College: Computer Science .
Innovative Assistant Professor bringing proven success in implementing technology-based curriculum delivery and assessment tools. Passionate about fostering academic development and success for every student.
Received the B.S. degree, in 2010 from the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Karary, Khartoum, Sudan. In 2014 received my Master degree from Faculty of Mathematical Science, University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan. Currently I am pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the School of Software Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China. My current research interests include cryptography and network security.
During my Ph.D. degree, I published five SCI papers and one EI paper as first author. Also, I’m co-author in 5 papers. The details of my publications as follows:
1. Public Key Encryption with Equality Test for Heterogeneous Systems in Cloud Computing, R. Elhabob, Y Zhao, Iva Sella, H Xiang, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2019. SCI, IF=0.73.
2. An Efficient Certificateless Public Key Cryptography with Authorized Equality Test in IIoT R. Elhabob, Y Zhao, Iva Sella, H Xiang, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. SCI, IF=1.92.
3. A Heterogeneous Systems Public Key Encryption with Equality Test in Smart City, R. Elhabob, Iva Sella, Y Zhao, G Zhu, H Xiang, 2018. EI conference.
4. Efficient certificateless public key cryptography with equality test for internet of vehicles, R Elhabob, Y Zhao, I Sella, H Xiong, IEEE Access. SCI, IF=4.2.
5. Identity-Based Encryption with Authorized Equivalence Test for Cloud-Assisted IoT, R Elhabob, Y Zhao, N Eltayieb, Abdeldime M.S. Abdelgader, H Xiong. Cluster Computing. (Accepted). SCI, IF=2.02.
6. PKE-ET-HS: Public Key Encryption with Equality Test for Heterogeneous Systems in IoT, R Elhabob, Y Zhao, A Hassan, H Xiong, Wireless Personal Communications. (Under review). SCI, IF=1.2.
7. An efficient certificateless user authentication and key exchange protocol for client server environment, A Hassan, N Eltayieb, R Elhabob, F Li - Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized, 2018. SCI, IF=1.92.
8. A provably secure certificateless user authentication protocol for mobile client-server environment, A Hassan, N Eltayieb. R Elhabob, F Li , Conference on Emerging Internet working, Data & Web 2017. EI conference.
9. ASDS: Attribute-based secure data sharing scheme for reliable cloud environment, N Eltayieb, P Wang, A Hassan, R Elhabob, F Li - Security and Privacy, 2019. EI conference.
10. Fine-Grained Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme Supporting Equality Test, N Eltayieb, R Elhabob, A Hassan, F Li , Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for 2018. EI conference.
11. An efficient attribute-based online/offline searchable encryption and its application in cloud-based reliable smart grid, Nabeil Eltayieb, Rashad Elhabob, Alzubair Hassan, Fagen Li, Journal of Systems Architecture. SCI, IF=1.15.
1. Academic achievement certificate from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in December 2018.
2. Editorial board membership in SCIREA Journal of Mathematics.