- Date of birth: 20/06/1969
- Nationality: Sudanese
- Family status: Married
- Contact Info: Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Karary UniversityOmdurman.
- E-mail yasir_eym@yahoo.com
- Occupation: Associate Prof.
- Language Skills: Arabic (native), English (fluent).
- PhD in Information Technology, 2010, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, MALAYSIA.
- MSc in Computer Engineering & Networks, University Of Gezira, 2003 (CGPA 3.72 / 4).
- B.Sc. Honors in Computer Engineering Technology, University Of Gezira, Jan 2001(CGPA 3.46 / 4).
- High School Certificate, March 1989, SUDAN.
- (April 2006 - 2008) Head of Communication and Networking Department, Directorate of Information Systems-Khartoum- SUDAN.
- (2002 - 2008) Part Time Lecturer, Upper Nile University, Khartoum
- (June 2006- 2008 ) Part Time Lecturer, Almanhal University Academy for Science, Khartoum North.
- (June 2006 - 2008) Part Time Lecturer, Sharq Al-Neel Technology Collage, Khartoum North.
- (2002-2008) Supervising final year projects for diploma students.
- (2008-2010) Teacher Assistance and Computer Labs Supervisor, Information Technology & Computer Sciences Department, University Teknologi PETRONAS; including:
- Tutoring undergraduate level subjects
- Conducting laboratories demonstration
- Invigilating test and exams session.
- (2011- ) Assistant Prof. Department of Computer Sciences, Karary University.
- (2012-) Partial contract in Future University
- (2011-) Supervising MSc students in the related areas.
- (2011-) Participating in MSc programs.
- (2011-) External examiner for BSc and MSc students.
- (2012-) Instructor for MSc courses, Alnilin University, Collage of Computer Science.
- (2012-) Instructor for MSc courses, Sudan University for Sciences and Technology, Collage of Computer Science.
- (2012-) Head of Directorate of Information Systems, Karary University.
- (2012-) International Computer Driving License ICDL manager, Karary University.
- (2012-) ICDL Quality Assurance.
- (2017-) Head of Statistics and Information Department – Karary University
Networking protocols, design, administration and security
- Mohamed, Y.A., Abdullah, A.B., Security mechanism for MANETs , Journal of Engineering and Sciences Technology (JESTEC), no. 2 vol. pp. 231-242, 2009.
- Abdelgadir Mohamed, Yasir Abdullah, Azween B, Immune Inspired Approach for Securing Wireless Ad hoc Networks, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS), no.(7) vol. 9, pp. 206-212, 2009.
- Yasir Abdelgadir Mohamed, I2MANET Security Logical Specification Framework, International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT), Vol.9, No. 6, November 2012.
- M. Ayaz, A. Abdullah, I. Faye, and Y. Batira, “An efficient Dynamic Addressing based routing protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks,” Computer Communications, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 475–486, 2012.
- Mohamed A. Aziz, Yasir. A. M,“A novel approach for data integrity protection in cloud ”International Journal of Computing Science and Information Technology 2017, Vol.5,07-12 ISSN: 2278-9669, January 2017 (http://ijcsit.org )
- Moaz Mahmoud, Y. A. Mohamed, “Design and Implementation for Piracy Protection Software ”Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)Vol-3, Issue-3, 2017 ISSN: 2454-1362, (http://www.onlinejournal.in )
- Alaa Abelrahhman, Yasir. A. Mohamed, “Image Quality Enhancement Using Fusions by Wavelet Transform and Laplacian Pyramid”, ”Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)Vol-3, Issue-3, 2017 ISSN: 2454-1362, (http://www.onlinejournal.in )
- Huda Adam Sirag Mekkia, Yasir Abdalgader Mohammedb, “The Impact of Coupling Signaling Protocols and Codecs Scheme in Achieving VoIP Quality”, American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS), ISSN (Print) 2313-4410, ISSN (Online) 2313-4402, June 2017, pp. 192-199.
