جامعة كرري

 Name Nadir Kamal Salih Idries
 Nationality Sudanese
 Languages Arabic & English & Chinese
 Date of Birth 26- June -1975
 Sex Male
 Marital status Married, three children
 E-mail nadircom2003@yahoo.com; nadircom2006@gmail.com; nadirkamal@hit.edu.cn
 Current position Assistant professor
 Telephone 00966540950655---- 00249123331306

2010-2014, (Ph.D. in engineering, computer applied technology , from center research of Intelligent computing Enterprises and services ) Graduated in June 2014, School of computer Science and technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
 2005-2007, (M.Sc. in computer network), M.Sc in Computer Engineering and network Faculty of Engineering & Technology& Network, Graduated in September 2007,University of Gezira ,Sudan, CGPA:3. 1
 1996-2000, (B.Sc. in Computer Engineering), B.Sc (honors)Second Class Division One Faculty of Engineering of Electrical &computer in Computer Engineering , Graduated in November 2000, Karary of Academic & Technology ,Sudan CGPA : 3. 57

 CCNA Certificate from Sudan University
 Electronic Archive Certificate
 Data base Certificate using Oracle (SQL,PL/SQL,DEVELOPER)
 Data base Administrator from SQL INTERNATIONAL CAMPANY
 Matlab & Image Processing.
 Chinese language.
 Teaching Staff Performance Development

November 2001 till December 2003 November 2001 till December 2003 November 2001 till December 2003 November 2001 till December 2003 November 2001 till December 2003 November 2001 till December 2003 November 2001 till December 2003 November 2001 till December 2003 November 2001 till December 2003
 Engineer in Directorate of Information Systems
 Work Programmer in Computer Science Company
 Lecturer In Emam Elmehdi University
December 2003 till March 2007 December 2003 till March 2007 December 2003 till March 2007 December 2003 till March 2007 December 2003 till March 2007 December 2003 till March 2007 December 2003 till March 2007 December 2003 till March 2007
 Supervisor of Computer Center in Finance Directorate in Defense Ministry.
 Design, analysis and implementation of payroll system for Finance Directorate in Defense Ministry.
 Lecturer , Jordon Sudanese collage , Sudan
March 2007 March 2007 March 2007 till August 2010 till August 2010 till August 2010 till August 2010 till August

 Lecturer, Sudan University, Sudan.
 Lecturer, Karary University, Sudan. March 2007.
 Lecturer, Elrebat University, Sudan.
OctoberOctoberOctober 20 14 till till April 2018
 Assistant professor karary university
 Coordinator of department of computer systems and information technology, Nile College.
April 2018 till now April 2018 till now April 2018 till now April 2018 till now
 To proof Associate professor karary university.
 Dean of computer systems and information technology college, Nile university

1- Fundamental of computer network
2- System analysis
3- Oracle databases
4- Advanced Computer Network
5- Wireless Communication
6- Real Time System
7- Parallel processing
8- Microprocessor
9- Fundamental of Computer Architecture
10- Advanced Computer Architecture
11- Computer network
12- Computer Architecture
13- Computer Network Security
14- Network Management
15- Operating system
16- Object Oriented Programming
17- Multimedia.
18- Computer Graphic.
19- Fault Tolerance System.
20- Modeling Simulation
21- Algorithm and Data structure

1- Advance Operating System.
2- Software Security.
3- Distributed system

Journals Papers
[1] Nadir K Salih, Tianyi Zang. Variable service process for SaaS Application. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology. vol. 4, Issue 22, 2012, pp 4787-4790 EI
[2] Nadir K Salih, Tianyi Zang, Mingrui Sun. Multi-database in healthcare network. International Journal of Computer Science Issues, vol. 8, Issue6, No3, 2011, pp 210-214. EI (20123715432268).
[3] Nadir K Salih, Tianyi Zang, G.K. Viju, A Mohamed. Autonomic management for multi-agent system. IJCSI, vol. 8, Issue 5, No 1, pp 338-341, 2011. EI (20123415362715).
[4] Nadir K Salih, Tianyi Zang. Need of Autonomic Management SaaS Application. International Journal of Computer Science Issues , 2016.
[5] Nadir K Salih, Tianyi Zang. Survey and comparison for Open and closed sources in cloud Computing. International Journal of Computer Science Issues, vol. 9, Issue 3, No1, 2012, pp 118-123. EI (20122815240979).
[6] Eman.M-Fageer, Nadir K.Salih. Self-configuring Booking SaaS Application. Red Sea University Journal of Basic and Applied Science. Vol.2 Special Issue (3), 2017.
[7] Amin, Fatima M H, Nadir K.Salih. New Model to Achieve Software Quality Assurance in E-Learning Application. International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI); Mahebourg14.3 (May 2017): 65-69. [8] Eshtiag A Abd Elrhman, Nadir K Salih. Modeling Variation in SaaS Application. International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI).Volume15 Issue3Pages22-30.2018. [9]Salih NK,H.Elbashier , Zang T,Eshtiag A Abd Elrhman. Self-Diagnosis of Diabetes Using CBR Algorithm. Journal of Computer Science & Systems Biology. Volume11 Issue3 Pages 235-239.2018
Conferences Papers
[10] Nadir K Salih, Tianyi Zang. Variable service process by feature meta-model for SaaS Application. IEEE International Conference in Green and Ubiquitous Technology, IEEE, 2012, pp102 – 105. EI (20125015791678).
[11] Nadir K Salih, Tianyi Zang. Autonomic and cloud computing: Management Services for Healthcare. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA 2012) EI (20131816295185).
[12] Nadir K Salih, Tianyi Zang. Modeling and Self-Configuring SaaS Application. International conference on software engineering research and practice (SERP14), held in July 21-24 Las Vegas,USA.- 2014. (SCI).
[13] Nadir K Salih, Tianyi Zang. Autonomic Management for Applicability and Peformence in SaaS Model. International conference on parallel and distributed processing techniques and applications (PDPTA'14), held in July 21-24 Las Vegas,USA.- 2014.(SCI).
[14] Nadir K Salih, Tianyi Zang. Self-management SaaS Application by CBR Algorithm . International conference on parallel and distributed processing techniques and applications (PDPTA'14), held in July 21-24 Las Vegas,USA.- 2017.
[15] Nadir K Salih, Tianyi Zang. Implementation of Autonomic Management SaaS System . conference on software engineering research and practice (SERP14), held in July 21-24 Las Vegas,USA.- 2017.
[16] GK Viju, Nadir K Salih, Tianyi Zang. A novel approach to iris recognition for personal authentication. International Conference of Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics (ICCAIE), 2011 IEEE., IEEE, 2011, pp 350-354. EI (20121314902019).
[17] G.K.Viju, Nadir K.Salih. A secure multicast protocol for ownership rights. International Conference of Computing and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2012, pp 788-793.
[18] Sheima S. El-hwaij, Nadir K.Salih. Autonomic management by self-optimization for WEINMANN. IEEE, International Conference on Communication, Control, Computing and Electronics Engineering (ICCCCEE),2017.

