract: During embedded system software development the process of upgrading and downloading the software to the system hardware is fairly easy. Because the platform is not encapsulated on its final production form yet. But when the product is ready to be shipped to the end user, an in-system software upgrade is needed to add a new feature or to fix a bug. In this paper, a custom in-system firmware upgrade approach using SPI will be described for the MSP430 Texas Instrumentations Microcontrollers family.
Keywords: Microcontroller, MSP430, Upgrade, Firmware, In-system Programming.
Hamid Mubarak Mustafa Makkawi
Abstract: This paper demonstrates the design and simulation of input matching circuit for BLF578XR power transistor working at center frequency of 225 MHZ with bandwidth of more than 50 MHZ. Based on the calculated Q-factor and when using the transistor in push pull mode, the input matching circuit is designed in two stages, the first stage is a balun to match 50 ohm to 12.5 ohm and the other stage is to match 12.5 ohm to the input impedance of BLF578XR. Each stage is designed and simulated separately then both stages are integrated and simulated together. Simulation is done using Microwave office AWR software.
From simulation results, the balun has a phase difference between the two output ports that is approximately 180 degree with good amplitude balance and has -20dB bandwidth larger than 150MHZ. The intermediate matching network has a small insertion loss and very good return loss that is less than -30 dB with -20 dB bandwidth about 110 MHZ. By integration of the balun circuit with the intermediate matching circuit, the resultant input matching circuit has a return loss better than -23dB with -20dB bandwidth about 100 MHZ.
Keywords: BLF578XR power transistor; impedance matching; balun; 225 MHZ; Microwave office AWR;
Mohammed Suleiman Mohammed Rudwan, Dr.Salah Eldin Deng Al-jack
Abstract: Encryption was introduced and implemented in many Database Management Systems (DBMSs) as one of the solutions for securing databases. However, Securing database transactions and data they hold while they are existing in memory or even during their transmission throuh computer networks media should be also given big attention. The core objective of this paper is that to measure the performance of the three classical encryption algorithms: Simple Substitution, Caesar cipher, and Periodic Permutation respectively for encrypting such database transactions and text data they hold. Performances are measured herein in terms of time, memory usage and CPU efforts. The expirement was performed to many categories of transactions, those categories are categorized according to two issues: the size of data that the transactions hold, and the type of transactions itself. This experiment can be a base to enable Database Designers to design algorithms that has the ability to decide which algorithm is optimal according to type of database transaction waiting for processing, as well as size of data that it consists of, and also other computing processing components such as CPU and RAM.
Keywords: Database Security; Database Transaction; Database Transaction Security; classical encryption
Abdulraouf Izzeldin Jaboura, Mohammed Ahmed Al-toum, Osman Dawood Abaker
Abstract: In many industries (such as pharmaceuticals, beverage industries, etc.), bottles are required to be filled up with a pre-determined amount of liquid. Implementing systems using relay logic control can cause them to be inflexible. Programmable Logic Controllers – PLCs – are more flexible in automating various processes, since the behavior of the system can be changed without changing the electrical connections, as well as being able to monitor the system undergoing its operation. In this paper, an overflow filler model –filling to certain height – has been controlled using the SIMATIC– Siemens PLC trademark – S7-1200 PLC. It has been monitored through a wireless network to a computer runtime in the Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) portal software, as well as a user webpage in smart devices.
Keywords: S7-1200,Automation,Filing System,WLAN
Ashraf Abubaker Mohammed, Samah Mohamed Nafie
Abstract: Operational amplifiers have been used for interfacing analog signals to microcontrollers units. Due to its random nature, analog signals vary very much, perhaps then exceed the voltage ranges of operation. Chip manufacturers protect their chips by using diode circuits, but those diodes are not intended to normal use. To overcome the signals which may exceed the limit, clamping circuit have been used in this research. The best solution was achieved using a multiplexing circuit implemented using simple switches.
Keywords: Analog to digital converter, operational amplifier, ESD, injection current & analog multiplexing.
Hamid Mubarak Mustafa Makkawi
Abstract: This paper introduce design, implementation and measurement of front end crystal video receiver (CVR) that operates in the frequency range of 8-10 GHZ to intercept short duration pulse radar signals. The proposed receiver is designed with two outputs, video signal for real-time signal processing and an amplified version of the received signal for frequency measuring and/or determine the presence of CW signal. The front end receiver is designed and implemented in efficient manner also it is fully characterize (Gain, Sensitivity, Dynamic range, Harmonics test) with the help of carefully chosen test equipments (Vector network analyzer, Spectrum analyzer, Signal generator, Oscilloscope, Power meter) to reduce measurement uncertainties and increase confidence in proper receiver operation.Measurements show that, CVR has a tangential signal sensitivity that is almost better than -80 dBm, and has a logging range of 68 dB to 71 dB. Also, based on the calculated video bandwidth, the receiver can detect a minimum pulse width of 58 ns to 82 ns.
Keywords: Crystal video receiver; 8-10 GHZ; video signal; test equipments;
Ammar Mishal Elagab, Ibrahim Mohammad Elamin
Abstract: This Paper discusses the impact of the series compensation on the voltage profile of the long transmission line, and gives some recommendations and precautions for some expected scenarios of wrong operation that might be taken due to some unknown information about the line condition. Also the paper shows that the compensation of the line should be initially determined to avoid any problem that might be occurred under the abnormal conditions. This paper has illustrated that, series compensation can cause either high or low voltage depending on the load condition of the line and depending also on the setting of the voltage control. In case of the voltage is inadequately controlled at one end of the capacitor, the other side voltage may cause problem. To investigate and study the effect of series compensation on the voltage profile, a simple model of long transmission line has been taken, and for simplicity it has been representing by two pie equivalent model, and the capacitor has been inserted at the middle of the line. SIMULINK / MATLAB has been adopted to simulate the system.
Keywords: setting of control voltage; series compensation; Load Condition; long transmission line; line parameters.
Rashid Salaheldinn Elhaj Mohammed
Abstract: Nowadays the cost of generating electrical energy is the focus of attention for many organizations, authorities and stakeholders all over the world, so great efforts have been made in order to minimize the cost of consumed energy as well as minimizing environmental impacts. The objective of this paper is to propose financial analysis of both conventional and renewable resources power plants in order to assess the viability of projects and make an investment decision. An estimated scheme of utility-scale solar Photovoltaic system with 93.2 MW targeted designed capacity located around Khartoum area has been selected to be analyzed as a renewable resource power plant, on the other hand; Block 1 of Garri Power Station with the same rated power has been also selected as a conventional power plant, and a fair assessment has been achieved for both systems. The financial analysis is carried out using cash flow models in Excel work sheets, and the key economic measures used for the economic assessment process of include levelized cost of energy (LCOE), net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), benefit-to-cost ratio (B/C) and payback period (PBP). The results gained from financial assessment show that the profitability of the utility-scale On-grid PV system is great comparing with that is of the combined cycle gas turbine power plant.
Keywords: Economic Measures, Financial Analysis, Power Plants, Utility-scale PV, Garri
Hammam Najeib Abdelwahab
Abstract: The sun is an enormous source of energy which needs to be harvested properly. Solar panels are renewable energy sources that convert the solar energy into electrical energy. But these solar panels’ designs still suffer from low efficiencies. For any Cubesat the Power System Unit is designed to deliver the required energy so as the nano-satellite can achieve it’s desired mission. Thus the input energy for the solar panels and the output energy from the solar cells must be increased.The sun tracking system aims to maximize the input solar energy to the solar panels. This paper aims to study the concept of designing sun tracking solar panels and a maximum power point tracker for the UOKSAT-3 CubeSat which is a 2 units CubeSat with a deployable solar panels. The Cubesat is designed to be orbiting in a sun-synchronous orbit . The paper details the increase in the electrical energy generated by the tracking panels and maintaining it's output at a stable range. The paper also discusses the impact of sun-synchronous orbit on the tracking system and how the tracking frequency is to be proposed. In addition to that, a maximum power point tracker (MPPT) system is proposed to increase the efficiency by manipulating the output voltage and current of these solar panels. This paper studies the design of a maximum power point tracker (MPPT) for the UOKSAT-3 CubeSat. The MPPT system consists of a DC-DC boost converter circuit controlled by microcontroller to determine the desired output. The converter circuit is designed and calculated for different duty cycles according to the solar cells output . The perturb and observe algorithm is used here to track the maximum power delivered from the solar cells. This paper also presents the MPPT’s performance and it’s results to study the change of the input energy using the (MPPT).
Keywords: MPPT; Sun-tracking; Sun-synchronous; DC-DC Converter; Microcontroller.
Mohamed Nasreldin Agab
Abstract: Abstractـــ this paper concerns with the design and implementation of a microcontroller based PID controller for the purpose of controlling PMDC motor speed. The design have been done using MATLAB and Simulink and the system then simulated using Proteus, in addition to a practical physical system. The controller was implemented on an Arduino Uno board to control the speed of the motor at a desired value with the possibility of changing it and its direction of rotation. The proposed system use an optical encoder as feedback sensor of motor speed which is compared with reference speed to produce error signal for the controller input, the control signal then sets the PWM duty cycle to change the motor speed which controlled via H-bridge. The controller was able to track the input regardless of friction, disturbance and medium changes of load on motor shaft. Both implementation and simulation results have been obtained and compared.
Keywords: Keywords ــــcontrol; microcontroller; computing; machine control.
Khidir Elhadi Bala
Abstract: Object tracking in real time is one of the most important topics in the field of computer Vision. The work undertaken in this dissertation is mainly focused on development of a reliable and robust real time tracking system that can track the object of interest in the video acquired from a stationary or moving camera. The proposed algorithm is a real time algorithm that operates in 25 frames per second depending on the input video properties and probability distribution of the intensity of the tracked object. The Digital Video Development Platform DM6437 EVM is used to obtain the real time video sequence and process the frame to extract the object using the CAMSHIFT algorithm. The information obtained from the frame is extracted and mean shift algorithm is used to search the object within the frame. The experimental results obtained from the proposal prove the consistency and real time performance of the proposed algorithm.
Keywords: CCS, CAMSHIFT, Histogram, histogram projection, intensity, pixel, real time, TM320DM6437, YUV, VPFE, VPBE, VPSS.
Hassan Abdelrhman Mohammed Elnaeem
Abstract: Abstract—In this work an image processing system was developed to identify malaria parasites in thin blood smears and to classify them into one of the four different species of malaria. Many techniques were implemented in the preprocessing stage to enhance the images. In the first part of the system morphological processing is applied to extract the Red Blood Cells (RBC) from blood images. The developed algorithm picks the suspicious regions and detects the parasites in the images including the overlapped cells. Accordingly, the RBCs are classified into infected and non-infected cells and the number of RBCs in each image is calculated. The second part of the system uses the Normalized Cross-Correlation function to classify the parasite into one of the four species. Compared to manual results, the system achieved 95 % accuracy for diagnosis of malaria and 100% for classifying the parasite into one of its four types.
Keywords: Keywords—Image processing, Malaria parasite detection, Normalized Cross-Correlation. Malaria diagnosis
Sharief F Babiker
Abstract: Single electron circuits are proposed for use as a coherent signal source. This paper uses the Monte-Carlo method to investigate the degree of correlation between successive events in long arrays of tunnel junctions. It is shown that longer arrays produce more coherent signals. The fluctuations in the timings of overall train of pulses is attributed to the variations in the actual paths followed by the system during the state transisions. The study recommends the use of circuits where a single path is followed between successive events.
Keywords: Coulomb-blockade; tunneling; Monte-Carlo; quantum-dots
Abdelhamed T. Mohamed, Mohammed Al-Hassan M. Salim, Mohammad M. Almuhaini
Abstract: This paper proposed a hybrid energy system containing diesel generators, photovoltaic cells and wind turbines, along with storage devices, to supply a continuous load of an industrial facility. The main objective of the paper is to determine the optimal size of the hybrid scheme with the lowest Net Present Value (NPC), and the reliability indices for the proposed system. The overall optimized results from the study had a renewable penetration of 36%, which resulted in reduction of the emission of CO2 by 31.5% from the conventional -diesel generator only- system. ETAP Software was used for the reliability assessment. In addition, the well-known energy modeling software for renewable energy based hybrid power systems; HOMER was used to study the economic feasibility and to simulate the suggested design.
Keywords: hybrid; renewable; reliability indices; HOMER; feasibility study; optimization; economic analysis; Net Present Cost (NPC)
Mahmoud Elsir Elhassan
Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive approach to evaluate tie line operation control and stiffness for Sudan and Ethiopia networks. The work has been supported by on line measurement made for frequency deviation and area control error in the tie line.
