It was established in 2009th, in accordance of a plan including many sections like, English Arabic, Chinese, and Turkish languages. The school now started with English, Arabic, and Chinese language, soon later other sections will be activated
انشئت جامعة كرري كلية الاداب في العام 2018 وذلك بعد ترفيع مدرسة اللغات الي كلية. منذ ذلك الحين والكلية تضمن عدة اقسام تتصمن قسم اللغة الانجليزية ، قسم اللغة الصينية ، قسم اللغة التركية بالاضافة الي قسم الاعلام والعلاقات العامة.
It was established in 2009th, in accordance of a plan including many sections like, English Arabic, Chinese, and Turkish languages. The school now started with English, Arabic, and Chinese language, soon later other sections will be activated