جامعة كرري

Name                :   Abdelghaffar Awad Medani Ali

Date of Birth     :   01. 01. 1948

Place of Birth   :   Berber, Sudan

Sex                  :  Male

Marital Status  : married (Three boys ; 23, 27, 32 years – Three girls ; all have been married)

Religious         :  Muslim

Nationality       :  Sudanese

Language        :  Arabic and  English

Email                 : Ahmed. a. Alghaffar@gmail.com

Address            : Department of Chemistry , Karary University,

B.SC. Honor Degree (second class division one) in chemistry, Faculty of science,   U. of K. (1980)

M.Sc. in analytical chemistry , Faculty of science, U. of K. (1982)

Ph.D. in analytical chemistry , Faculty of science, U. of K. (1985)

Associate Professor , U. of O.I. (1997)

  • Lecturer for practical chemistry, U. of K. , sudan (1980 - 1985)
  • Assistant professor : Atbara Educational College , sudan (1985 - 1990)
  • Assistant professor : Omdurman Islamic University , sudan (1990 – 1994 ;  1996 - 1997)
  • Assistant professor : Elgabel Elgarbi University , Lybia (1994 - 1996)
  • Associate professor : Karary University , sudan (1998 – until now)

1- Head department of basic science , Atbara college (1985 - 1990)

2- Head of examination department , Omdurman Islamic University (1990 – 1997)

3- Member of examination council , Faculty of science , Elgabal Elgarbi University , Lybia (1994 - 1996)

4- Head department of chemical Engineering , Karary University (1997 - 2006)

5- Head of social affairs for all lecturers in Karary University (408 members), (from 2006 – until now)

6- Revision of the chemistry book for third year , secondary schools (2002)

1- Almawred in chemistry for secondary schools (500000 copies)

2- Almawred in light and thermodynamics (200000 copies)

3- Heat and Electricity for secondary schools (200000 copies)

4- Metals and nonmetals for secondary schools (200000 copies)

5- General chemistry for preliminary year students (500 copies yearly)

6- Analytical chemistry for preliminary year students (500 copies yearly)

7- Radiochemistry for preliminary year students (500 copies yearly)

8- Organic chemistry for preliminary year students (500 copies yearly)

9- Practical chemistry for preliminary year students (700 copies yearly)

10- Table for Quality control for chemical engineering students (100 copies yearly)

Metal extractive properties of hydroxamic acids mixtures Derived from sesame oil and cotton – seed oil .

S. B. salama ; H. A.Aziz and A. A.Medani

(International jour. Chem. Vol. 1, No. 4 (1990), Page189-192)


المناهج و طرق التدريس _ الطالب : صلاح الدين بابكر حسن  _ جامعة امدرمان الإسلامية (1991 - 1994)


تأثير و تقويم طريقتي التدريس التقليدية و حل المشكلات على التحصيل الدراسي في مادة الاحياء  _   الطالب :  محمد فائز محمد عادل _  جامعة ادرمان الإسلامية (1992 -  1994)

Two Ph.D. and Three M.Sc.

المقررات الدراسية:

# عنوان المقرر إسم المحاضرة الكلية / التخصص الملف حجم الملف نوع الملف
1 Organic Chemistry كلية الهندسة تحميل 0 KB pdf
2 Basic Radio-chemistry For Preliminary year students كلية الهندسة تحميل 0 KB pdf
3 Basic Analytically Chemistry For Preliminary year students كلية الهندسة تحميل 0 KB pdf
4 General chemistry for preliminary year students كلية الهندسة تحميل 0 KB pdf