1 Introduction
The petroleum industry in its design, operation, development, sales, etc has become the largest employer of chemical engineering. This has been practically true recently because the simple separation methods of the earlier years have been generally replaced by advanced complicated technological operations involving numerous unit physical operations and chemical conversions, or unit chemical processes of large size. In Sudan the discovery of petroleum has paved the way for the growth of an important economic industry.
Petrochemicals fundamentally and economically are many basic chemical raw materials to be further chemically converted into essential products, such as fertilizers, plastics, agrichemicals. The birth of petrochemicals has greatly stimulated research in modern chemical engineering.
The rapid growth of petroleum production in Sudan has attracted the attention of some big companies to invest in the field of petrochemicals in terms of joint- ventures. This necessitates the presence of qualified chemical engineers in the field of chemical and petroleum technology.
1-1-2 Introduction
Chemical engineers in advanced petrochemical industry are required to cope with the rapid growth in the field of petroleum refining and petrochemicals in Sudan. Moreover, a qualified caliber of chemical engineering in this field is urgently required to replace the foreign experts joint- venture agreements.
-B. Sc. In chemical engineering.
-B. Sc. In chemical Technology.
-B. Sc. (4 years) in Applied chemistry plus one year qualifying in the same field .