Keywords: Power Flow Control, Tie Line Stiffness, AGC, ACE
Abdulrahman H. A. Widaa, Waddah Abdelbagie Talha
Abstract: Since the 20th century industrial revolution era, automobiles started playing a key and important role in our daily life activities. But, unfortunately, at the same time, an automobiles related accidents ,and problems are representing an increasing source of danger on Human’s life. In this paper a design of an autonomous (self-driving) car control system is presented. System’s design is done by using Fuzzy Logic Control technology in addition to artificial intelligence algorithms. The achieved

Call for Paper. 6
Organizing Program Committee. 8
Technical Program Committee. 8
International Advisory Committee. 9
Industry Plenary Sessions. 11
Title: Telemedicine and medical informatics utilization in health care services. 11
Title: Power System Networks, Modelling for Stability Analyses. 12
Keynote Speeches. 13
Title: Power Metal - Oxide - Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor: Performance, Stability, and Reliability. 13
Title of the speech: Efficient Modulations and Advanced Applications. 13
Programme Layout. 15
Reviewers: 23
216 BER Performance improvement of V2I communication by using OFDM-IM Exploiting All Subcarrier Activation Patterns. 26
271 Wireless Power Transmission: As an Emerging Technology. 26
320 Reduction of Phase Noise for Inductor Based Ultra-Wide Band Voltage Controlled Oscillator 26
219 On-line Walking Speed Control in Human-Powered Exoskeleton Systems. 27
335 Frequency Diverse Array Radar the Future of Combating ECM threats. 27
196 Microwave Imaging System for Early Detection of Breast Cancer. 28
225 Systematic Literature Review: Solving Educational Timetabling Problem Using Swarm Intelligence Optimization Techniques. 28
614 Design of Bus Tracking and Fuel Monitoring System... 29
596 Design of a Positioning and Tracking System for Paratroops Team... 29
613 Alneelain: A Formal Specification Language. 30
600 Distance Alert System using Stereo Vision and Feature Extraction. 30
628 An Approach to Establishment of Cars to Road Management System... 31
599 Enhancement of Seamless mobility in Nested Network Mobility. 32
625 A Design of a Remote Weather Factors Monitoring System... 32
586 Speed Control of DC Motor Using Fuzzy Logic Controller. 33
584 Comparisons between AlFUR Using Intelligent Agent With LFU, LRU, Size and PCCIA Cache Replacement Technologies. 33
568 Radio Propagation and Troposphere Parameters Effect for Microwave Links in Sudan 34
548 Collaborative Filtering Techniques and Applications. 34
543 Modeling and Simulation of Electric Drive Vehicle Based on Space Vector Modulation Technique and Field Oriented Control Strategy. 35
541 Autonomic Management by Self-Optimization For WEINMANN.. 35
537 Average Least Frequency Used (ALFUR) Cache Replacement Technology USING Intelligent Agents. 36
449 Design and Implementation of Communication Subsystem for ISRASAT1 Cube Satellite 36
448 Simulating Macrocell-Microcell Handovers in 4G Systems. 37
457 Ant Colony Based LQR and PID tuned Parameters for Controlling Inverted Pendulum 37
463 Evaluation of Boeing 747-E Lateral Autopilot Using Flying and Handling Qualities Specifications. 38
Design of Autopilot platform using HILS approach. 38
472 Design and Implementation of an Active Attitude Determination and Control Subsystem (ADCS) for ISRASAT1 Cube Satellite. 39
474 Evaluation of the Quality of Encoded Quran Digital Audio Recording. 39
478 Student Satellites, Implementation Models & Approaches in Sudan. 40
487 Spiking Generation in Semiconductor laser by optoelectronic feedback. 40
526 Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing for Distributed Data center using Cloud-Sim 41
506 Ophthalmology Prediction System Using Machine Learning Techniques. 41
466 Hardware and Software Design of Onboard Computer of ISRASAT1 CubeSat 41
534 Fuzzy PID Based Path Tracking Control of a 5-DOF needle-holding robot 42
497 High Altitude Testing Balloon Project 42
429 Detection of Malaria Parasites Using Digital Image Processing. 42
431 SSReq: A method for design star schemas from requirements. 43
435 DSP-Based Dispersion Compensation: Survey and Simulation. 43
440 Quality Control of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 44
402 A Modified Sphere Detection Algorithm with Lower Complexity. 44
294 Automation of a Syrup Production Line Using S7- 1200 and TIA Portal Software. 45
234 Comparative Study of the Radiation Characteristic between Uniform, Tschebyscheff and Binomial Amplitude Distributions of Linear Patch Antenna Array for X-band Radar Warning Receivers. 45
256 Exploiting the Physical Layer Security for Providing a Simple User Privacy Security System for Vehicular Networks. 46
323 K Nearest Neighbor for Text Summarization using Feature Similarity. 46
324 Using K Nearest Neighbors for Text Segmentation with Feature Similarity. 47
444 Color and Texture Fusion-based method for Content-Based Image Retrieval 47
521 Anomaly Detection Approach using Hybrid Algorithm of Data Mining Technique 48
Grid Connected Photovoltaic System... 48
533 Back Stepping Tracking controller for Wheeled Mobile Robot 49
567 Development Arabic Search Engine. 49
569 Fuel Management System... 49
601 Developing Tool For Odoo. 50
375 Forum discussion summarization Based on Cross. 50
380 Functionality Assessment for NDT and WSDMDA Methodologies Using Quality Evaluation Framework. 51
403 Clutter Estimation Based on Compressed Sensing in Bistatic MIMO Radar. 51
409 Modeling and Simulation of Air Data Computer. 52
438 Fault diagnosis using Cross-Wavelet Transform for Electricity Pre-Payment Meter 52
800 Agent Based Load Management for Microgrid.. 52
416 Tel-radiology Implementation: an Image Analysis Case. 53
412 Demodulator Based on Deep Belief Networks in Communication System... 53
398 Sum Rate Analysis Of Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output System For Linear Precoding Using Normalization Methods. 53
357 Joint MFCC-and-Vector Quantization based Text-Independent Speaker Recognition System 54
88 Early Cost Estimation of Software Reworks Using Fuzzy Requirement-Based Model 55
360 Using the TCP Retransmission Timeout for Solving the KCI attack Problem against the TLS Protocol 55
265 Proposed security model for web based application and service. 55
399 An Algebra Explanation for Maximum Decision. 56
243 Indoor Navigation Algorithm for Mobile Robot using Wireless Sensor Networks 56
286 Custom In-System Firmware Upgrade for MSP430 Microcontrollers Family Using SPI 57
233 Designs and Simulation of Wide Band Input Matching Circuit for RF Power Transistor in VHF Range. 57
275 Performance Analysis of three (SCP) Classical Encryption Algorithms in Encrypting Database Transactions. 58
280 Automated and Monitored Liquid Filling System Using PLC Technology. 58
384 Practical Considerations for Interfacing Operational Amplifiers with Analog to Digital Converters in Microcontrollers. 59
296 Design, Implementation and Performance Analysis of Crystal Video Front End for X-band Radar Warning Receiver. 59
21 Improving the Voltage Profile of the Transmission Lines by Using the Series Compensation Under Different Loading Conditions. 60
439 Economic Measures of Power Plants. 60
260 Maximizing Solar Energy Input For Cubesat Using Sun Tracking System And A Maximum Power Point Tracking. 61
239 Implementation of A PID Control System On Microcontroller (DC Motor Case Study) 61
279 Real Time Embedded Cam Shift Object Tracking Algorithm using Davenci TMS320DM6437 EVM... 62
285 Automatic Detection and Classification of Malarial in Thin Blood Slide Images. 62
330 Correlated Transfer of Discrete Charge in Long Arrays of Tunnel Junctions. 63
376 Reliability Assessments and Feasibility Study for an Industrial Facility with the Integration of Hybrid Renewable. 63
410 Power Flow Control and Tie Line Stiffness between Sudan and Ethiopia. 64
405 Design of Fuzzy-Based Autonomous Car Control System... 64
International Conference on Communication, Control, Computing, and Electronics Engineering (ICCCCEE 2017)
Call for Paper
The primary focus of IEEE Sudan subsection is to create a strong platform that can facilitate research culture among Sudanese research and development community and strengthen partnerships with its international counterpart. The International Conference on Communication, Control, Computing, and Electronic Engineering (ICCCCEE 2017) is one of the basic initiatives to build this platform. The conference will feature a comprehensive technical program in addition to expo program including keynote speeches, industrial workshops, tutorials and technology forums. All papers presented in the conference will be published in conference proceedings and IEEEXplore®.
Communication Track
Chairs: El Essaid Suliman, Mohammed Faisel
Communications, Networking, Digital Signal Processing, Performance Engineering, Mobile Communication, Digital Communication, Satellite Communication.
Computing Track
Chairs: Abdelmotalib Ahmed, Nadir Kamal, Ali Ahmed, Hozifaadam
Mathematical Methodologies, Computer Science, Software Engineering, IT, Applications, Artificial Intelligence And Expert Systems, Grid Computing, Embedded Systems, Microprocessors Systems, Microcontrollers.
Electronics Engineering Track
Chairs: Othman Hassan, Ahmed Abdelrahman
Applied electronics, MEMS, Nanotechnologies, VLSI Design, Semiconductor Devices, Brain-Computer Interfaces, Spectroscopic Applications, Imaging And Visualization Devices, Computer-Aided Detection And Diagnosis, Biomedical Instrumentation.
Machine and Power Track
Chairs: Omer Alfaki, ZakieldinAltaib
Power Systems, Energy, Environment and Sustainability & Electric Machine Control, Renewable Energy, And Reliability Methods For Electrical Systems, Instrumentation.
Microwave Track
Chairs: Ahmed Awad
Antennas: Design, Modeling , Measurement, Wave Propagation, Radar: Surveillance, Tracking , Imaging, Systems and Data , Signal Processing, Communication: Systems, Signal Processing, Vehicular Applications of RF systems, sensors , RF-based localization and monitoring, Microwave Circuits Microwave Measurements, Microwave Computing, Modeling and Simulation RF-based medical applications.
Important Dates

Organizing Program Committee
Conference Chairman:
Yousif Hassan Abdelrahim
Sharief Fadul Babikir
Ahmed Abdalla Mohammed Imam
Tarig Ahmed Khalid
Elasied Suliman Saad
Haj Ahmed Yousif
Nadir Kamal Salih
Publication Chair:
Ahmed Abdelrahman Abdallah
Azza Elsiddig Eltraify
Technical Program Committee
Rashid A. Saeed
Abdalla salih Ali
Hafiz Bakhiet
Control Track:
Salih Musa
Computing Track:
Abdelmotalib Ahmed
Electronics Eng. Track:
Othman Hassan
Machines and Power Track:
Omer Alfaki
Microwave Track:
Ahmed Awad
International Advisory Committee
Mahmoud Manzoul, USA
Osama O. Awadelkarim, USA
Osman O. Khalifa, Malaysia
Jaafar M.H. Elmirghani, UK
Johnson Agbinya, Australia
Bharat S. Chaudhari, India
Omer Mahmoud, Canada
Mohsen Mahroos, Egypt
Akhmad Unggul Priantoro, Indonesia
Amitava Mukherjee, India
Sahar Al-Talib, Iraq
Ayyoub Akbari, Iran
Tariq Ahmad Alahdel, Yemen
Mehdi Bennis, Finland
Francisco falcone, Spain
Dr. Sanjay P. Sood, India
IEEE International Conference on Communication, Control, Computing, and Electronic Engineering (ICCCCEE 2017)
(16-17 JANUARY/2017)
Venue: Friendship Hall
Day 1
Day 2
Industry Plenary Sessions
Title: Telemedicine and medical informatics utilization in health care services
Chair: Dr. Waleed ASbdelrahman
Speakers: Dr. Sanjay P. Sood, India
Dr. Mohammed Yagoub, SUST
Eng. Nasereldin jumaa, NIC
Abstract: Medical informatics is the intersection of information and computer science and health care to deal with the resources, devices and methods required to optimize the acquisition, share ,storage, retrieval and use of information in health and biomedicine for improving patient care ,public health and wellbeing .
- The panel will discuss the following topics:
- The Technical Aspects of Telemedicine, medical Information standards in health practice.
- Information and communication technology operability and competency to healthcare practice.
- The real world telemedicine implementations in diverse settings.
- The roles of mobile application in healthcare practice.
Organized by: Sudanese medical Engineering society (SMES)
State Awardee (Chandigarh Administration, for rendering outstanding services) Dr. Sanjay Sood’s rich experience (20+ years) spans various geographies. He is one amongst eHealth pioneers in Asia, has successfully lead numerous eHealth project implementations, has been into research & development, and academics in the domain of eHealth and eGovernance, and has also worked with Senior Bureaucrats (State, National and International Level), Country Governments, International Organisations and Multilateral Funding Agencies. Dr. Sood has a Ph.D. in Information Technology (Telemedicine) and has been the founder Director at C-DAC School of Advanced Computing in Mauritius, for over four years (2004- 2008) he was the Senate member at University of Mauritius. Dr. Sood has also been a Telemedicine Consultant with World Health Organisation (Afro), and was an eHealth expert on the panel of United Nations (UN Office for Outer Space Affairs, Vienna). For over two years he was the technology consultant for World Bank's Punjab Healthcare Systems project in Chandigarh, India.
Title: Power System Networks, Modelling for Stability Analyses
YHA Rahim
The presentation considers the modelling of multi-machine power networks for the purpose of analysis of transient and steady state stability. The present complexity and ever-increasing size of interconnected power systems have generally led to operating conditions where there are large load angles between generators at remote ends. This reduces limits of synchronous power flow and produces low frequency oscillations [2), and hence leads to a decrease in the over all stability of the system. Because of the continuous increase in demand of electrical power, generators of increased size are continually added to the systems,and units of ratings greater than 1000 MVA are now in service. Generator units of 2000 MVA output are considered as of economical size by 1990s. However, the trend in the parameters of such large conventional machines,also reduces stability.
YHA Rahim receieved his B.Sc., Second Class Honors, University of Khartoum, Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, September 1971. Receieved his Ph.D., University of Liverpool, Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, UK., Dec. 1975. YHA Rahim was the vice chancellor, Karary University, Sudan since 2002, Dean College of Engineering, Karary University, 1995, and Dean College of Engineering, Sudan University of Science 1994.
Keynote Speeches
Title: Power Metal - Oxide - Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor: Performance, Stability, and Reliability
With the fast development of smart integrate circuit (IC) technology, electrical devices, especially power metal oxide semiconductor (Silicon) filed effect transistors (MOSFET), play more and more important roles in several products and applications, especially in personal computer and cell phone technologies. Thus, new generation smart IC technology needs to provide higher performance product with lower cost. This is not an easy goal to achieve because there are still several problems faced by the device engineers. Two of the most important problems are temperature and electrical stresses encountered by these devices. This talk focuses on power MOSFETs performance and thermal stability, and discusses their long-term reliability in terms of devices degradation before and after the application of accelerated thermal and electrical stresses. There stresses are meant to mimic the accumulated stresses developed on the device as a result of operating the device for a long time under its typical operating conditions. The characterization techniques employed include: SEM, current-voltage temperature and capacitance voltage temperature measurements, charge pumping, and deep level transient spectroscopy.
Dr. Osama O. Awadelkarim, Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics and the Director of the Center for Nanotechnology Education and Utilization and the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Network at the Pennsylvania State University, U. S. A.
Title of the speech: Efficient Modulations and Advanced Applications
Professor Lenan WU
Radio spectra in space are close-packed more and more, so its impact of frequency as a valuable resource is increasingly prominent. But whether we can make the transmission bandwidth “ultra narrow” and the data rate even higher, and keep the power transmitted in an acceptable level, what needs surveying is the theory of digital communication and the technology of modulation/demodulation. The Ultra Narrow Band (UNB) modulation is just a sort of transmission technique with efficient-bandwidth and high data rate reported, but its principle and methodology still needs clarifying. So this paper will review the relatively small number of recent patents involving the UNB modulations, and interpret their theoretic foundation and key technology to the best of our knowledge, which may not be as those classical methods a communication engineer accustomed to.