- Tasneem Hassan Ali Hassan, Yasir. A. Mohamed, “Intrusion Detection System Based on Artificial Neural Networks ”International Journal of Computing Science and Information Technology 2017, Vol.5,07-12 ISSN: 2278-9669, January 2017 (Under publication process)
- Mohammed Elradi, Yasir Abdelgader Mohamed, “Artificial Neural Network Approach for Intrusion Detection”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, under publication (Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2018).
- Mohamed, Yasir Abdelgadir; Abdullah, Azween B Immune-inspired framework for securing hybrid MANET, IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications, K.L, Malaysia, pp. 301-306, 2009.
- Mohamed, Yasir Abdelgadir; Abdullah, Azween B., Securing Mobile Ad hoc Domain using Immune-Inspired Mechanism, IEEE TENCON 2009,Singapore, pp. 1-6.
- Abdelgadir Mohamed, Yasir Abdullah, Azween B., Immune Inspired Framework for Ad Hoc Networks Security, IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, 2009, Christchurch, pp. 297-302.
- Yasir Mohamed, Azween Abdullah, Immunology Inspired Framework for Securing MANETs , International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems, Malaysia, 2009.
- Abdelgadir Mohamed, Yasir Abdullah, Azween B, Novel Immune-based Framework for Securing Ad hoc Networks, ACM 25th Symposium On Applied Computing, Switzerland, pp. 1950-1957, 2010.
- Mohamed, Y.A., Abdullah, A.B., Security mechanism for MANETs , International Conference on Network Applications, Protocols and Services, UUM, Malaysia, 2008.
- Mohamed, Y.A.; Abdullah, A.B., Biologically-inspired Model for MANETs, International Symposium on High Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies, 2008. HONET 2008, Penang Malaysia, pp. 187 – 191, 2008.
- Mohamed, Y.A.; Abdullah, A.B., Biologically inspired architecture for securing hybrid mobile ad hoc networks, International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology, 2008( IIT 2008), UAE, pp.638-642, 2008.
- Abdelgadir, Yasir; Abdullah, Azween, A Bio-Inspired model for securing hybrid mobile ad hoc networks, International Symposium on Information Technology (ITSim 2008), Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA, pp. 1-6, 2008.
- Mohamed, Y.A.; Abdullah, A.B , Implementation of IDS with response for securing MANETs, IEEE International Symposium in Information Technology (ITSim 2010), Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA, pp. 660-665, 2010.
- Yasir A. Mohamed, Immune Inspired Security Approach for MANETs: A Case Study, Proceedings of The Fourth Global Conference On Power Control And Optimization. Aip Conference Proceedings, Volume 1337, Pp. 191-197 (ISI & Scopus indexed).
- Yasir A. Mohamed, “Biologically Inspired Protocol for Securing A class of Networks: Case Study”, The 13 International Arab Conference on Information Technology ACIT”12, DEC 2012 ISSN 1812-0857, pp.401-408.
- Yasir A. Mohamed,“A novel Mechanism for Securing Cloud Computing”, ACIT'2013 Proceedings (The International Arab Journal of Information Technology) http://acit2k.org/ACIT/2013Proceedings/68.pdf
- Eman Osman, yasir Mohamed , “Security in Virtual Private Networks: A review ”,ACIT'2013 Proceedings (The International Arab Journal of Information Technology).
- Fadul Ibrahim, Yasir A. Mohamed, “Authentication Enhancement Using Mobile-Based Application”, The International Arab Conference on Information Technology, pp. 1-8, December 2017.
- Mohamed Ali Ahmed and Yasir Abdelgader Mohamed, “Enhancing Intrusion Detection Using Statistical Functions’, accepted to be presented in ICCCEEE18, 14-16 August 2018, Corinthia Hotel, Khartoum- Sudan.
- Reem Abdelrahman Ahmed Farah, Yasir Abdelgadir Mohamed, “Adaptive Immune-Based System For Network Security”, accepted to be presented in ICCCEEE18, 14-16 August 2018, Corinthia Hotel, Khartoum- Sudan.
