A PhD thesis entitled "Strategic Philosophy" will be discussed on Feb 18/2/2019 according to the following information:
Student name: Mojahid Husain Abdelrzag
Supervisor : Dr. Elshfiea Mohamed Elmaki
Internal examiner: Dr. bahga basir adam
External examiner: Prof. Eltahir Mohamed Ahmed
Major: Strategic studies
The study aimed to examine the future of federalism implementation in Republic of Yemen in the context of a new federal states project, and in the local authority's experience within the framework of a unified state, as the latter no longer corresponds with the current decentralized system in case of transiting form a simple to a composite state.
The researcher used three approaches in his study, with are the descriptive approach for explain theoretical and conception frame of in central and it is type and applying in some countries, he also used the analyzing the future vision for federalism in Yemen.
The most important results concluded by study are:
- Federalism are not just articles written in the constitution and law, but they are working practices, experiences and expertise that are formed over time, because it is a comprehensive integrated political , social and administrative system to organize the aspects of life in the society.
- Yemen started changing the form of Yemen state and transiting to federal state using the desegregation mode of current simple state, dividing Yemen into six regions, and drafting a federal constitution.
- The most important recommendations of the study are:
To ensure the federal system's success in Yemen, the system basis must be well-founded, one of the first basis are the desire and compatibility between the Yemeni societies segments concerning this type of political system, turn the past's page, end the armed conflict and not to view federalism as an attempt to divide Yemen again.
To achieve a successful federal system and an independent autonomous state within the framework of the parent federal state, regions must constituent governorate well as the internal division of each region on one hand, according to standards aiming to bring the administration closer to citizen.
Need to rephrase some of the articles in the federal constitution, especially citizens in the regions must be considered equal in rights and duties, and people of national issues (the northern and Sa'daa issues) must be not be favored over others.