Professor Lenan WU received the B.S. degree in Radar Engineering and M.S. degree in Communication &Electronic Systems in 1982 and 1987, respectively, both from the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and
Programme Layout
Day 1: 16/01/2017
Time: 14:00-15:30 Presidential Hall
Session: Communications
Chair Person: Prof Lenan
Co Chair: Dr. Mohammed Faisal
BER Performance Improvement Of V2I Communication By Using OFDM-IM Exploiting All Subcarrier Activation Patterns Sahar Abdulaziz Altalib, Bakr Mohammed Ali, Abdulrahman Ikram Siddiq
Practical Considerations For Interfacing Operational Amplifiers With Analog To Digital Converters In Microcontrollers
Ashraf Abubaker Mohammed, Samah Mohamed Nafie
Enhancement Of Seamless Mobility In Nested Network Mobility
Altaya Ahmed Mohamed, Murtada Khlalfallah Elbashir, Muslim Mohammed Ali, Awadallah Mohammed Ahmed
Sum Rate Analysis Of Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output System For Linear Precoding Using Normalization Methods
Ali Mahir Ali Ibrahim, Murtada Mohammed Abdelwahab
Simulating Macrocell-Microcell Handovers In 4G Systems
Sahar Bashir Abass, Niemah Izzeldin Osman
Time: 14:00-15:30 Arkaweet
Session: Network
Chair Person: Abdeldime Mohamed Salih
Co Chair: Dr. Sallam Osman Fageeri
Enhanced Bandwidth Reservation Guarantees For QoS Routing In Vehicular Network
Sallam Osman Fageeri
Using The TCP Retransmission Timeout For Solving The KCI Attack Problem Against The TLS Protocol
Hamid Abbas Ali, Ayman Mohammed Muzzamail Albashear, Abeer M. Ali
Multiple Physical Layer Pipes Performance For DVB-T2
Yusri T. Abdelrahman
Demodulator Based On Deep Belief Networks In Communication System
Meng Fan, Wu Lenan
Spiking Generation In Semiconductor Laser By Optoelectronic Feedback
Babekir Osman
Time: 14:00-15:30 Jebel Marrah
Session: Microwave and Radar
Chair Person: Dr. Ahmed Awad Ahmed
Co Chair: DR. Chen Peng
Design And Simulation Of Wide Band Input Matching Circuit For RF Power Transistor In VHF Range
Hamid Mubarak Mustafa Makkawi
Design, Implementation And Performance Analysis Of Crystal Video Front End For X-Band Radar Warning Receiver
Hamid Mubarak Mustafa Makkawi
Frequency Diverse Array Radar The Future Of Combating ECM Threats
Ahmed Abdalla
Clutter Estimation Based On Compressed Sensing In Bistatic MIMO Radar
Peng Chen, Ping Zhan, Lenan Wu
Radio Propagation And Troposphere Parameters Effect For Microwave Links In Sudan
Mohamed Elghazali Hamza Khalil
Time: 14:00-15:30 Al Barkal
Session: Biomedical
Chair Person: Alwaleed Basheer
Co Chair: Dr. Mgdi Eltayeb
Microwave Imaging System For Early Detection Of Breast Cancer
Faihaa Mohammed Eltigani
Comparative Study Of The Radiation Characteristic Between Uniform, Tschebyscheff And Binomial Amplitude Distributions Of Linear Patch Antenna Array For X-Band Radar Warning Receivers
Hamid Mubarak Mustafa Makkawi
Automatic Detection And Classification Of Malarial In Thin Blood Slide Images
Hassan Abdelrhman Mohammed Elnaeem
Tel-Radiology Implementation: An Image Analysis Case
Mohamed Almustfa Eisa Mohamed,
Detection Of Malaria Parasites Using Digital Image Processing
IslahAbdelhameid Ali
Color And Texture Fusion-Based Method For Content-Based Image Retrieval
Abdolraheem Khader Alhassan
Autonomic Management By Self-Optimization For WEINMANN
Sheima Sharafeldin Elhwij
Time: 15:30-17:00 Presidential Hall
Tracking and Positioning I
Chair Person: Dr. Abdelrahim Satti
Co Chair: Dr. Alkhidir Tayaalla
On-Line Walking Speed Control In Human-Powered Exoskeleton Systems
Abusabah I. A. Ahmed
Indoor Navigation Algorithm For Mobile Robot Using Wireless Sensor Networks
Esra B. Abbas, Y M Alkasim, Osman Mudathir Elfadil
Design Of A Positioning And Tracking System For Paratroops Team
RazanSaadeldin Mohamed
Design Of Bus Tracking And Fuel Monitoring System
An Approach To Establishment Of Cars To Road Management System
Fatima Yusuf Mohammed
Time: 15:30-17:00 Arkaweet
Session: Tracking and Positioning II
Chair Person: Dr. Ahmed Hassan
Co Chair: Dr. Ahmed Elamin
Real Time Embedded Cam Shift Object Tracking Algorithm Using Davenci TMS320DM6437 EVM
Khidir Elhadi Bala
Design And Implementation Of An Active Attitude Determination And Control Subsystem (ADCS) For ISRASAT1 Cube Satellite
Asia Saeed Kajo
Back Stepping Tracking Controller For Wheeled Mobile Robot
Walid Mohamed ElfatihMahjoub, Ibrahim Mohamed Hafiz Sanhoury
Modeling And Simulation of Electric Drive Vehicle Based on Space Vector Modulation Technique And Field Oriented Control Strategy
Saber Mohammed ElnourFadul, IshakAris, NorhisamMisron, Izhal A Halin, A.K.M Parvez Iqbal
Web-based GIS Business Hotels Tourism Site In Khartoum, Sudan
Taha Alfadul Taha
Time: 15:30-17:00 Jebel Marrah
Session: Artificial Intelligent
Chair Person: Dr. Ibrahim Ahmed
Co Chair:Dr. Viju G.K.
Early Cost Estimation Of Software Reworks Using Fuzzy Requirement-Based Model
Tarig Ahmed Khalid, Eng-Thiam Yeoh
Design Of Fuzzy-Based Autonomous Car Control System
Abdulrahman H. A. Widaa, Waddah Abdelbagie Talha
Fuzzy PID Based Path Tracking Control Of A 5-DOF Needle-Holding Robot
Edris Abdalla Edris
Average Least Frequency Used (ALFUR) Cache Replacement Technology USING Intelligent Agents
Mohammed Salah Khaleel, SaifEldinFattoh Osman, Hiba Ali Nasir
Speed Control Of DC Motor Using Fuzzy Logic Controller
Yasser Ali Almathil
Time: 15:30-17:00 Al Barkal
Session: Security
Chair Person: Dr. Yasir A. Mohamed
Co Chair: Dr. Yasir H. Ahmed
Exploiting the Physical Layer Security for Providing a Simple User Privacy Security System for Vehicular Networks
Abdeldime M. S. Abdelgader, Feng Shu
Proposed Security Model For Web Based Application And Service
Aiman Osman Solyman, Anwar Dafa-Allah Dafa-Allah, Arafat Abdulgader M. Elhag
Performance Analysis Of Thre (SCP) Classical Encryption Algorithms In Encrypting Database Transactions
Mohammed Suleiman Mohammed Rudwan, Salah Eldin Deng Al-Jack
Evaluation Of The Quality Of Encoded Quran Digital Audio Recording
MoutamanMirghaniDaffalla, Hadeel Osman Madane
Anomaly Detection Approach Using Hybrid Algorithm Of Data Mining Technique
Saad Mohamed Ali Mohamed
Day 2: 17/01/2017
Time: 11:30-13:00 Presidential Hall
Session: Computer Science – I
Chair Person: Dr. Hozeifa A. AbdAlshafy
Co Chair: Dr. Abdelmotalib Ahmed
Using K Nearest Neighbors For Text Segmentation With Feature Similarity
Taeho Jo
Ophthalmology Prediction System Using Machine Learning Techniques
Sallam Osman Fageeri
Development Arabic Search Engine
Aamer Idris Dirar
Distance Alert System Using Stereo Vision And Feature Extraction
Abubakr Abdalla, Murtada Elbashir, Abdullah Osman
Time: 11:30-13:00 Arkaweet
Session: Computer Science –II
Chair Person: Dr. Faisal M. Abdalla
Co Chair: Dr. Sami Abbas Nagar Adam
SSREQ: A Method For Design Star Schemas From Requirements
Elhaj Elamin Babekir
Performance Analysis Of Cloud Computing For Distributed Data Center Using Cloud-Sim
Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif, MnahilKher Alseed Mohammed Alnazir, Amin Babiker A/Nabi Mustafa, Hamid Abbas Ali
Alneelain: A Formal Specification Language
Nahid Ahmed Ali
Developing Tool For Odoo Platform
Bashir Idris Bashir, Shrif Hago Almugadam, Amr Abd-Alkrim Hassan, Mohammed Alwathing Alhaj AdmKabashi
K Nearest Neighbor For Text Summarization Using Feature Similarity
Taeho Jo
Session: Computer Science –III
Chair Person: Dr. S.P. SOOD
Co Chair: Dr. Ali Ahmed Alfake
Systematic Literature Review: Solving Educational Timetabling Problem Using Swarm Intelligence Optimization Techniques
Omer Ahmed Elbashir, Adil Ali Abdulaziz, Almonzer Salah Nooraldaim
Forum discussion summarization Based on Cross-Post structure Relationships Identification using supervised machine learning
Ibrahim Almahy
Collaborative Filtering Techniques And Applications
Ashraf Osman Ibrahim, Najdt Mustafa Musa
Functionality Assessment For NDT And WSDMDA Methodologies Using Quality Evaluation Framework
Mohammed Abdalla Osman Mukhtar
Comparison Between ALFUR Using Intelligent Agent With LFU, LRU, SIZE And PCCIA Cache Replacement Technologies
Mohammed Salah Khaleel
Time: 11:30-13:00 Al Barkal
Session: Applications and Systems
Chair Person: Dr. Moutaman Mirghani
Co Chair: Dr. Ahmed Abdelrahman
Automation Of A Syrup Production Line Using S7- 1200 And TIA Portal Software
Husam Salih, Hammam Abdelwahab, Areej Abdallah
Evaluation Of Boeing 747-E Lateral Autopilot Using Flying And Handling Qualities Specifications
SafaNajm Elden Zedan
Design Of Autopilot Platform Using HILS Approach
Mohamed Amir Elbakri, Mohammed Abdullah Elsadig
High Altitude Testing Balloon Project
Waleed Babiker Elsedig Mohammed
Fuel Management System
Areeg Abubakr Ibrahim Ahmed
Time: 14:00-15:30 Presidential Hall
Session: Satellite
Chair Person: Prof. Dr. Saad Osman Bashir
Co Chair: DR. MengFAn
Maximizing Solar Energy Input For Cubesat Using Sun Tracking System And A Maximum Power Point Tracking
Hammam Najeib Abdelwahab
Design And Implementation Of Communication Subsystem For ISRASAT1 Cube Satellite
Yasir Ahmed Idris, Moutaman Mirghani Daffalla, Ahmed Tagelsir Osman
Hardware And Software Design Of Onboard Computer Of ISRASAT1 Cubesat
Duaa Abdelmuniem Osman, Sondos Mohamed
Student Satellites, Implementation Models & Approaches In Sudan
Waleed Babiker Elsedig Mohammed
A Design Of A Remote Weather Factors Monitoring System
MysoonSiddig Ali
Time: 14:00-15:30 Arkaweet
Session: DSP
Chair Person: Dr. Ashraf GasimElseed
Co Chair: Dr. Elessaid Sulaiman Saad
Joint MFCC-And-Vector Quantization Based Text-Independent Speaker Recognition System
Ala Eldin Omer Mohamed Omer
An Algebra Explanation For Maximum Decision
Feixiang Cheng, Shulin Zhang, Lenan Wu
A Modified Sphere Detection Algorithm With Lower Complexity
Yingjie Wen, Lenan Wu
DSP-Based Dispersion Compensation: Survey And Simulation
Mazin Abdelbadea Alikarar
Fault Diagnosis Using Cross-Wavelet Transform For Electricity Pre-Payment Meter
Bashar SirelkhatimElhassan, Yahia Musa Alsideeq, Elmubarak Mohamed Imam, ShariefBabikir
Time: 14:00-15:30 Jebel Marrah
Session: Control
Chair Person: Dr. Ahmed Emam
Co Chair: Dr. Alfadil Zakaria
Implementation Of A PID Control System On Microcontroller (Dc Motor Case Study)
Mohamed Nasreldin Agab
Automated And Monitored Liquid Filling System Using PLC Technology
Abdulraouf Izzeldin Jaboura, Mohammed Ahmed Al-Toum, Osman DawoodAbaker
Custom In-System Firmware Upgrade For MSP430 Microcontrollers Family Using SPI
Musaab Taha, Sahar Mustafa
Modeling And Simulation Of Air Data Computer
Elkhidir Yousif
Ant Colony Based LQR And PID Tuned Parameters For Controlling Inverted Pendulum
AmanAbd-Allah Mohamed Jacknoon
Time: 14:00-15:30 Al Barkal
Session: Energy I
Chair Person: Dr. Omer Alfaki
Co Chair: Dr. Zakieldeen M.Eltayeb
Improving The Voltage Profile Of The Transmission Lines By Using The Series Compensation Under Different Loading Conditions
Ammar Mishal Elagab, Ibrahim Mohammad Elamin
Power Flow Control And Tie Line Stiffness Between Sudan And Ethiopia
Mahmoud Elsir Elhassan
Economic Measures Of Power Plants
Rashid Salaheldinn Elhaj Mohammed
Grid Connected Photovoltaic System
FarogFadlelmoula Mohamed, Abdallah Mohamed, Mamoun Ibrahim
Agent Based Load Management For Microgrid
Sharief F Babiker
Time: 15:30-17:00 Presidential Hall
Session: Electronics
Chair Person: Othman Hassan Abdalla
Co Chair: Dr. Ashraf Osman
Wireless Power Transmission: As An Emerging Technology
Chukwu Jeremiah
Reduction Of Phase Noise For Inductor Based Ultra-Wide Band Voltage Controlled Oscillator
Muhammad Ibn Ibrahimy
Correlated Transfer Of Discrete Charge In Long Arrays Of Tunnel Junctions
Sharief F Babiker
Reliability Assessment And Feasibility Study For An Industrial Facility With The Integration Of Hybrid Renewable Energy System
Abdelhamed T. Mohamed, Mohammed Al-Hassan M. Salim, Mohammad M. Almuhaini
Buildings Cooling: An experimental study of cooling buildings using phase change materials
Abdeldafia Mohammed Mohammed
Abdeldime M. S. Abdelgader
Abdelmotalib Ahmed
Abdelrahim Satti
Abubakr Obaid
Abusabah I. A. Ahmed
Ahmed Abdalla
Ahmed Awad Babiker
Ahmed Elamin Medani
Ahmed Emam
Ahmed Hassan
Ahmed Hilali
Ali Ahmed
Alwaleed Basheer
Ashraf Abubaker Mohammed
Ashraf Osman Ibrahim
Hamid Abbas Ali
Babekir Osman
Dalia Mahmoud
Ahmed Jaklan
Sallam Osman Fageeri
Viju G K
Abdeazeim Abdallah
Abdelhamid Mansor
Akram Amara
Alfadil Zakaria
Ali Omer
Amal Eltahir
Ashraf Osman
Banzier Abrahim Abrahim
Desogi Shazali
Elia Sidieg
Elneel Kamal
Fragoon Ahmed
Hasan Kamarul
Hozeifa Adam
Mohammed Mohsen Nasr
Mohd Yagoub
Moutaman Mirghani Daffalla
Musab Alkhair
Omer Sidahmed
Rania Mokhtar
Samar Mokhtar
Samir Hamed
Yasir Agha
Zakieldeen Alhassan
Zenab Ahmed
Edris Abdalla Edris
Elbaraa Mohamed Elagib
Elessaid Suliman
Elkhidir Yousif
Faisal Abdalla
Fatima Yusuf Mohammed
Ghazally Ibrahim Yousif
Hasan Kamarul
Sharief F Babiker
Hesham Ibrahim Ahmed Dafalla
Hi Elamin Osman Elamin
Kamal Ramadan Doud
Mohamed Elhaj Mohamed
Hisham Abushama
Ibrahim Ahmed
Omer Elfaki Elbashir
Khidir Elhadi Bala
Kholod Hajo Ibrahiem
Mawahib Gafare Ahmed
Mayada Ahmed
Ola Merghani Hassan
Mohamed Osman Aboaubaida
Mohammed Hussien Hassan Musa
Mohammed Ramadan Mohammed
Molhema Mohu Aldeen Awad
Aamir Hashem
Ahmed Abdelrahman
Ashraf Abubaker Mohammed
Kamal Ramadan
Mohammed Ali
Mohammed Nour
Saber M E Fadul
Abdulrahman H. A. Widaa
Abubakar Muazu
Tarig Ahmed Khalid
Yasir Abdelgadir Mohamed
Wafaa Faisal Mukhtar
Murtada Mohammed Abdelwahab
Mysoon Siddig Ali
Nadir Salih
Nagm Abdo
Nassrin Elamin
Nosiba Khider Ali
Omer Sedeg Omer
Osman Wahballa Hassan
Othman Hassan Abdalla
Peng Chen
Prof Omer Elsmani
Prof Saad Bashir
Rashad Tageldean
Rashid Salaheldinn Elhaj Mohammed
Razan Saadeldin Mohamed
Regards Walid Mohamed Elfatih Mahjoub
Romisa Ahmed
Salam Zakieldeen Mohammed Elhassan
Sami Elnajar
Waleed Babiker Elsedig Mohammed
Zakaria Anwar Zakaria
216 BER Performance improvement of V2I communication by using OFDM-IM Exploiting All Subcarrier Activation Patterns
Sahar Abdulaziz Altalib, Bakr Mohammed Ali, Abdulrahman Ikram Siddiq
Abstract: One of the essential divisions of the fast developing field of vehicular technology is the vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) communications. The PHY layer of V2I is implemented by the IEEE 802.11p wireless standard, whose core is the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) due to its robustness against multipath fading. The recently developed technique called OFDM with Index Modulation (-IM) has a better BER performance than OFDM. A source of error in OFDM-IM is that it uses a subset of the all possible subcarrier activation patterns (SAPs). A latest modification is the OFDM-IMA, referring to OFDM-IM that uses all possible SAPs. In this paper, it is proposed to use OFDM-IMA with subcarrier-level interleaving to replace OFDM in the IEEE 802.11p. Computer simulation results show that the proposed system achieves significant BER improvement with respect to OFDM and OFDM-IM, when tested over standard V2I environments.