- Sawsan Elfatih Hussein Ibrahim, Yasser Abdelgader and Sally Dafaalla Awadalkarim Abualgasim A Model for Enhancing Nested Mobile Networks Performance”, accepted to be presented in ICCCEEE18, 14-16 August 2018, Corinthia Hotel, Khartoum- Sudan.
- Salma Abd Elnabi, Yasir Abd Elgadir and Marwa Mekki Enhancing Sudanese E-Services Performance by Designing a Reliable and Robust National Network”, accepted to be presented in ICCCEEE18, 14-16 August 2018, Corinthia Hotel, Khartoum- Sudan.
- Eman Hamza Abdallah Ahmed and Yasir Abdelgadir Mohamed, “Defense gainst Distributed Denial of Service Using IP Spoofing Detection”, accepted to be presented in ICCCEEE18, 14-16 August 2018, Corinthia Hotel, Khartoum- Sudan.
- Nadia Mustafa Mohamed Alhaj and Yasir Abdelgadir Mohamed, “An Enhancement of Data Encryption Standards Algorithm(DES)”, Denial of Service Using IP Spoofing Detection”, accepted to be presented in ICCCEEE18, 14-16 August 2018, Corinthia Hotel, Khartoum- Sudan.
- In queue for publication:
- Mohamed Jalal Eldin Mahmoud Elimairi and Yasir Abdelgadir Mohamed “Multi Factors Authentication Approach for Enhancing ATM Security”.
- Abdelmalik Yousif Abdallah and Yasir Abdelgadir Mohamed Design and Implementation of Android Security App Against Mobile Theft Using GPS and SMS.
- Ahmed M. O. A. Ashri, Yassir Abulgadir, Mohammed E. A. Kanona and Yassin Abulkarim Hamdalla Wavelet Neural Network Based Ground Target Classification in Forward Scattering Radar.
- Samar Abdelrazig, Yasir Abdelgader and Marwa Mekki , Convert the Motion Language for Deaf and Dumb to Sound using Artificial Neural Networks.
- Huda Osman Siraj, “The Impact of Coupling Signaling Protocols and Codecs Scheme in Achieving VoIP Quality”, M.Sc. in Computer Engineering and Network (University of Gezira), 2015.
- Sawsan Elfatih Hussein Ibrahim, “Improving nested mobile network performance”, M.Sc. in Computer Engineering and Network (University of Gezira), 2015.
- Amani Abdelrzag Mohammed Eldow, “Factors Impacting the Implementation of VoIP In Hybrid UMTS Network”, M.Sc. in Computer Engineering and Network, 2015.
- Moaz Mahmoud Adam Mahmoud, “Design and Implementation for Piracy Protection Software”, M.Sc. Network Security 2016.
- Alaa Abdelrahman, “Image Quality Enhancement Using Fusions by Wavelet Transform and Laplacian Pyramid Imperial”, M.Sc. in Telecommunication (Future University), 2016.
- Tasneem Hassan Ali Hassan, “Intrusion Detection System Based on Artificial Neural Networks”, M.Sc. in Telecommunication (Future University), 2016.
- Salma Ahmed Ibrahim, “Database Mirroring Approach for Availability and Disaster Recovery”, Computer Science, 2015.
- Mohamed Abdelaziz, “A novel approach for data integrity protection in cloud”, M.Sc. in Telecommunication (Future University), 2017.
- Abdelmalik Yousif Abdella Yagoub, “Design and Implementation of android Security App. Against Mobile Theft Using GPS and SMS”, 2017.
- Waleed Mustafa Babiker, “Network Activity Monitoring (NAMS) for Security Purpose.”, M.Sc. in Computer Science, Karary University, 2017.
- Safia Najih Nory Albadry, “Designing and Implementing a System to Contribute to Nutrition and Health”, Alnilin University, 2015.
- Romaisa Ibrahim Alnaji Babiker, Classifying mammorgram image using neural network and k-Nearest Neighbors, M.Sc. in Computer Computer Science (University of Gezira), 2016.
