
Technology and Nursing Collages as well as Collage of Health Sciences celebrate the graduation


Technology and Nursing Collages as well as Collage of Health Sciences celebrate the graduation - (28/Jan/2019)

Technology and Nursing Collages as well as  Collage of Health Sciences celebrate the graduation of its technical students
Technology and Nursing Collages as well as  Collage of Health Sciences celebrate the graduation of its technical students , celebrated the graduation of the payments (27.28) technicians + (5) nursing + (4) surgical procedures.
Honorable Deputy Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff First Air Observer Staff / Essam Al-Din Mubarak Mubarak Habiballah and the Governors of Karary University
 .Time: Monday, January 28, 2019 (8: 00 am).
Also a ceremony held for the distribution of degrees in the same place and time