Keywords: Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I), IEEE 802.11p, OFDM, OFDM-IM, BER
271 Wireless Power Transmission: As an Emerging Technology
Chukwu Jeremiah
Abstract: Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) is the transmission of electric power devoid of using cable or conductor from electricity source to an output terminal. This technology is beneficial in locations that are not easily served by wired electricity, dangerous or unfeasible for cable connection and since the transmisison is in form of microwave, there is no power loss from the generating and distribution stations and WPT technologies have great future for new commerce/ business zone. This paper provides a survey of wireless power transmission as an emerging technology, its recent advancement and application areas.
Keywords: Wireless; Microwave; Resonant; Rectenna; WPT
320 Reduction of Phase Noise for Inductor Based Ultra-Wide Band Voltage Controlled Oscillator
Muhammad Ibn Ibrahimy
Abstract: Several techniques have been investigated in this paper to propose the reduction of phase noise due to electro-magnetic interference for inductor based ultra-wide band voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). Furthermore, figure of merit of VCO and its tuning range have been compared to exhibit the improved performance. Phase noise has been stated as -151 dBc/Hz at 20 MHz offset frequency with a tuning range of 2.8~5.8 GHz according to article. Electro-magnetic coupling has been decreased to 44 dB by 8-shaped inductor based harmonic VCO proposed in the literature.
Keywords: Phase noise reduction, electro-magnetic interference reduction, ultra-wide band, VCO
219 On-line Walking Speed Control in Human-Powered Exoskeleton Systems
Abusabah I. A. Ahmed
Abstract: The on-line walking speed control in human powered exoskeleton systems is a big challenge, the real time translations of human intention to increase or decrease walking speed in maneuverable coupled human exoskeleton systems is still complex field. An adaptive trajectory frequency control algorithm has been developed to guide the exoskeleton’s joint in HUman-powered Augmentation Lower Exoskeleton (HUALEX) within the human wearer intended speed. Based on mismatch of Dual Reaction Force (DRF) sensors, we proposed a new control methodology for walking speed control. Human intention recognition and identification through instrumented footboard and smart shoe is achieved successfully in this work, the new term heel contact time HCT is main feedback for control algorithm. Adaptive Central Pattern Generators (CPGs) used to control joint trajectory frequency, the different walking speeds associated with different functioning of human body CPGs frequency. Experiments on one Degrees of Freedom (1-DOF) platform are demonstrated for walking speed control scheme validation.
Keywords: On-line walking speed control, Central Patterns Generators (CPGs), Floor Reaction Force, Smart Shoes, Lower Limb Human Exoskeleton system.
335 Frequency Diverse Array Radar the Future of Combating ECM threats
Ahmed Abdalla
Abstract: Necessities of newer radar systems are becoming even more demanding in modern electronic warfare ECM (Electronic counter measure) scenarios; therefore, ECCM (Electronic counter-countermeasure) technology has become one of the most important functions of the radar system evaluation. This paper provides an outline on the current research status, developments, achievements of frequency diverse array (FDA) radar, and it is appropriate to ECCM demands. We address some issues concerning FDA radar design, concepts, and main characteristics that making the FDA protects itself from all types of jamming, with a plan to look for further investigations on the FDA ECCM aspects. Furthermore, in this review, several perspectives relevant to FDA opportunities to ECCM processing are pointed out and the attainable results are verified by numerical simulations
Keywords: Frequency diverse array (FDA) Radar; electronic counter countermeasure (ECCM); ECM; range dependent
196 Microwave Imaging System for Early Detection of Breast Cancer
Faihaa Mohammed Eltigani
Abstract: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among females, and one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Nowadays, the most common method for breast cancer detection is X-ray mammogram screening. Since mammography employs ionizing radiations, the repetition of exposure is not recommended. Aiming to overcome this limitation of the X-ray mammogram screening, a new, low-cost and safe microwave imaging technique was developed in this study. The proposed technique depends on the significant contrast in the dielectric properties of the normal and the tumor tissues. The Computer Simulation Technology Microwave Studio was used to create a model of breast with tumour of 5mm radius. And a circular patch antenna was used in this study. The breast model was placed in front of the antenna, which used as a transmitter as well as a receiver of the microwave. The reflected waves were processed in order to form an image of the tumour. The reconstruction of the reflected waves permits a clear identification of the tumor.
Keywords: Keywords— Microwave Imaging; breast tumor; patch antenna; 2D representation
225 Systematic Literature Review: Solving Educational Timetabling Problem Using Swarm Intelligence Optimization Techniques
Omer Ahmed Elbashir, Adil Ali Abdulaziz, Almonzer Salah Nooraldaim
Abstract : Timetabling is commonly identified by many researchers as NP-complete problem. Such a complex problem is represented as an optimization challenge due to its difficulty in implementing and resource consumption. Many optimization approaches such as swarm intelligence have been implemented in an attempt to find an optimal timetable solution. A huge number of solutions have been presented in literature. These solutions are varies is their optimization algorithm, consequently varies in their objective function strategy, dimensions, efficiency and so forth. However, extra efforts are needed to enhance solutions in this area. Systematic Literature Review method is an efficient tool for understanding, classifying, and finding new trends in the areas searched. Therefore, this paper presents a systematic literature review concerning Swarm Intelligence Optimization techniques needed for solving the timetabling problem. The systematic review includes 143 with a protocol focused on finding primary studies addressing the techniques of swarm intelligence. The reported results showed that techniques such as Firefly algorithm have never been implemented in the area of educational timetabling. Besides, this study has pointed out many new trends in area of optimization-based solution for solving time table problems.
Keywords: Swarm Intelligence, Timetabling, Educational Timetabling, Meta heuristics, Systematic Literature Review.
614 Design of Bus Tracking and Fuel Monitoring System
Safa Abd Elmonem Yosif
Abstract: The need for efficient public transportation system is rapidly increased due to the increasing in population, there is increased need for efficient public transportation system especially the buses the passengers need to know the accurate arrival time of the particular bus to particular station and then plan their journey from their home fuel monitoring have been the major problem that most of bus companies looking to solve. This paper developed a bus tracking and monitoring the fuel and speed system to provide a facility for the management requirements by the administrator. The proposed system based on GSM/GPS and ASP.MVC which show the actuated arrival time in addition to graphically showing for the bus location on Google map. The design also enables the owner of the bus to monitor the bus instantaneously because the system administrator can easily maintained database information of buses and its fuel tank at any time of the service.
596 Design of a Positioning and Tracking System for Paratroops Team
Razan Saadeldin Mohamed
Abstract: In today’s world, wireless communication became the master use in any technology that need transferring of data between devices in far distant places. Some of the previous studies used wireless with global positioning system (GPS) to help paratroops team to know their positions. The problems of paratrooper when they reach the land and they are scattered and can’t find each other’s position quickly. Sometimes paratroops don’t find their equipment that is thrown from the plane to the ground. The main objective of this study is to overcome these problems. In this work every paratrooper must carry a mobile device .The methodology includes three steps first, receiving the position of the paratrooper from GPS ,second displaying the position in the liquid crystal display( LCD) and then send it to the main paratrooper through X-bee wirelessly, third the main paratrooper send all these data to the central computer located in afar place from all paratroops .The central computer displays the paratrooper teams positions in the map continuously while they are moving. The design helps in minimizing the information gathering time, reduce the information transfer time between paratroops and increases safety in the land. In addition to that the new device is less weight and circuit complexity. The study recommends further more analysis and design features added in addition to improve the security using encryption techniques to this positioning and tracking system using Nano circuitry so that the whole device to be in a size of hand watch or less.
Keywords: Paratrooper , GPS, LCD, X-bee, GUI, Actual map.
613 Alneelain: A Formal Specification Language
Nahid Ahmed Ali
Abstract: In computer science, a formal specification language is defined as a specification language used during systems analysis, requirements analysis and system design to describe a system. This description will be at much higher level than programming, which is used to produce the executable code for a system. Formal specification language provides mathematical representation of the system and expresses the specification in a language whose vocabulary syntax and semantic are properly defined. Today, a variety of formal specification languages are in use some of them are either based on algebraic specification or on model-based specification. In this paper a new specification language called Alneelain specification language is presented. It is based on axiomatic specification. The primary concern in designing the compiler of Alneelain specification language, was with syntax and semantics of the language.
Keywords: Formal Methods; Formal Specification Language; Alneelain Specification Language; Axiomatic Specification
600 Distance Alert System using Stereo Vision and Feature Extraction
Abubakr Abdalla, Murtada Elbashir, Abdullah Osman
Abstract In the recent years’, image processing is becoming an important field in computer science. Also interaction between human and computer is in increasing rate. Nowadays there are useful applications in measuring the distance to make human life easy and more safety such as alarm systems on cars that make alert sounds when a car becomes too close to any object, and even robots measures distance to make maps of their environments. Those applications normally use one of the sensors laser finder, radar and ultra-sonic. In this paper our concern is to measure the distance using stereo vision and alert user when distance between any objects become less than 30cm. Stereo vision is used because it is cheaper, saves power and easy in implementation. In the experiments the images with 640x480 resolution were tested. Using the distances 50cm, 1m and 1.5m distances, the error was 1%,4% and 12%, respectively.
Keywords: Stereo Vision, measure distance
628 An Approach to Establishment of Cars to Road Management System
Fatima Yusuf Mohammed
Abstract: Traffic accidents have recently become a significant terror for all members of the community, their contribution to the cause of death and huge economic losses have become very large, this is due to the violation of the traffic rules and exceeding the speed limit for the road by the drivers. Ambulance and emergency teams face severe difficulties to find their way during the rush hours; this is because the drivers cannot get an early notification to adapt themselves so as to leave these teams pass through. The main objective of this study is to improve the traffic flow to overcome those problems. Some previous studies used a wireless transmission via infrared which considered as a short range. And other used XBee for send the value of the speed only. The methodology used in this study is a design of a communication system between the road and the car to alert and control the speed of the car wirelessly; it consists of a two transceiver module. The device is fixed at Pre-determined position send the speed limit and gives notes about general facilities of the road like the word “school”, “hospital” and “pedestrian crossing”, and “emergency” to alert the drivers that there is incoming ambulance, this alert appear in a form of messages which displayed in the liquid crystal display (LCD). The other device is fixed on the car that received these messages wirelessly from the device that fixed on the road, and then displays it on the LCD. Also controls the vehicle’s speed by using the motor. The result acquisition from this study is the calculation of revolution per minute (rpm) for motor result in 460 rpm therefore the maximum speed of the car is 450kilometers per hour for cars with the radius of the wheel 26 cm. decreasing the revolutions per minute results in decreasing the car speed. The wireless transmission by using Xbee-s1 sends the data at a rate of 250 Kbit/Sec. In conclusion, when using this system it helps in reducing traffic violations and facilitates traffic for emergency vehicles and controlled car speed means safety for lives and possessions. This study recommends adding car to car communication protocol.
599 Enhancement of Seamless mobility in Nested Network Mobility
Altaya Ahmed Mohamed, Murtada Khlalfallah Elbashir, Muslim Mohammed Ali, Awadallah Mohammed Ahmed
Abstract: Mobile networks consist of one or more mobile IP-subnets and is viewed as one connected unit to the internet via one or more Mobile Router (MR).When MR is connecting to the other MR in the other mobile network, it makes a structure known as Nested Mobile Network. In this structure each level of connected router has a Bi-directional tunnel between each pair of MR and its Home Agent (HA) must be established. By this way the message size will increase, because of IP-in-IP header encapsulation. This leads to bad network performance in term of high tunneling overhead. In this paper we investigate on the current route optimization techniques that deal with nested network mobility problem. The main objective of this paper is to develop new a route optimization scheme that enhances the overall network performance by reducing the tunneling overhead, handoff latency, and packet transmission delay. This is accomplished using a hybrid approach between Proxy MIPv6 protocol and SD-TLMR scheme using pre-registration of SD-TLMR of each sub domain in advance with short time update in binding update extensions message format. Analytical model has been used to evaluate the performance analysis and the performance is benchmarked with NEMO protocol, BUL+ and SD-TLMR approaches. The obtained results showed that the proposed hybrid approach has improved the performance of the network when using the packet delay and handoff latency measures compared to the other techniques.
Keywords: Mobile Routers (MRs) ; Mobile Internet Protocol version 6 (MIPv6) ; Network Mobility Support (NEMO Support) ; Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6).
625 A Design of a Remote Weather Factors Monitoring System
Mysoon Siddig Ali
Abstract: Wireless sensor network become the most important part in any technology that need to control the environment, because it is enabling interaction between persons or computers and the surrounding environment. One of the new trends that need the wireless sensor network is military applications. The main objective of this research is to design a reliable, inexpensive, small, and easy movement remote weather factors monitoring system for helping and routing the military equipment to oriented and hit the predetermined target accurately without human and material losses. The methodology based on wireless sensor network technology to design of a remote weather factors monitoring system consists of three nodes located in different places to measure all of the surrounding weather factors by using four sensors (temperature and humidity sensor, wind direction sensor, wind speed sensor, and atmosphere pressure sensor), which connected with Arduino then sends this measured factors to a central station via xbee wireless communication module that operate within 2.4 GHz frequency band. The results of this paper shows the averages of the measured weather factors received from the sensor nodes after being calculated by the central station has stored in a database and displayed on monitoring screen, then sends to another organization to determine and hit the target accurately. It is recommended that to use another wireless communication module with wide rage such as very high frequencies device (VHF).
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network, Microcontroller, Proteus, Arduino Software, GUI, Visual Studio, Xbee.
586 Speed Control of DC Motor Using Fuzzy Logic Controller
Yasser Ali Almathil
Abstract: In this paper we have designed a DC motor whose speed can be controlled using PID controller and fuzzy logic controller. PID controller requires a mathematical model of the system while fuzzy logic controller base on experience via rule-based knowledge .Design of fuzzy logic controller requires many design decisions , for example rule base and fuzzification. PID controller chooses its parameters base on self-tuning. Fuzzy logic controller uses mamdani system which employs fuzzy sets in consequent part . PID and FLC are investigated with the help of MATLAB / SIMULINK package program simulation. It is founded that FLC is more difficult in design comparing with PID controller, but it has an advance to be more suitable to satisfy non-linear systems.