SaaS(Software as a Service) is a software delivered through the internet. SaaS software model is opposed to the traditional software model, which is purchased and installed on personal computers. SaaS is growing exponentially and numerous enterprises of all sizes can generate major performance improvements and cost savings through its application. This kind of application is a far more attractive economic model than the perpetual license model. The goal of the autonomic management is to develop applications and systems to manage themselves based on high perspective guidance from humans. There have been many chanllenges to research and development of autonmic algorithms for the QoS improvement and evolution of the SaaS applicaionts.
In this thesis, the meta-model of SaaS applications is proposed for autonomic management and evolution. The meta-model addresses multiple layered structures of SaaS applications, from bottom to up, containing graphical databases, services, business processes, and user interfaces. The associations and dependencies of the layered constituents are described from different perspectives of providers, tenants, and users for SaaS applications.
In order to enable SaaS applications dynamically adaptive to the changes of requirements from the SaaS providers, tenants and users, the hierarchy applicability requirements for the services and the QoS management requirements of the SaaS application are formally defined and described by using the formal languages of Probabilistic Computation Tree Logic (PCTL) and Continuous Stochastic Logic (CSL). And the Discrete SaaS User-Tenant-Provider Model (DSUTP) and Continuous SaaS User-Tenant-Provider Model (CSUTP) are proposed for QoS analysis and evaluation of SaaS applications.
On the basis of the meta-model and models of SaaS applications, Autonomic Algorithm for QoS management of SaaS Applications (AAQS) is presented to improve the QoS of SaaS applications. The experimental verification and systematic analysis are conducted to evaluate the ability of dynamic detection and prediction of QoS violation in the SaaS application.
Autonomic Algorithm for Evolution SaaS Application (AAES) is proposed to enhance the evolution capability of SaaS applications. The meta-heuristic (MH) and SaaS Case Based Reasoning (SaaS CBR) methods are developed for the selection of a SaaS application based on the best practices cases. The experimental results shows the AAES algorithm can improves the performance of SaaS application by selecting suitable cases for the SaaS providers, tenants, and users.
Finally, by leveraging SaaS QoS management and evolution capability we proposed the Autonomic Algorithm for SaaS System Management (AASS) for autonomic management and evolution of the SaaS systems. The SaaSEHR, which is a SaaS based EHR system, is developed as the case study of the autonomic SaaS system. The prior and posteriori knowledge is used to enable SaaSEHR autonomic evolution. The experimental results show that AASS can promote the self-optimization and self-healing abilities of SaaS system by using suitable candidate services for SaaS tenants and users respectively. And the SaaS adaptability to changes of the environment and requirements are enhanced accordingly. Moreover, the performance of the SaaS system and the ability to control the SaaS services can be improved by sharing the workflow among SaaS tenants and users.

2011 IEEE Conference on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics ICCAIE
 2012 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Informatics (ISCI).
 2013 IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications ISBEIA
 2014 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research (CHUSER).
 2014 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference - Asia (ISGT ASIA)
 2015 Progress in Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering (PIAMSE).
 2015 Recent Advancement in Informatics, Electrical and Electronics Engineering International Conference (RAIEIC2015).
 2016 Advanced Research on Business, Management and Humanities (ARBUHUM2016).
 2016 International Conference on Information in Business and Technology .Management (I2BM).
 SOCSIC'2016
 ADIBUM'2016
 IEACon 2016
 ICEECC2016
 APACE 2016
 ITMAHUB'2016
 ITMAHUB'2016
 ITMAHUB'2016
 ICOBSS'2017I2BM'2017
 ABESS'2017
 ARBUHUM'2017
 2017IEEE, International Conference on Communication, Control, Computing and Electronics Engineering (ICCCCEE), 2017.
 ICoIESE 2017

Design and implement data base system for library.
 New idea for traffic light base on real system.
 Design network and optimization.
 Case Base Reasoning Algorithm for Optimization E- health Systems.
 Autonomic Management for Computer Network.
 Study of Systems Optimization Algorithms.
 Automatic Electronic Precision Target Scoring Systems
 Fault tolerance for software systems.
 Survey of internet of things technologies and project for healthcare services.
 Android application for efficiency and responsively mobile network connectivity
 Energy optimization using case base reasoning strategy.
 DNA database for detection and analysis