Brigadier Ahmed Abdulla Abdel Gader ,the deputy manger of Al Satie for Transport and Investment Ltd. Witnessed on 2nd of Nov.2017 , the closure of training period for Karary students lunched by Engineering Faculty – Mechanic Engineering section, with cooperation of Al Satie for Transport and Investment Ltd , the human resource
development and maintenance section with the presence of Brigadier Eng. Ahmed Awad representative of Dean the faculty of Engineering and the director of Human resource development and services Colonel Al Tayeb Abdel Gader and the representative of the mechanical engineering , Lieutenant Colonel Eng. Hafiz Al Awad with participation of head sections and officers. The deputy appreciated the manager's efforts of Al Satie for Transport and Investment Ltd in conducting training and rehabilitating of staff and employees , he emphasized the concept of scientific training , and notified the readiness of conducting extra training sessions. He also noted that Uinversity of Karary facilitated may obstacles hindering the Armed Forces , indicating that many qualified engineers will be terminated and transferred to the company. Finally he appreciated the company and the trainee students and wishes them good luck.
Brigadier Eng. Ahmed Awad the representative of the Dean of faculty of Engineering emphasized the concept of training and its association with the theoretical studying mentioned that, the university gives great concern to such programs and, appreciated the cooperation of Al Satie Company in such regards. Also affirms, the determination of the faculty to step forward
regarding scientific training which mixed between academic and scientific performance conducted in workshops theoretically and practically. And aspired trainees to do their best in advancing their skills that converted positively on the ground.
The brigadier also appreciated the efforts made by the company in maintenance represented by its expert Sirag Abbakar Mohamed towards trainees in the real situation , the appreciation also included Brigadier Al Tayeb Abdel Gader who facilitated all equipments for serving trainees and solved all burdens , thanking Al Satie Company for its sponsorship and their concern during the training period, advising trainees that training will continue to get their certificates and degrees.
The manger of human resource administration, Brigadier Al Tayeb also appreciated the cooperation University of Karary in conducting training sessions connected with mechanical engineering, mainly the sections that students got training in workshops of light and heavy duty vehicles maintenance. The trainees divided into groups and the duration of the training program lasted for a month. He finally emphasized that , the administration will proceeding such strategic plans to reach the prescribed goals.
Students trainee , Luaie Mohamed Saeed on behalf of his colleagues, stated that during the training period , they got considerable cooperation from the authority of Al Satie Company , and faced no difficulties , who finally appreciated their efforts , wishing the mechanical engineering faculty will conduct an extra comprehensive training programs in order to maximize the benefits for the whole students of engineering.
The faculty of engineering honored the manger of AL Satie Company General Abbas Taj El Sirr and other officers and trainers who participated in the program.