584 Comparisons between AlFUR Using Intelligent Agent With LFU, LRU, Size and PCCIA Cache Replacement Technologies
Mohammed Salah Khaleel
Abstract: Web cache replacement play important role, increasing the performance and speed of browsing web sites using internet. This paper highlights a new proposed LFU replacement strategy and compares LFU, LRU, SIZE and the replacement using fuzzy logic, with new proposed replacement algorithm Average Least Frequency Used Removal (ALFUR). Hit Ratio and Byte Hit Ratio were used to measure the performance of these algorithms. The paper is concluded by shows out which is the best cache replacement policy should be used.
Keywords: LFU; proxy cache; removable policies; Web caching performance
568 Radio Propagation and Troposphere Parameters Effect for Microwave Links in Sudan
Mohamed Elghazali Hamza Khalil
Abstract: Microwave links have to be designed such that propagation effects do not reduce the quality of the transmitted signals. Measurements and the derived propagation parameters are analysed and discussed. Metrological parameters data( Visibility, Temperature, Relative humidity and Atmospheric Pressure) gotten from the Sudan Meteorological Authority (SMA) are used to calculate the daily averages of refractivity for last twenty a year’s 2006 -2015. The meteorological data collected were computed to obtain the refractivity, refractivity gradient and earth radius factor. The results of the diurnal variation of refractivity based on assessment of relative humidity, dust cloud, rain fall, temperature and atmospheric pressure made across of covered all region in Sudan, Port Sudan (18 25 N, 37° 25' E), Khartoum (15 33 N, 32° 31' E), Dongla (19 10 N, 30° 29' E), Elfashir (13 28 N, 25° 21' E), and Wad Madani (14 23 N, 33° 32' E), is presented in this study. Radio refractivity and attenuation signal strength are inversely related with ranges of 390 and 405 annual in different stations respectively. Results obtained ascertained that each atmospheric parameter has a role to play in refractivity with humidity as the major factor that is having more influence than other factors. The main contribution of this study improves future planning of the radio links in study area.
Keywords: Microwave Links, Metrological Parameters, Refractivity, Troposphere.
548 Collaborative Filtering Techniques and Applications
Ashraf Osman Ibrahim, Najdt Mustafa Musa
Abstract: During the last decade’s huge amounts of data have been shown and introduced. Therefore, recommender systems, predict the rating that a user would give to an item. Collaborative filtering (CF) techniques are most popular and widely used by recommender systems technique which used similar neighbors to generate recommendations. This paper provides the concepts, methods, applications and evaluations of the CF based on the literature review. In addition, the paper provide the discussion of the types of the recommender systems as general and types of CF such as; memory based, model based and hybrid model also discussed how to choose appropriate type of CF. The evaluation methods of the CF systems are also provided throughout the paper. In addition, the paper provides a discussion and summary of current open research issues and presents the conclusions.
Keywords: Collaborative filtering; recommender systems; memory based; model based; hybrid model
543 Modeling and Simulation of Electric Drive Vehicle Based on Space Vector Modulation Technique and Field Oriented Control Strategy
Saber Mohammed Elnour Fadul, Ishak Aris, Norhisam Misron, Izhal A Halin, A.K.M Parvez Iqbal
Abstract: Modeling and simulation of the electric vehicle have attracted increasing attentions to the researchers. Recently, the electric vehicle has emerged as a powerful platform for mitigating energy crisis and reducing environment pollution in the transportation sector. One of the largest barriers is that the electric powered automobile still not competitive with internal combustion engine cars limited by the driving range and battery energy. Therefore, power effectively and energy efficiency are of significance for battery electric automobiles due to the limited stored energy. To achieve improvement in energy saving and better induction motor efficiency within an electric vehicle, a control algorithm such as field oriented control and Space Vector Modulation technique can be used. A first step in modeling an electric vehicle is the selection of suitable parameters and understanding their characteristics. This paper, therefore, presents a study of vehicle parameters based on modeling and simulation of an electric vehicle dynamics when integrated with an induction motor powered by the Li-ion battery using Matlab/Simulink. It also describes a modeling of the electric induction motor based on space vector modulation technique and field oriented control strategy, leading to a design of full electric vehicle prototype. To achieve model goals, simulation results were carried out.
Keywords: Electric Vehicle; FOC; SVM; IM; Matlab/Simulink
541 Autonomic Management by Self-Optimization For WEINMANN
Sheima Sharafeldin Elhwij
Abstract: The main goal of autonomic computing is to make the software systems able to manage themselves and minimize the human intervention. Various methods have been used to implement autonomic computing. This research focused on one of the autonomic computing characteristic which is self-optimization. “Self-optimization capability optimizes various parameters at run time according to environmental conditions. It enables monitoring, experimenting and tuning various parameters to make best use of the existing resources”. This research tried to implement self-optimization system that helps to get result used to support reports used by doctors to diagnose. To achieve this patient records are collected from Sleep disorders and lung function Research Center in Sudan (Army medical hospital) contains 18 attributes from different patients of different situations. Case based reasoning algorithm applied which is problem solving paradigm of artificial intelligence used old experiences as case base in form of problem-solution pair to solve a new problem. The research’s result highlights the effect of different similarity measures and analyzed the performance using accuracy and RMES to select the best similarity measures in similar cases. Incorporating the ambiguous case information in autonomic manager by applying fuzzy theory along with CBR and insert the data to the algorithm directly from the original system is the recommended future direction of this work.
Keywords: Autonomic Computing, Similarity Measures, Case Base Reasoning, Root Mean Square Error
537 Average Least Frequency Used (ALFUR) Cache Replacement Technology USING Intelligent Agents
Mohammed Salah Khaleel
Abstract: Web caching is an important technique to scale the internet. To increase the speed of browsing, Replacement strategies are used. Least Frequency Used (LFU) replacement strategy is one of these web cache replacement strategies. The lack of LFU strategy is that it ignores download latency and size of object and may store obsolete web object indefinitely. A new proposed replacement strategy based on LFU replacement which named Average Least Frequency Used Removal (ALFUR) has been highlighted in this paper. ALFUR can be considered as enhancement of LFU since it overcomes the lacks of LFU.
Keywords: LFU; proxy cache; removable policies; Web caching performance
449 Design and Implementation of Communication Subsystem for ISRASAT1 Cube Satellite
Yasir Ahmed Idris, Moutaman Mirghani Daffalla, Ahmed Tagelsir osman
Abstract: The essential mission requirement of a satellite is the ability to provide a link to transmit information to and from the ground station. In general the communication system of the cube satellite is divided into two subsystems which are telemetry and data subsystem, and beacon subsystem. The telemetry and data subsystem will ensure continuous communication with the ground station. The beacon subsystem is the main part of communication system of the satellite, which provides information about the satellite and its status in a form of continuous wave (CW) which is encoded using Morse code. The beacon subsystem will be used to located the satellite and identify itself for other stations. In ISRASAT1 which is a nano-satellite designed, built and integrated at the Institute of Space Research and Aerospace (ISRA), the beacon subsystem is separated from telemetry and data transmitter and will operate in VHF band at 128 MHz . For the telemetry and data subsystem, the Data Radio transceiver in UHF band at 868 MHz will be used. In this paper, the hardware and software design and implementation of the communication subsystem of ISRASAT1 Cube satellite will be presented.
Keywords: CubeSat; Nano-satellite; 1U; Communication; antenna; Beacon
448 Simulating Macrocell-Microcell Handovers in 4G Systems
Sahar bashir abass, Niemah Izzeldin Osman
Abstract: Fourth Generation (4G) systems are expected to operate the global mobile network coverage area. They provide various services for different user types and their requirements. Vertical handovers occur between two layers of cells when a user is switched from one layer to the other. This paper details the influence of network parameters on vertical handover performance in a cell by simulating an overlapped macrocell-microcell environment. It considers handover requests entering a macrocell from a neighbor macrocell and from microcells of a different layer. We calculate various network performance parameters such as mean queue delay, handover dropping probability and channel utilization and compare the handover performance for macrocell and macrocell traffic. Our results demonstrate the influence of total channels, maximum queue size and handover request arrival rate on handover performance. They also show that the performance of each layer is similar in the case were the traffic from each layer is treated with equal priority in the system.
Keywords: 4G systems, handover queue delay, vertical handover.
457 Ant Colony Based LQR and PID tuned Parameters for Controlling Inverted Pendulum
Aman Abd-Allah Mohamed Jacknoon
Abstract: This paper presents the optimum technique to adjust the LQR and PID controller parameters to control for the nonlinear plant of inverted pendulum. The system is modeled in the state pace representation form. The control task is to move the cart of the inverted pendulum to a desired point and stabilize the angle of the pendulum at the vertical position. An LQR controller is used in the state feedback along with the PID controller. The parameters of both the PID controller and the LQR state feedback controller is tuned using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm. The simulation of the control problem has been designed using MATLAB Simulink and script code and the result was optimum.
Keywords: Inverted pendulum; Ant colony optimization (ACO); PID tuning; LQR; MATLAB simulation.
463 Evaluation of Boeing 747-E Lateral Autopilot Using Flying and Handling Qualities Specifications
Safa Najm Elden Zedan
Abstract: Autopilot systems have been until now crucial to flight control for decades and have been making flight easier, safer and more efficient. This paper aimed to evaluate the lateral autopilot for Boeing747_E using flying and handling qualities specifications, by modeling and simulating a lateral autopilot for Boeing747_E by going through all design steps lateral motion has three modes; rolling, spiral, and Dutch roll. The dynamic response was oscillated during Dutch roll mode. The challenge to make the passengers comfortable that not to sense the oscillation, also the lateral autopilot used to suppress the side slip. Thus to enhance the stability a gain (Kr) were added in the feedback loop. The addition of controller increases the lateral stability which is reshaped the root locus and moves its poles and zeros to desirable location, results then evaluate using handling qualities. For Boeing747_E in lateral autopilot its tend to perform in level 1, which clearly adequate for the mission flight phase.
Design of Autopilot platform using HILS approach
Mohamed Amir Elbakri, Mohammed Abdullah Elsadig
Abstract: Each day comes, the sector of autopilot and Unmanned vehicles get bigger exponentially; the autopilot design process plays an essential role in the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) development process. Autopilot can be designed and developed using different approaches; the most common one is the costly wind tunnel testing, the second and most risky approach is to design based on real fly tests, the third approach which is used in this paper is the Hardware in the loop simulation (HILS). A Hardware in the loop simulation (HILS) platform is designed for unmanned air vehicle (UAV) systems that represent flight attitudes on six degrees of freedom, which reduces risks and costs comparing to the previously mentioned approaches. In this paper a PID-based autopilot is designed, developed, and simulated on Matlab/Simulink Aerosim Blockset Library model of aircraft, the PID-controller algorithm has been implemented using Arduino board which has been connected with the plane model using serial communications. Stability of the system has been achieved by tuning PID parameters in the HILS, desired response and stability has been reached both in Manual and Full autonomous modes, with the aid of Flight Gear simulator for visualizing the aircraft response.
Keywords: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles; Autopilot; PID controller; Arduino platform; Hardware in the loop simulation
472 Design and Implementation of an Active Attitude Determination and Control Subsystem (ADCS) for ISRASAT1 Cube Satellite
Asia Saeed Kajo
Abstract: The attitude determination and control subsystem (ADCS) is responsible for maintaining, monitoring and controlling the cubesat attitude against the environmental disturbances torques which affects the cube satellite orientation and leads to the angular destabilization of the cube satellites while in orbit. ISRASAT1 is a cube satellite research project which is run by the Institute of Space Research and Aerospace (ISRA). The project aims to provide an educational and testing tool technology platform, implements satellite system that can be lunch in the nearest future and it is also intended for the investigation of the possibility of using a low-cost CubeSat in the remote sensing field. ISRASAT1 utilized passive attitude control in the first design, but to satisfy accuracy requirements of major payloads, the IRSASAT1 ADCS developed to be an active attitude control. The new ADCS subsystem responsible for ensuring that ISRASAT1 will be de-tumbled successfully after the launch, and keeps its orientation in the desired orientation as far as possible. In this paper; the design and implement of an active ADCS for ISRASAT1 cube satellite are thoroughly presented and discussed.
Keywords: CubeSat; Nanosatellite;1U; Orientation; Sensor; Actuator; Tracker; Processor
474 Evaluation of the Quality of Encoded Quran Digital Audio Recording
Moutaman Mirghani Daffalla, Hadeel Osman Madane
Abstract: Digital audio compression is applied to reduce the data rate required to send audio stream through band limited communication networks, as well as reducing the size of data storage in case of recording audio streams. It is common to apply lossy audio compression algorithms in many applications, which provide higher compression at the expense of the fidelity. MPEG-1&2 Audio Layer III, or MP3, is encoding format for digital audio that uses a form of lossy data compression. It is a regular audio format for consumer audio streaming or storage, and a standard of digital audio compression for the transfer and playback of music on the majority of digital audio players. However, the quality of audio encoding depends on the phonemes of sound that distinguish one word from another in a particular language. Most of speech models applied in audio compression relies on phonemes of English language, rather than those of Arabic language. Therefore, audio encoding of Holly Quran for recording on digital media is highly affected by these differences in the models used. Consequently, serious errors could be produced during the playback of Quran Kareem, which may change the meaning and quality of the output stream. The main objective of this paper is to discuss and evaluate encoding methods for speech in Arabic language accents, focusing on deterioration occurs in producing correct and clear Quran digital audio recording.
Keywords: Audio Recording; Playback; Encoding; MP3; Compression; Arabic Language; Holly Quran
478 Student Satellites, Implementation Models & Approaches in Sudan
Waleed Babiker Elsedig Mohammed
Abstract: the design and launch a scientific satellite relies on a wide range of knowledge and technology in addition to other sciences. It is a big project that includes a large assortment of different specialist and has several implementation approaches and methods of design. A satellite for students is a perfect tool to teach students and developing in a range of different areas from planning, project management, engineering design, modeling and implementation methodology as well, in order to implement great phases of convergence and similarity with big satellites. Sudan has several experiences in this area and different design methods of implementation, including the students experience in the University of Khartoum and the experience of the Institute of Space Research and Aerospace (ISRA), which is an experience that we are going to take as a model in this paper. That includes discussion about the designs and methods of implementation.ISRA are one of the research institutes in space and aerospace which applies methods of implementation and approved design with some modifications. It aims to reduce the complexity and the cost of production. The project is now running and has reached the implementation phase. This paper highlights ISRA experience and evaluates it and shows other local experiences in the design and implementation methodology and will also discuss some of the other models in general.
Keywords: Satellite, Cubesat, implementation, Model; Methodology, Team, ISRA.
487 Spiking Generation in Semiconductor laser by optoelectronic feedback
Babekir Osman
Abstract: The Chaos in single-mode semiconductor lasers is generated by means of an optoelectronic feedback. Chaotic dynamics have been generated due to the semiconductor laser model with optoelectronics feedback under appropriate conditions. MATLAB packages have been used to simulate the behavior of the semiconductor laser diodes with optoelectronics feedback. According to the chaos simulation technique, we have studied the model properties. And determine the control parameters that lead to regular behavior. Chaotic behavior has been generated by use the simulated model of OEFSL under appropriate conditions. We have a lot consider effectively analyze the behavior of a dynamical system under the influence control parameters such as bias current (δ0), feedback strength (ε) and the population inversion (γ).
