Karary University

The Department is focused on rehabilitating students in the field of designing and operating industrial operation and the chemical substances, during the tenure of studying the transit of substance, designing equipment’s, thermal transition, designing reactions and the operational processes as well as designing the industrial institutions.
The Department also includes, in addition to the chemical engineering for civil students, the field of production an\d analysis of blasting materials and ammunitions as distinguished
section like in any other universities for the military students.
The Department also offers petrochemical and the PhD program in felid of chemical engineering by courses, or conducting full research.
The Department also includes lab for blasting material and ammunitions, in addition to the single the following devices:
The Department of the chemical engineering for all levels of bachelor and Master as well as PhD for civilians and military students.

  • المقبولين للتجسير العام الدراسى 2019-2020
  • الامتحانات

كلية الهندسة الكيميائية :


الرقم الجامعى



نوع القبول



منتصر عمر محمد الحسن

الفرقة الثالثة

تم التجسير -بكالريوس