Karary University

Admission conditions of Pharmacy College

Admission conditions of Pharmacy College:

Sudan school certificate / scientific section or equivalent with success in the seven subjects qualifying student to admission

: Arabic language English language – Islamic education – Mathematics – physics – chemistry – Biology With 85 % success at least.

The university accepts civilian students of both sexes on special expenses according to the following conditions:

The following conditions must be filfilled by the applicant:

General Conditions:

1. The University shall comply with all regulations issued by the Ministry of Higher Education concerning the general admission of universities.

2. Success in the Sudanese certificate in the year in which student received admission.

3. Obtain the percentage eligible for admission to the college concerned.

4. All programs offered by the university are included in the Admissions and Education Admissions manual of the Ministry of Higher Education (http://daleel.admission.gov.sd), which is updated annually and also shows the percentages of the colleges in the given current year.

5. Admission and registration fees shall be determined annually for each faculty. For this year's(2018 - 2019) tuition fees, please follow the link below (http://daleel.admission.gov.sd/ahli_fees/Default.aspx)

6. The student can know the admission result by following the link (http://admission.gov.sd/index2017.html) after entering the application form number.

The University accepts students from all nationalities and in all colleges and programs through:

1. Agreements and protocols signed with fraternal and friendly countries.

2. Submission through the application site for foreign students and expatriates in the website of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.


3. Applicants must meet the higher education disciplinary and regulations as well as the university admission requirements.

General guidelines:

• Upon registration, a certificate of nationality (national civil number), secondary certificate, original birth certificate or (estimated age certificate) should be attached to the application, provided that it is not spent on extraction for less than three years and any other certificate and placed in order.

• Attach (4) recent photos of the student.

Any application that does not meet the required conditions will not be considered and dropped.

• The student's fail of the required information at the time of inspection or making false or misleading statements will resulted in the invalidity of the his registration and denial of university studies.

Additional conditions applicable to applicants to university faculties:

1) Pass the personal examination.

2) Adhere and comply with the university regulations and regulations

The submission time is often the result of the Sudanese certificate (June – July – August – September and October)