Keyword: Chaos, Optoelectronics, Feedback
526 Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing for Distributed Data center using Cloud-Sim
Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif, Mnahil Kher Alseed Mohammed Alnazir, Amin Babiker A/Nabi Mustafa, Hamid Abbas Ali
Abstract: This paper is about to calculate the performance of cloud computing for distributed data center using cloud-sim software programme, The simulation and performance analysis will be done by using the cloud analyst tool. It is easy to evaluate new strategies in utilization of clouds considering policies, scheduling algorithms, load balancing policies, etc. It can also be used to assess competence of strategies from various perspectives such as cost, application execution time etc. It also supports evaluation of Green IT policies. User can use it as building blocks for simulated Cloud environment and can add new policies for scheduling, load balancing, and new scenarios. It shows that it is flexible enough to be used as a library that allows you to write a desired scenario by writing a Java program.
506 Ophthalmology Prediction System Using Machine Learning Techniques
Sallam Osman Fageeri
Abstract: Machine learning is a subdivision of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is concerned with the design and development of intelligent algorithms that enables machines to learn from data without being programmed. Machine learning mainly focus on how to automatically recognize complex patterns among data and make intelligent decisions. In this paper, intelligent machine learning algorithms are used to classify the type of an eye disease based on ophthalmology data collected from patients of Mecca hospital in Sudan. Three machine-learning techniques are used to predict the severity of the eye that occurred during the investigation, which are Naïve Bayesian, SVM, and J48 decision tree. The obtained result showed that J48 classifier outperforms both Naïve Bayesian as well as SVM.
Keywords: Machine learning, Data Mining, Classification
466 Hardware and Software Design of Onboard Computer of ISRASAT1 CubeSat
Duaa Abdelmuniem Osman, Sondos Mohamed
Abstract: The On-Board computer (OBC) in CubeSat is the subsystem which acts as a bridge that connects the other subsystems with each other. It supervises many of the tasks that are done by the different subsystems of satellite and performs housekeeping and monitoring to ensure the health and status of those subsystems. The hardware and software design of the OBC mainly depends on the mission of the CubeSat. ISRASAT1 is a research project at the Institute of Space Research and Aerospace (ISRA) in order to develop a CubeSat that sends image, beacon and telemetry data to the ground station.
Keywords: OBC; Cubesat; housekeeping
534 Fuzzy PID Based Path Tracking Control of a 5-DOF needle-holding robot
Edris Abdalla Edris
Abstract: In brachytherapy treatment of cancer, multiple radioactive seeds are implanted inside the cancer tumor by a surgical needle, and the locations of the seeds are dependent on the accurate placement of the needle at desired position inside the patient body. Therefore needle placement is very important for the effectiveness of brachytherapy treatment. In this work, we propose design of Fuzzy-PID control system for a 5-DOF surgical robot to make the needle follow the desired trajectory to the cancer tumor. Numerical simulation using MALAB is developed to show the effectiveness of the proposed control system. Comparative evaluation with respect to PID controller is presented to validate the controller design. The results presented emphasize that a satisfactory tracking precision could be achieved using the proposed control system.
Keywords: brachytherapy; Robot; fuzzy PID; Path Tracking; control system.
497 High Altitude Testing Balloon Project
Waleed Babiker Elsedig Mohammed
Abstract: the goal of the High Altitude Testing Balloon Project is to design simple balloon with a payload to acquire data into near space, approximately 100m - 20 km and testing the new design. The project entailed designing both hardware and software and modifying existing hardware. The project is still in development progress at this time
Keywords: HAB; Microcontroller; GS ; Ardouino; UART; Xbee; GPS
429 Detection of Malaria Parasites Using Digital Image Processing
Islah Abdelhameid Ali
Abstract : Malaria is a very serious infectious disease caused by a peripheral blood parasite of the genus Plasmodium. Conventional microscopy, which is currently “the gold standard” for the malaria diagnosis has occasionally proved inefficient since it is time consuming and results are difficult to reproduce. As it poses a serious global health problem, automation of the evaluation process is of high importance. In this work, an accurate, rapid and affordable model of malaria diagnosis using stained thin blood smear images was developed. The method makes use of the intensity features of Plasmodium parasites and erythrocytes. Images of infected and non-infected erythrocytes were acquired, pre-processed, relevant features extracted from them and eventually diagnosis was made based on the features extracted from the images. The main part of this work is devoted to the extraction of features from the red blood cell images that could be used for distinguishing between infected and non-infected red blood cells. A set of features based on intensity have been proposed, and the performance of these features on the red blood cell samples from the created database have been evaluated using artificial neural network (ANN) classifiers. The results have shown that these features could be successfully used for malaria detection.
Keywords: Malaria; erythrocyte; Parasite; Digital Image Processing; grayscale image.
431 SSReq: A method for design star schemas from requirements
Elhaj Elamin Babekir
Abstract: The Data Warehouse (DW) design remains a great challenge process for DW designers. As well, so far, there is no strong method to support the process of requirements analysis in DW projects. The literature approaches try to solve this tedious and important issue; however, a lot of these approaches ignore or bypass the requirements elicitation phase; as well, very few works suggest In this paper we propose a method to generate multidimensional schemas from decisional requirements. We elected natural language simplified syntax for expressing decisional/business user’s needs. Our approach is distinct from the existing approaches in that it relies on: i) a natural language based method for eliciting the requirements; ii) a matrix representation to normalize these requirements, and in addition iii) it automates the generation of star schemas relying on eight defined heuristics. A software prototype called SSReq (Star Schemas from Requirements) is developed to demonstrate the feasibility of our proposed approach. A real case study is used to illustrate this approach.
Keywords: Requirements elicitation; star schema; business requirement; matrix of requirements
435 DSP-Based Dispersion Compensation: Survey and Simulation
Mazin Abdelbadea Alikarar
Abstract: This paper presents a survey conducted on several digital signal processing techniques used to compensate for dispersion in optical fibers. DSP techniques have many advantages over other techniques such as the low cost associated with implementing DSP solutions and the reduced complexity. The techniques covered in this study include Finite Impulse Response (FIR), Savory’s Method, All-Pass Filters, Least Mean Square Algorithm, Constant Modulus Algorithm, Fast Fourier Transform, Look-up Tables and Raised cosine filter. In addition to the survey, the paper also presents a MATLAB simulation based on constant modulus algorithm (CMA) to optimize an equalizer used to compensate dispersion. A constellation diagram was used to compare the signals before and after compensation. Results showed less scattered points in the constellation diagram after the equalizer, compared to the severely scattered one of the received signal before compensation. The effects of different number of filter taps are studied as well.
Keywords: Optical fiber; digital signal processing; dispersion; dispersion compensation; constellation diagram; filter taps.
440 Quality Control of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Mohammed Osman, Mohamed Khider
Abstract: This paper covers a study dealt with the quality control tests of MRI systems. The quality control tests includes: Signal to noise ratio (SNR) and System uniformity. Two MRI systems were involved in the study. The SNR were found to be 99.235% and 60.367%, while the system Uniformity were obtained as 90.557% and 91.719%.
402 A Modified Sphere Detection Algorithm with Lower Complexity
Yingjie Wen, Lenan Wu
Abstract: The complexity of sphere detection algorithm is high when the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is low. For this problem, a new type of detection algorithm of sphere decoder is proposed. The new algorithm reduces the radius of sphere when the SNR is low by using the Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE)algorithm and a compressibility factor.With the result of simulation It shows that when the SNR is less than 10 dB the proposed algorithm reduces the average complexity by 10% compared with original sphere decoding algorithm and does not cause obvious loss of performance.
Keywords: sphere decoding; lower complexity; low SNR; algorithm
294 Automation of a Syrup Production Line Using S7- 1200 and TIA Portal Software
Husam Salih, Hammam Abdelwahab, Areej Abdallah
Abstract: In the world of Automation Industrial, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are the dominant types of automatic controllers, and so engineers are racing to develop the best software to give it the ultimate abilities to maximize the outcome. Basically, for understanding the concepts of controlling any process. Mathematical modeling is a mandatory procedure and hence this paper describes a method to model tank systems in order to control the input flow and the output flow. This paper also discusses the use of the Siemens PLC S7-1200 as the system controller with provision of the algorithm and the equipments needed. This paper describes the general concepts of controlling liquid flows and capacity in tanks as this process is useful in the automation industrial field. The proposed system is implemented with simple equipments in order to demonstrate the concept of the process and how it is controlled.
Keywords: TIA Portal; PLC; Tanks; Mixer; HMI
234 Comparative Study of the Radiation Characteristic between Uniform, Tschebyscheff and Binomial Amplitude Distributions of Linear Patch Antenna Array for X-band Radar Warning Receivers
Hamid Mubarak Mustafa Makkawi
In antenna arrays, the excitation amplitude of the individual elements is one of the major controls that can be used to shape the overall pattern of the antenna. In this paper, 1X10 rectangular patch antenna array is designed and simulated at 9.5 GHZ on specific microwave laminate using uniform, Dolph-Tchebyscheff and Binomial amplitude distributions for specific spacing between elements. The particular spacing are 0.5λ, 0.6λ, 0.8λ and 0.9λ. For each spacing: radiation pattern, beam width, gain, directivity, radiation efficiency and side lobe level are critically investigated and compared for each distribution to justify its usage for radar warning receivers. Simulation is done using ADS 2009 software from Agilent Company. From simulation results, of the three distributions (uniform, binomial, and Dolph-Tchebycheff), a uniform amplitude array yields the smallest half-power beam width. It is followed, in order, by the Dolph-Tchebyscheff and binomial arrays. In contrast, binomial arrays usually possess the smallest side lobes followed, in order, by the Dolph-Tchebycheff and uniform arrays. It is also found that for 0.9λ spacing, Dolph-Tchebyscheff has better efficiency (82.4%), better side lobe level (-32.7 dB) and gain of 16.1 dB with beam width of 7 degrees which makes it the best antenna array solution for RWR systems between the other distributions that have been investigated in this work.
Keywords: 1X10 rectangular patch antenna array; 9.5 GHZ; microwave laminate; uniform; Dolph-Tchebycheff; Binomial; ADS 2009;
256 Exploiting the Physical Layer Security for Providing a Simple User Privacy Security System for Vehicular Networks
Abdeldime M. S. Abdelgader, Feng Shu
Abstract: Vehicular Ad hoc networks (VANETs) have recently attracted both industry and research communities as emerging technology that strongly support people safety and comfort. However, the lack of permanent infrastructure, high mobility, and serving wide spectrum of applications make VANET susceptible to various types of attacks. This work presents a simple security system that can provide privacy and integrity for exchanging sensitive information in VANET. The developed system efficiently considers the utilization of the available communication bandwidth, the exploitation of the channel properties and the optimization of the speed of the encryption process. The proposed system utilizes the very limited bandwidth of VANET by exchanging small amount of information and employing high speed encryption method. Meanwhile, it provides a high security solution by using avery strong and well known symmetric key encryption method in conjunction with a very efficient key distribution technique. The proposed system utilizes symmetric cryptography systems for securing information transfer owing to their robustness and high speed, while it uses the unique location property of the legitimate vehicles for key generation and distribution. The randomness inherent of the wireless channel is used to extract the secret key. Moreover, SHA-1 algorithm is used to provide information integrity solution.
Keywords: VANET, PHY security, RSS, User Privacy, Key Distribution
323 K Nearest Neighbor for Text Summarization using Feature Similarity
Taeho Jo
Abstract: In this research, we propose a particular version of KNN (K Nearest Neighbor) where the similarity between feature vectors is computed considering the similarity among attributes or features as well as one among values. The task of text summarization is viewed into the binary classification task where each paragraph or sentence is classified into the essence or non-essence, and in previous works, improved results are obtained by the proposed version in the text classification and clustering. In this research, we define the similarity which considers both attributes and attribute values, modify the KNN into the version based on the similarity, and use the modified version as the approach to the text summarization task. As the benefits from this research, we may expect the more compact representation of data items and the better performance. Therefore, the goal of this research is to implement the text summarization algorithm which represents data items more compactly and provides the more reliability.
Keywords: text summarization; feature similarity; k nearest neighbor
324 Using K Nearest Neighbors for Text Segmentation with Feature Similarity
Taeho Jo
Abstract: In this research, we propose the version of K Nearest Neighbor which considers similarity among attributes for computing the similarity between feature vectors. The text segmentation task is viewed into the binary classification where each pair of sentences or paragraphs is classified into whether we put the boundary or not, and the proposed version resulted in the successful results in previous works concerned with the text categorization and clustering. In this research, we define the similarity measure based on both attributes and values, modify the KNN using it, and apply the modified version into the text segmentation task. We may expect more compact representation of data items and improved performance in the text segmentation task as well as other tasks of text mining. Therefore, the goal of this research is to implement the text segmentation system which provides the benefits.
Keywords: text segmentation; feature similarity; k nearest neighbor
444 Color and Texture Fusion-based method for Content-Based Image Retrieval
Abdolraheem Khader Alhassan
Abstract: Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is a technique uses visual contents such as color, texture and shape to search images from large scale image databases according to users' interest. In a CBIR, visual image content is represented in form of image features, which are extracted automatically and there is no manual intervention, thus eliminating the dependency on humans in the feature extraction stage. Recent studies in CBIR get the similarity results and retrieve images based on one type of feature which are color, texture or shape. In this study authors proposed a fusion based retrieval model for merging results taken from color and texture image features based different fusion methods. After implementing our proposed retrieval model on Wang image dataset which widely used in CBIR, the results show that Comb MEAN fusion approach has the best and high precision value and outperformed both individual color and texture retrieval model in both top10 and top20 retrieved images.
521 Anomaly Detection Approach using Hybrid Algorithm of Data Mining Technique
Saad Mohamed Ali Mohamed
Abstract: The excessive use of the communication networks, rising of Internet of Things leads to increases the vulnerability to the important and secret information. advance attacking techniques and number of attackers are increasing radically. Intrusion is one of the main threats to the internet. Hence security issues had been big problem, so that various techniques and approaches have been presented to address the limitations of intrusion detection system such as low accuracy, high false alarm rate, and time consuming. This paper proposes a hybrid machine learning technique for network intrusion detection based on combination of K-means clustering and Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) classification. It introduces novel approach that able to reduce the rate of false positive alarm, false negative alarm rate, to improve the detection rate and detect zero-day attackers. The NSL-KDD dataset has been used in the proposed technique.. The classification has been performed by using Sequential Minimal Optimization. After training and testing the proposed hybrid machine learning technique, the results have shown that the proposed technique (K-mean + SMO) has achieved a positive detection rate of (94.48%) and reduce the false alarm rate to (1.2%) and achieved accuracy of (97.3695%).
Grid Connected Photovoltaic System
Farog Fadlelmoula Mohamed, Abdallah Mohamed, mamoun Ibrahim
Abstract: Renewable energy sources gain an importance in recent decades because they are pollution free, easily erectable, and limitless. Solar, wind and hydro are renewable energy sources that are seen as reliable alternatives to conventional energy sources such as oil or natural gas. However, the efficiency and the performance of renewable energy systems are still under development. Among them, Photovoltaic systems are mostly used as they are light, clean and easily installable. Normally PV cells converts sunlight into electricity in the form of dc. A suitable converter is usually needed to convert the dc power into ac power, which is then injecting into the power grid. Inverters can be used to convert the dc into ac for integration of renewable energy sources into the conventional grids. In any PV based system, the inverter is a critical component responsible for the control of electricity flow between the dc source, and loads or grid, in this paper, a comprehensive simulation and implementation of a three phase grid-connected inverter is presented. The control structure of the grid-side inverter is firstly discussed.