- Mai Shamaoun Ibrahim Shamaoun, “Classifying mammorgram image using neural network and k-Nearest Neighbors”, M.Sc. in Computer Computer Science (University of Gezira), 2016.
- Eman Osman AwadElkareem, “Designing an Expert System for Computer Faults Evaluation and Troubleshooting”, M.Sc. in Computer Computer Science (University of Gezira), 2016.
- Mohammed Osman Mohammed Taha, “Electronically Managing the Educational Process and its Impact in Solving the Problems of Traditional Education”, M.Sc. in Computer Computer Science (University of Gezira), 2016.
- Elhaj Alsaied Mohamed Ali, “Optimizing Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks using Clustering Algorithm”, M.Sc. in Computer Computer Science (University of Gezira), 2015.
- Reem Abdelrahman Ahmed Farah, Adaptive Immune-Based System For Network Security,
- Mohamed Hashim Kanzi, An Approach for Preventing Hypervisor’s ARP Spoofing Attack, M.Sc. in Communications and Networking, Future University, 2018.
- Nadia Mustafa Mohamed, Enhancing Data Encryption Standard algorithm keys , University of Gezira, 2018.
- Ahmed M. O. A. Ashri, Wavelet Neural Network Based Ground Target Classification In Forward Scattering Radar, M.Sc. in Computer Science (University of Gezira), 2018.
- Mohamed Jalal Eldin Mahmoud Elimairi, “Multi Factors Authentication Approach for Enhancing ATM Security” M.Sc. in Communications and Networking, Future University, 2018.
- Mohamed Ali Ahmed, “Enhancing Intrusion Detection Using Statistical Functions”, M.Sc. in Communications and Networking, Future University, 2018.
- Mohammed Elradi Ali Omer, “Artificial Neural Network Approach for Intrusion Detection”, M.Sc. in Communications and Networking, Future University, 2018.
- Samar Abdelrazig, Converting the Motion Language for Deaf and Dumb to Sound using Artificial Neural Networks”, M.Sc. in Computer Science, Alnilin University, 2018.
- Salma Abd Elnabi, Enhancing Sudanese E-Services Performance by Designing a Reliable and Robust National Network, M.Sc. in Computer Science, Alnilin University, 2018.
- Eman Hamza Abdallah Ahmed, Defense against Distributed Denial of Service Using IP Spoofing Detection, M.Sc. in Communications and Networking, Future University, 2018.
- Maab Mamoun Elyas Mohamed Ahmed, “Maintaining Power Consumption in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)”, M.Sc. in Communications and Networking, Future University, 2018.
- Advance networking course, APTECH, New Delhi, INDIA, 2006.
- Cisco Certified Network Associate Workshop, Info park institute, New Delhi, INDIA, 2006.
- Latex training, UTP, MALAYSIA, march 2010.
- Mat lab training, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, May 2010.
- Advanced International Computer Driving License (Expert ICDL), Jordan, Dec 2011.
- ICDL project planning course, 2016
- Certified Training professional, Rabat- Morocco, Jordan, 2017.
ITEX '10 - International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition
- Networking consultant, DIS, Khartoum, SUDAN.
- Oct 2008- Aug 2010: Research officer, Research Enterprise Office, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS.
- Got ITEX Bronze Medal for the invention “Mobile Kiwi” in 21st International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition ITEX 2010, K.L Malaysia
- Got a Filing number for patenting a protocol for securing MANETs.
- OPNET and NS2 workshop, UUM, Alor star, MALAYSIA, 2008
- NS2 workshop, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA, 2010.
Some taught courses
- Digital circuits’ analysis.
- C++ for programming.
- Digital System design.
- Data communication.
- Computer Networks.
- Microprocessors design.
- Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Engineering Electronics.
- Introduction to Computer Sciences.
- Artificial Neural Networks.
- Artificial Intelligence.
- Internet Techniques.
- Networks Programming.
- Advanced Computer Networks.
- Network Security.
- Operating Systems.