533 Back Stepping Tracking controller for Wheeled Mobile Robot
Walid Mohamed Elfatih Mahjoub, Ibrahim Mohamed Hafiz Sanhoury
Abstract: A new tracking controller for a wheeled mobile robot based on backstepping approach is presented. The proposed controller was developed based on the kinematic model of the non holonomic wheeled mobile robot. The controller is verified through a well established method Lyapunov function.
Keywords: wheeled mobile robot; non holonomic system; back steping; trajectory tracking; kinematics model.
567 Development Arabic Search Engine
Aamer Idris Dirar
Abstract: This research aims to develop the Arabic search engine and to handling some of the problems we will mention the most important: the problem of the difficulty of crawling into Arabic Web sites by using a special web crawlers of Arabic search engine, and problem is that how to encode the Arabic web pages in web crawler program, and problem of inaccuracy of back results and the other search engines got back a large number of results, the included results not related to required query. Results that have been reached by this research represented in the following: Been developed Arabic search engine, and was resolved the encoding problem for Arabic web pages in web crawler program, and it was obtained search results that more accurate and relevant with the required query.
Keywords: web crawlers; web indexers; Arabic search engines; web spiders.
569 Fuel Management System
Areeg Abubakr Ibrahim Ahmed
Abstract: Monitoring Systems are necessary to track and understand the changes that take place in environments. Remote monitoring and data collection systems are useful and effective tools to collect information from fuel storage tanks. The fuel management system is a monitoring device built on the Raspberry-Pi computer, it takes information about tank’s fuel level in real time through its sensor and live streaming of the site then uploads it directly to the internet, where it can be read anytime and anywhere through web application. This paper presents the implementation of monitoring system based on internet of things technology to protect the tower sites from theft and provide security to remote locations.
Keywords —
601 Developing Tool For Odoo
Bashir Idris Bashir, Shrif Hago Almugadam, Amr Abd-Alkrim Hassan, Mohammed Alwathing Alhaj Adm Kabashi Platform
Abstract: Software has evolved spectacularly and become indispensable in everyday life. In the other side the Enterprise Resources Planning systems evolved and one of this Systems is Odoo. The odoo is an integral software system to plan the resources of the organization, free under AGPL licenses and maintainable, it has speared dramatically because of his multiple features. It is consist of more than one module work together, it is written in specific programming languages (Python, XML) interact with each other. So the need of using odoo modules became very big and every odoo developer will need some tool to help him to produce these modules fast and with high quality.
This research contains the solution of the problem which is developing a platform that help these developers to produce odoo modules fast, easy and fixable, contain a new method to develop the modules which reduce coding significantly. So the developer will enter the database tables and fields then the module files will be generated automatically. Also the platform contains a community to connect odoo developers with each other so that they can interact and exchange the knowledge and the expertise from each other. Also the platform contains a module repository to control the changes that made by the developer in the modules and he can get back to these changes at any time. And the platform also provides the help and a good documentation that serve as user manual for the developer.
Keywords:PaaS, Odoo, Module, IDE, Cloud Computing
375 Forum discussion summarization Based on Cross
ibrahim almahy
Abstract: A discussion thread in an online forum spans multiple pages involving participation of multiple users, which of them replies to some point(s) in the thread. This generates a kind of chaos and information overload. Users often encounter a problem with obtaining the big picture of the content that is distributed among a large number of posts. The solution is to create a concise summary form the thread. In this paper we develop a new approach to address the problem of discussion summarization. Since there are semantic connections between the posts in a thread, this paper defines new relationships types named Cross Post Structure Relationships (CPSR), which could be exploited in scoring sentences. Our approach consists of three phases. In the first phase, we define CPSR five relationships types extracted from thread. In the second phase, we automatically identify these CPSR relations by applying two machine learning techniques, SVM and C4.5. Finally, we generate the summary based on the identified relations. Using the ROUGE evaluation measurement metrics, our model yields better results.
Keywords: —
380 Functionality Assessment for NDT and WSDMDA Methodologies Using Quality Evaluation Framework
Mohammed Abdalla Osman Mukhtar
Abstract: To select a suitable Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE) methodology to develop web applications, there is the need to specify the features that need to be included in the web site. To evaluate MDWE methodologies in terms of specific features, Quality Evaluation Framework (QuEF) is used to do this task. QuEF can be used to evaluate either a well-established methodology or a new methodology in early stages of development. In this paper, three features namely Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), Web Modeling and Tool Support has been evaluated using QuEF. The comparison has been conducted based on only Functionality quality characteristic of QuEF. It has been applied between NDT as a well-established MDWE methodology and WSDMDA as a new methodology. Results show that NDT is obtained a higher value for MDE and Tool Support features, while WSDMDA is obtained a higher value for Web Modeling feature.
Keywords:Model Transformation; Web Engineering; Model Driven Web Engineering; MDA
403 Clutter Estimation Based on Compressed Sensing in Bistatic MIMO Radar
Peng Chen, Ping Zhan, Lenan Wu
Abstract: In this paper, the clutter estimation problem in the bistatic multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) radar system is considered, and a novel compressed sensing (CS)-based model is proposed to describe the clutter by exploiting the clutter sparsity in the angle domain. Then, the CS-based methods are adopted to reconstruct the sparse clutter, and to estimate the clutter scattering coefficients and angles. Additionally, different from the traditionally colocated MIMO radar system with the antenna distance being half of wavelength, we show that the optimal antenna distance in the CS-based radar system can be obtained by minimizing the mutual coherence of the dictionary matrix. Moreover, since the sparse reconstruction performance depends on the geographical positions of the clutter scatterers, an indirect method based on the mutual coherence is proposed to measure the estimation performance, and to optimize the radar parameters. Simulation results show that the CS-based method can estimate the clutter information efficiently, and the better estimation performance is achieved by optimizing the radar parameters.
Keywords: Bistatic MIMO radar, clutter estimation, compressed sensing, mutual coherence.
409 Modeling and Simulation of Air Data Computer
Elkhidir Yousif
Abstract: Abstract- Air Data Computer (ADC) is an electronics device computes air data flight parameters. The objective of this paper is to analyze, simulate, and propose hardware implementation module for the Air Data Computer. Simulation of ADC model has been faced by two problems. The first one was to choose true values of dynamic temperature because it depends on flight altitude and airspeed. The second problem is that Mach number equation for Mach greater than one is implicit equation. This work propose modified model to avoid the first problem, and using numerical methods to solve the implicitly of Mach number equation. The proposed model has been implemented on microcomputer base system.
Keywords: —
438 Fault diagnosis using Cross-Wavelet Transform for Electricity Pre-Payment Meter
Bashar SirElkhatim Elhassan, Yahia Musa Alsideeq, Elmubarak Mohamed Imam, Sharief Babikir
Abstract: Direct identification and subsequent replacement of faulty components in electronic circuits reduces the overall maintenance costs and time-to-repair the items. In this paper, a tool that can identify the faulty component in any position in the circuit has been designed, simulated and implemented. Device software use wavelet transform algorithm to recognize the signature of the faulty component. The circuit is broken down to its sub-circuits that each one has a stimuli point and tests nodes, so that each component within the sub-circuit response by a distinguishable signature among other component of the same sub-circuit when it fails. The system was tested and a high level of fault detection was recorded.
Keywords: fault diagnosis; cross-wavelet transform; stimuli points; test nodes;
800 Agent Based Load Management for Microgrid
Sharief F Babiker
Abstract: High penetration of distributed generation leads to the importance of adapting the new trend of Smart Grid to divide the grid into intelligent Micro-Grid zones and facilitate its operation using decentralized distributed control schema. In this paper a practical Microgrid model has been designed and simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK. JADE (Java Agent DEvelopment Framework) platform was used to design an agent-based control system that uses a certain algorithm to control both of the load and the supply units by switching on and off the breakers according to specified power reliability criteria. TCP IP protocol was used to link the SIMULINK environment and the JADE Platform. Simulation of typical daily scenarios were tested to verify the effectiveness of the control system.
Keywords: Microgrid; photovoltaic system; Multi-Agent System; S-Function
416 Tel-radiology Implementation: an Image Analysis Case
Mohamed Almustfa Eisa Mohamed, Mohamed Almustfa Eisa Mohamed
Abstract: Tele-Radiology is considered one of the most important health care programs in medical diagnosis. It’s aims to reduce the high costs of handling and other difficulties in transferring medical images from one place to another and safeguard medical images against loss and damage. It is also important know the quality of the image which would lead to proper diagnosis. This study estimate the effect of applies tel-Radiology. In order to mainstream the program to hospitals and treatment centers because of the benefits.
Keywords: Tele-Radiology, Telemedicine, Image analysis.
412 Demodulator Based on Deep Belief Networks in Communication System
Meng Fan, Wu Lenan
Abstract: Deep belief network (DBN) has been successfully applied in variety areas such as image recognition and natural language processing. In this paper, we investigate the signal demodulation problems in different types of communication channels. Then, a novel deep belief networks (DBN)-based demodulator is proposed. Since the DBN-based method is just like a black box that can automatically learn how to demodulate the received signals, few manual designs is required in the receiver. Moreover, we also propose a novel mapping method for the communication signals to match the input of DBN. Simulation results with different amounts of training samples and iterations show that the DBN-based demodulator is feasible and efficient.
Keywords: Deep belief networks, demodulator, data transformation.
398 Sum Rate Analysis Of Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output System For Linear Precoding Using Normalization Methods
Ali Mahir Ali Ibrahim, Murtada Mohammed abdelwahab
Abstract: The hopeful technique Massive MIMO is provided to increase the data rates of mobile communication, by arranging antenna to hundreds of the base stations which is the most promising solution for the fifth generation of cellular communication network. In order to cope with the huge demands of communications in the network it has been found that it is useful to have multiple receivers served in the same bandwidth during the same time slot. The paper considered vector and matrix normalization for studying the precoding designs of zero-forcing (ZF), matched filter (MF) and maximum ratio transmission (MRT) .The paper also derive the sum rate formulate for every precoding. Depending on the analytical results, we found that in low power MF gives best performance with vector normalization and ZF gives best performance with matrix normalization. Also ZF provides best performance with vector/matrix normalization in high power. The results represented graphically to confirm the analytical results.
Keywords: ZF, MRT, MF, Massive MIMO, Normalization
357 Joint MFCC-and-Vector Quantization based Text-Independent Speaker Recognition System
Ala Eldin Omer Mohamed Omer
Abstract: Signal processing front end for extracting the feature set is an important stage in any speaker recognition system. There are many types of features that are derived differently and have good impact on the recognition rate. This paper uses one of the techniques to extract the feature set from a speech signal known as Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCCs) to represent the signal parametrically for further processing. The extracted speech features of a speaker is then quantized to number of centroids using the LBG algorithm for clustering. In which a codebook is constructed for each speaker using these centroids. Speakers provide samples of their voices once in a training session and once in a testing session later. Subsequently, the feature coefficients (MFCCs) are calculated in both phases. The speaker is identified according to the minimum quantization distance which is calculated between the centroids of each speaker in the training phase and the MFCCs of individual speaker in the testing phase. The proposed recognition system was designed and implemented using different algorithms in MATLAB. Simulation and experimental results show that the Joint MFCC-and-vector quantization algorithm achieves better performance compared to MFCC and FFT algorithms, in terms of recognition accuracy and text dependency.
Keywords: Speaker recognition; MFCC; features extraction; training and testing; vector quantization; classification.
88 Early Cost Estimation of Software Reworks Using Fuzzy Requirement-Based Model
Tarig Ahmed Khalid, Eng-Thiam Yeoh
Abstract: Defects uncovered during software testing usually consume a considerable amount of the overall project’s budget. Unfortunately, project managers are not well-equipped with techniques to estimate such cost overrun. Moreover, incorporating defects removal process as part of the software testing activities has made the project managers overlook this important cost component during their planning processes. This paper suggested a fuzzy model to estimate the cost of defects removal at the early stages of project planning in terms of the project’s functional size and the experience of the development team.
Keywords: software cost estimation; cost of software reworks; cost of defects removal; defects removal; software rework
360 Using the TCP Retransmission Timeout for Solving the KCI attack Problem against the TLS Protocol
Hamid Abbas Ali, Ayman Mohammed Muzzamail Albashear, Abeer M. Ali
Abstract: Abstract: A Retransmission Timeout or RTO plays an important role in the TCP protocol, mainly to achieve reliable transmission. In TCP, if the sender sent a segment, no acknowledgement had been received and the RTO timer expired then the sender will assumed that this segment had been lost. This paper proposed another use of the RTO concept in order to secure the TLS session. It calculates a Secure Session RTO or SSRTO which is based on RTO equation between the sender and receiver in a TLS protocol. It is assumed that the man in the middle is in need of the time factor in order to trigger a KCI attack. At the server side, by calculating the time required to start a TLS Handshake Protocol, the TLS Record Protocol will assume that there is an attacker after a preset time has elapsed. The action in this case, is to cut off the session between the sender and the receiver.
Keywords: Retransmission Timeout; Man-in-the-middle attack; TCP protocol; SSL protocol; TLS protocol.
265 Proposed security model for web based application and service
Aiman osman solyman, Anwar Dafa-Allah Dafa-Allah, Arafat Abdulgader M. Elhag
Abstract: Internet security is a branch of computer sciences often involving browser security, network security, applications and operating systems to keep the internet as a secure channel to exchange information by reducing the risk and attacks. There is a significant number of studies that have been conducted in this field resulting in the development of various security models to achieve internet security. However, periodic security reports and previous studies prove that the most secure systems are not immune from risk and much effort is needed to improve internet security. This paper proposed a simple security model to improve internet applications security and services protections, specified access control, cryptographic, cookies and session managements, defense programing practices, care for security from early stage on development life cycle, use hardware authentication techniques in access control, then propose cryptographic approach by mix MD5 with Based64, consider session and cookies types and ways to keep it secure. Additionally, these practices discussed the most important web security vulnerability and access control weakness and how to overcome such weaknesses, proposed an approach to measure, analyze and evaluate security project according to software quality standard ISO 25010 by using Likert scale, finally ended by case study. The effort of this paper represents a set of techniques and tips that should be applied within each web application development process to maintain its security.
Keywords: Computer security
399 An Algebra Explanation for Maximum Decision
Feixiang Cheng, Shulin Zhang, LeNan Wu
Abstract: One of the aims of communication is to increase the data rate. However, frequency resources are scare and valuable for wireless communication systems. How to use frequency resources efficiently is a significant area which needs the attentions of researchers. Ultra Narrow Band (UNB) has attracted wide attentions since it was proposed. M-ary Position Phase Shift Keying (MPPSK) is one of the UNB modulation modes. The differences in phases of the MPPSK modulated waveform can be transformed into the peaks of the amplitudes through the Impact Filter. Maximum Decision is selected as the decision module of the MPPSK demodulator which needs to search the position where the response of the Impact Filter has a maximum value. As a novel viewing angle, this paper will provide a mathematic explanation for Maximum Decision and prove its validity.
Keywords: Ultra Narrow Band (UNB); M-ary Position Phase Shift Keying (MPPSK); Maximum Decision
243 Indoor Navigation Algorithm for Mobile Robot using Wireless Sensor Networks
Esra B. Abbas, Y M Alkasim, Osman Mudathir Elfadil
Abstract: There has been increasing research on the evolution of navigation and localization systems. Most of the proposed approaches are suitable for outdoor operation; a few techniques have been designed for indoor environments. The paper specifics the evolution of an indoor navigation system. It presents a general system consisting of sensors and algorithms for localization and navigation which enables to operate indoors. This is done by using trilateration method which has been successfully applied on complex nature of indoor environments. Set of experiments presented to validate our system using MATLAB program. Testing established that good accuracy, sufficient for navigation, was accomplished. This technique shows promise for future handheld indoor navigation systems that can be used in any indoor campuses.
Keywords: Wireless sensor network, beacons; localization, navigation.
286 Custom In-System Firmware Upgrade for MSP430 Microcontrollers Family Using SPI
Musaab Taha, Sahar Mustafa
Abstract: During embedded system software development the process of upgrading and downloading the software to the system hardware is fairly easy. Because the platform is not encapsulated on its final production form yet. But when the product is ready to be shipped to the end user, an in-system software upgrade is needed to add a new feature or to fix a bug. In this paper, a custom in-system firmware upgrade approach using SPI will be described for the MSP430 Texas Instrumentations Microcontrollers family.
Keywords: Microcontroller, MSP430, Upgrade, Firmware, In-system Programming.
233 Designs and Simulation of Wide Band Input Matching Circuit for RF Power Transistor in VHF Range
Hamid Mubarak Mustafa Makkawi
Abstract: This paper demonstrates the design and simulation of input matching circuit for BLF578XR power transistor working at center frequency of 225 MHZ with bandwidth of more than 50 MHZ. Based on the calculated Q-factor and when using the transistor in push pull mode, the input matching circuit is designed in two stages, the first stage is a balun to match 50 ohm to 12.5 ohm and the other stage is to match 12.5 ohm to the input impedance of BLF578XR. Each stage is designed and simulated separately then both stages are integrated and simulated together. Simulation is done using Microwave office AWR software.
From simulation results, the balun has a phase difference between the two output ports that is approximately 180 degree with good amplitude balance and has -20dB bandwidth larger than 150MHZ. The intermediate matching network has a small insertion loss and very good return loss that is less than -30 dB with -20 dB bandwidth about 110 MHZ. By integration of the balun circuit with the intermediate matching circuit, the resultant input matching circuit has a return loss better than -23dB with -20dB bandwidth about 100 MHZ.
Keywords: BLF578XR power transistor; impedance matching; balun; 225 MHZ; Microwave office AWR;
275 Performance Analysis of three (SCP) Classical Encryption Algorithms in Encrypting Database Transactions
Mohammed Suleiman Mohammed Rudwan, Dr.Salah Eldin Deng Al-jack
Abstract: Encryption was introduced and implemented in many Database Management Systems (DBMSs) as one of the solutions for securing databases. However, Securing database transactions and data they hold while they are existing in memory or even during their transmission throuh computer networks media should be also given big attention. The core objective of this paper is that to measure the performance of the three classical encryption algorithms: Simple Substitution, Caesar cipher, and Periodic Permutation respectively for encrypting such database transactions and text data they hold. Performances are measured herein in terms of time, memory usage and CPU efforts. The expirement was performed to many categories of transactions, those categories are categorized according to two issues: the size of data that the transactions hold, and the type of transactions itself. This experiment can be a base to enable Database Designers to design algorithms that has the ability to decide which algorithm is optimal according to type of database transaction waiting for processing, as well as size of data that it consists of, and also other computing processing components such as CPU and RAM.
Keywords: Database Security; Database Transaction; Database Transaction Security; classical encryption
280 Automated and Monitored Liquid Filling System Using PLC Technology
Abdulraouf Izzeldin Jaboura, Mohammed Ahmed Al-toum, Osman Dawood Abaker
Abstract: In many industries (such as pharmaceuticals, beverage industries, etc.), bottles are required to be filled up with a pre-determined amount of liquid. Implementing systems using relay logic control can cause them to be inflexible. Programmable Logic Controllers – PLCs – are more flexible in automating various processes, since the behavior of the system can be changed without changing the electrical connections, as well as being able to monitor the system undergoing its operation. In this paper, an overflow filler model –filling to certain height – has been controlled using the SIMATIC– Siemens PLC trademark – S7-1200 PLC. It has been monitored through a wireless network to a computer runtime in the Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) portal software, as well as a user webpage in smart devices.
Keywords: S7-1200,Automation,Filing System,WLAN
384 Practical Considerations for Interfacing Operational Amplifiers with Analog to Digital Converters in Microcontrollers
Ashraf Abubaker Mohammed, Samah Mohamed Nafie
Abstract: Operational amplifiers have been used for interfacing analog signals to microcontrollers units. Due to its random nature, analog signals vary very much, perhaps then exceed the voltage ranges of operation. Chip manufacturers protect their chips by using diode circuits, but those diodes are not intended to normal use. To overcome the signals which may exceed the limit, clamping circuit have been used in this research. The best solution was achieved using a multiplexing circuit implemented using simple switches.
Keywords: Analog to digital converter, operational amplifier, ESD, injection current & analog multiplexing.
296 Design, Implementation and Performance Analysis of Crystal Video Front End for X-band Radar Warning Receiver
Hamid Mubarak Mustafa Makkawi
Abstract: This paper introduce design, implementation and measurement of front end crystal video receiver (CVR) that operates in the frequency range of 8-10 GHZ to intercept short duration pulse radar signals. The proposed receiver is designed with two outputs, video signal for real-time signal processing and an amplified version of the received signal for frequency measuring and/or determine the presence of CW signal. The front end receiver is designed and implemented in efficient manner also it is fully characterize (Gain, Sensitivity, Dynamic range, Harmonics test) with the help of carefully chosen test equipments (Vector network analyzer, Spectrum analyzer, Signal generator, Oscilloscope, Power meter) to reduce measurement uncertainties and increase confidence in proper receiver operation.Measurements show that, CVR has a tangential signal sensitivity that is almost better than -80 dBm, and has a logging range of 68 dB to 71 dB. Also, based on the calculated video bandwidth, the receiver can detect a minimum pulse width of 58 ns to 82 ns.
Keywords: Crystal video receiver; 8-10 GHZ; video signal; test equipments;
21 Improving the Voltage Profile of the Transmission Lines by Using the Series Compensation Under Different Loading Conditions
Ammar Mishal Elagab, Ibrahim Mohammad Elamin
Abstract: This Paper discusses the impact of the series compensation on the voltage profile of the long transmission line, and gives some recommendations and precautions for some expected scenarios of wrong operation that might be taken due to some unknown information about the line condition. Also the paper shows that the compensation of the line should be initially determined to avoid any problem that might be occurred under the abnormal conditions. This paper has illustrated that, series compensation can cause either high or low voltage depending on the load condition of the line and depending also on the setting of the voltage control. In case of the voltage is inadequately controlled at one end of the capacitor, the other side voltage may cause problem. To investigate and study the effect of series compensation on the voltage profile, a simple model of long transmission line has been taken, and for simplicity it has been representing by two pie equivalent model, and the capacitor has been inserted at the middle of the line. SIMULINK / MATLAB has been adopted to simulate the system.
Keywords: setting of control voltage; series compensation; Load Condition; long transmission line; line parameters.
439 Economic Measures of Power Plants
Rashid Salaheldinn Elhaj Mohammed
Abstract: Nowadays the cost of generating electrical energy is the focus of attention for many organizations, authorities and stakeholders all over the world, so great efforts have been made in order to minimize the cost of consumed energy as well as minimizing environmental impacts. The objective of this paper is to propose financial analysis of both conventional and renewable resources power plants in order to assess the viability of projects and make an investment decision. An estimated scheme of utility-scale solar Photovoltaic system with 93.2 MW targeted designed capacity located around Khartoum area has been selected to be analyzed as a renewable resource power plant, on the other hand; Block 1 of Garri Power Station with the same rated power has been also selected as a conventional power plant, and a fair assessment has been achieved for both systems. The financial analysis is carried out using cash flow models in Excel work sheets, and the key economic measures used for the economic assessment process of include levelized cost of energy (LCOE), net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), benefit-to-cost ratio (B/C) and payback period (PBP). The results gained from financial assessment show that the profitability of the utility-scale On-grid PV system is great comparing with that is of the combined cycle gas turbine power plant.
Keywords: Economic Measures, Financial Analysis, Power Plants, Utility-scale PV, Garri
260 Maximizing Solar Energy Input For Cubesat Using Sun Tracking System And A Maximum Power Point Tracking
Hammam Najeib Abdelwahab
Abstract: The sun is an enormous source of energy which needs to be harvested properly. Solar panels are renewable energy sources that convert the solar energy into electrical energy. But these solar panels’ designs still suffer from low efficiencies. For any Cubesat the Power System Unit is designed to deliver the required energy so as the nano-satellite can achieve it’s desired mission. Thus the input energy for the solar panels and the output energy from the solar cells must be increased.The sun tracking system aims to maximize the input solar energy to the solar panels. This paper aims to study the concept of designing sun tracking solar panels and a maximum power point tracker for the UOKSAT-3 CubeSat which is a 2 units CubeSat with a deployable solar panels. The Cubesat is designed to be orbiting in a sun-synchronous orbit . The paper details the increase in the electrical energy generated by the tracking panels and maintaining it's output at a stable range. The paper also discusses the impact of sun-synchronous orbit on the tracking system and how the tracking frequency is to be proposed. In addition to that, a maximum power point tracker (MPPT) system is proposed to increase the efficiency by manipulating the output voltage and current of these solar panels. This paper studies the design of a maximum power point tracker (MPPT) for the UOKSAT-3 CubeSat. The MPPT system consists of a DC-DC boost converter circuit controlled by microcontroller to determine the desired output. The converter circuit is designed and calculated for different duty cycles according to the solar cells output . The perturb and observe algorithm is used here to track the maximum power delivered from the solar cells. This paper also presents the MPPT’s performance and it’s results to study the change of the input energy using the (MPPT).
Keywords: MPPT; Sun-tracking; Sun-synchronous; DC-DC Converter; Microcontroller.
239 Implementation of A PID Control System On Microcontroller (DC Motor Case Study)
Mohamed Nasreldin Agab
Abstract: Abstractـــ this paper concerns with the design and implementation of a microcontroller based PID controller for the purpose of controlling PMDC motor speed. The design have been done using MATLAB and Simulink and the system then simulated using Proteus, in addition to a practical physical system. The controller was implemented on an Arduino Uno board to control the speed of the motor at a desired value with the possibility of changing it and its direction of rotation. The proposed system use an optical encoder as feedback sensor of motor speed which is compared with reference speed to produce error signal for the controller input, the control signal then sets the PWM duty cycle to change the motor speed which controlled via H-bridge. The controller was able to track the input regardless of friction, disturbance and medium changes of load on motor shaft. Both implementation and simulation results have been obtained and compared.
Keywords: Keywords ــــcontrol; microcontroller; computing; machine control.
279 Real Time Embedded Cam Shift Object Tracking Algorithm using Davenci TMS320DM6437 EVM
Khidir Elhadi Bala
Abstract: Object tracking in real time is one of the most important topics in the field of computer Vision. The work undertaken in this dissertation is mainly focused on development of a reliable and robust real time tracking system that can track the object of interest in the video acquired from a stationary or moving camera. The proposed algorithm is a real time algorithm that operates in 25 frames per second depending on the input video properties and probability distribution of the intensity of the tracked object. The Digital Video Development Platform DM6437 EVM is used to obtain the real time video sequence and process the frame to extract the object using the CAMSHIFT algorithm. The information obtained from the frame is extracted and mean shift algorithm is used to search the object within the frame. The experimental results obtained from the proposal prove the consistency and real time performance of the proposed algorithm.
Keywords: CCS, CAMSHIFT, Histogram, histogram projection, intensity, pixel, real time, TM320DM6437, YUV, VPFE, VPBE, VPSS.
285 Automatic Detection and Classification of Malarial in Thin Blood Slide Images
Hassan Abdelrhman Mohammed Elnaeem
Abstract: Abstract—In this work an image processing system was developed to identify malaria parasites in thin blood smears and to classify them into one of the four different species of malaria. Many techniques were implemented in the preprocessing stage to enhance the images. In the first part of the system morphological processing is applied to extract the Red Blood Cells (RBC) from blood images. The developed algorithm picks the suspicious regions and detects the parasites in the images including the overlapped cells. Accordingly, the RBCs are classified into infected and non-infected cells and the number of RBCs in each image is calculated. The second part of the system uses the Normalized Cross-Correlation function to classify the parasite into one of the four species. Compared to manual results, the system achieved 95 % accuracy for diagnosis of malaria and 100% for classifying the parasite into one of its four types.
Keywords: Keywords—Image processing, Malaria parasite detection, Normalized Cross-Correlation. Malaria diagnosis
330 Correlated Transfer of Discrete Charge in Long Arrays of Tunnel Junctions
Sharief F Babiker
Abstract: Single electron circuits are proposed for use as a coherent signal source. This paper uses the Monte-Carlo method to investigate the degree of correlation between successive events in long arrays of tunnel junctions. It is shown that longer arrays produce more coherent signals. The fluctuations in the timings of overall train of pulses is attributed to the variations in the actual paths followed by the system during the state transisions. The study recommends the use of circuits where a single path is followed between successive events.
Keywords: Coulomb-blockade; tunneling; Monte-Carlo; quantum-dots
376 Reliability Assessments and Feasibility Study for an Industrial Facility with the Integration of Hybrid Renewable
Abdelhamed T. Mohamed, Mohammed Al-Hassan M. Salim, Mohammad M. Almuhaini
Abstract: This paper proposed a hybrid energy system containing diesel generators, photovoltaic cells and wind turbines, along with storage devices, to supply a continuous load of an industrial facility. The main objective of the paper is to determine the optimal size of the hybrid scheme with the lowest Net Present Value (NPC), and the reliability indices for the proposed system. The overall optimized results from the study had a renewable penetration of 36%, which resulted in reduction of the emission of CO2 by 31.5% from the conventional -diesel generator only- system. ETAP Software was used for the reliability assessment. In addition, the well-known energy modeling software for renewable energy based hybrid power systems; HOMER was used to study the economic feasibility and to simulate the suggested design.
Keywords: hybrid; renewable; reliability indices; HOMER; feasibility study; optimization; economic analysis; Net Present Cost (NPC)
410 Power Flow Control and Tie Line Stiffness between Sudan and Ethiopia
Mahmoud Elsir Elhassan
Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive approach to evaluate tie line operation control and stiffness for Sudan and Ethiopia networks. The work has been supported by on line measurement made for frequency deviation and area control error in the tie line.
Keywords: Power Flow Control, Tie Line Stiffness, AGC, ACE
405 Design of Fuzzy-Based Autonomous Car Control System
Abdulrahman H. A. Widaa, Waddah Abdelbagie Talha
Abstract: Since the 20th century industrial revolution era, automobiles started playing a key and important role in our daily life activities. But, unfortunately, at the same time, an automobiles related accidents ,and problems are representing an increasing source of danger on Human’s life. In this paper a design of an autonomous (self-driving) car control system is presented. System’s design is done by using Fuzzy Logic Control technology in addition to artificial intelligence algorithms. The achieved results demonstrates that proposed design has shown a reliable and efficient performance ; all of the main driving control tasks (speed , brakes , steering wheel) were done effectively; it acts just same as a professional human driver.
Keywords: Fuzzy, FLC, Autonomous, Brake, Speed, Steering, self-driving.
results demonstrates that proposed design has shown a reliable and efficient performance ; all of the main driving control tasks (speed , brakes , steering wheel) were done effectively; it acts just same as a professional human driver.
Keywords: Fuzzy, FLC, Autonomous, Brake, Speed, Steering, self-driving.